Extract the text from resume formats like docx,doc,rtf,txt and pdf
- We are extracting experience from extract_exp.py.
- Extract Emal, Phone no from ExtractEntities.py file.
- Extract Skills and non technical skills from getCategory.py file.
- Run app.py from CMD as it is an web app built on Flask Framework of Python.
We are giving weightage to each resume in 4 ways as mentioned below:
- 40% weightage to Experience matching of Resume to JD
- 40% Weightage of Skill in Resume to JD matching
- 15% weightage of JD to Resume matching using Cosine Distance
- 5% weightage of Non-Technical skill matching of Resume to JD
All above weightages can be easily changed from the coding. We can also seperately create a config file to make it more flexible.