ShokhrukhbekYuldoshev / Flutter-Clean-Architecture-Template

This is a Flutter project that uses clean architecture, dependency injection with GetIt, and functional programming with Dartz. The state management is handled with BLoC pattern.

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Flutter Clean Architecture Template

This is a Flutter project that uses clean architecture, dependency injection with GetIt, and functional programming with Dartz. The state management is handled with BLoC pattern.

Project Structure

The project is structured as follows:

  • lib: contains the main source code of the project.

    • main.dart: the entry point of the application. It sets up the dependency injection, the localization, the theme, and the routes of the application.

    • app.dart: the main widget of the application. It contains the MainApp widget that displays the UI of the application.

    • core: contains the core functionality of the application.

      • constants: contains the constants of the application.

        • assets.dart: contains the assets of the application.
      • di/injector.dart: contains the Injector class that sets up the dependency injection with GetIt.

      • errors/failures.dart: contains the Failure class hierarchy that represents the possible failures in the

      • extensions: contains the extensions of the application. - string_extensions: contains the StringExtensions extension that provides string manipulation methods. application.

      • network:

        • network_info.dart: contains the NetworkInfo class that checks the network connectivity of the application.
      • router/app_router.dart: contains the AppRouter class that defines the routes of the application.

      • themes: contains the themes of the application.

        • app_theme.dart: contains the AppTheme class that defines the theme of the application.
      • utils: contains the utility classes of the application.

        • input_converter.dart: contains the InputConverter class that converts the input of the application.
    • features: contains the features of the application.

      • feature_a: an example feature.
        • presentation: contains the presentation layer of the feature.
          • blocs: contains the FeatureABloc class that handles the state management of the feature.
          • screens: contains the FeatureAScreen class that displays the UI of the feature.
          • widgets: contains the FeatureAWidget class that displays a widget of the feature.
        • domain: contains the domain layer of the feature.
          • entities: contains the FeatureAEntity class that represents the entity of the feature.
          • repositories: contains the FeatureARepository interface that defines the methods for accessing the data of the feature.
          • usecases: contains the FeatureAUsecase class that defines the business logic of the feature.
        • data: contains the data layer of the feature.
          • models: contains the FeatureAModel class that represents the model of the feature.
          • datasources: contains the FeatureADatasource interface that defines the methods for accessing the data source of the feature.
          • repositories: contains the FeatureARepositoryImpl class that implements the FeatureARepository interface.
      • feature_b: another example feature.
        • ... (similar structure to feature_a)
  • test: contains the tests of the application.

  • pubspec.yaml: the configuration file of the application.

Getting Started

To get started with the project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Run dart pub get to install the dependencies.
  3. Run the application with flutter run.


This is a Flutter project that uses clean architecture, dependency injection with GetIt, and functional programming with Dartz. The state management is handled with BLoC pattern.



Language:C++ 42.8%Language:CMake 34.6%Language:Dart 11.7%Language:HTML 4.3%Language:Swift 3.6%Language:C 2.6%Language:Kotlin 0.3%Language:Objective-C 0.1%