Shobhs13 / Resume-Ranking

Automatic system to rank resume's based on Job Description

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Extract the text from resume formats like docx,doc,rtf,txt and pdf

  1. We are extracting experience from
  2. Extract Emal, Phone no from file.
  3. Extract Skills and non technical skills from file.
  4. Run from CMD as it is an web app built on Flask Framework of Python.

We are giving weightage to each resume in 4 ways as mentioned below:

  1. 40% weightage to Experience matching of Resume to JD
  2. 40% Weightage of Skill in Resume to JD matching
  3. 15% weightage of JD to Resume matching using Cosine Distance
  4. 5% weightage of Non-Technical skill matching of Resume to JD

All above weightages can be easily changed from the coding. We can also seperately create a config file to make it more flexible.


Automatic system to rank resume's based on Job Description


Language:Python 53.3%Language:TeX 28.4%Language:HTML 17.6%Language:CSS 0.7%