ShixiongQi / UCR-eBPF

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


1. Start up a node on Cloudlab

  • When starting a new experiment on Cloudlab, select the small-lan profile
  • In the profile parameterization page,
    • Set Number of Nodes as 1
    • Set OS image as Ubuntu 20.04
    • Set physical node type as xl170
    • Please check Temp Filesystem Max Space
    • Keep Temporary Filesystem Mount Point as default (/mydata)

2. Extend the disk

Assume the temporary filesystem mount point is default (/mydata), please run

sudo chown -R $(id -u):$(id -g) /mydata
cd /mydata
git clone
cd /mydata/UCR-eBPF/
git checkout test

3. Update the system(both kernel and distribution)

Update the system using the script in the folder /mydata/UCR-eBPF/:

cd /mydata/UCR-eBPF/
  • If there is an option, you can choose to use the maintainer's version.
  • After the update, please reboot the machine using sudo reboot.
  • After reboot, run the following command:
sudo apt-get autoremove
sudo apt-get clean
  • Check the distribution and kernel version
lsb_release -a
uname -r

4. Install bpf library

After reboot, run the following command to install bpf library.

cd /mydata/UCR-eBPF/

5. Setup veth pair

Please run the folowing command to setup veth pair.

cd /mydata/UCR-eBPF/test/knative/
  • You can use ip a to check the result. There should be interfaces named "test" and "test1".

6. Compile the binaries [Optional]

Please run the following command to build all the binaries for the test.

cd /mydata/UCR-eBPF/test/xsk_bounce/

7. Run the test

  • Prepare the test
cd /mydata/UCR-eBPF/test/xsk_bounce/
cp bounce_kern.o bounce rx_kern.o manager client ../knative/
sudo apt-get install golang-go
  • Running the test. Please open 5 terminals and run the following commands.
    • Terminal 1
      cd /mydata/UCR-eBPF/test/knative/
      sudo ./bounce test1
    • Terminal 2
      cd /mydata/UCR-eBPF/test/knative/
      sudo ./manager test
    • Terminal 3
      cd /mydata/UCR-eBPF/test/knative/
      sudo ./client test recv 1 --last
    • Terminal 4
      cd /mydata/UCR-eBPF/test/knative/
      sudo go run ./helloworld.go
    • Terminal 5
      cd /mydata/UCR-eBPF/test/knative/
      curl http://localhost:8080
      You can run watch -n 1 curl http://localhost:8080 in terminal 5 for continually testing.
