Shivanshu-Gupta / cs253-analysis-of-programming-languages-uci

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CS253: Analysis of Programming Languages Assignments

Week 1

cd Week1

To run code: scala Main.scala ../pride-and-prejudice.txt

  • This will print the top 25 most freqeuent words along with their frequencies.

Week 2

cd Week2

To run exercise 5: scala Five.scala ../pride-and-prejudice.txt

To run exercise 6: scala Six.scala ../pride-and-prejudice.txt

To run exercise 7: scala Seven.scala ../pride-and-prejudice.txt

  • All will print the top 25 most freqeuent words along with their frequencies.

Week 3

cd Week3

To run exercise 8: python ../pride-and-prejudice.txt

To run exercise 9: scala Nine.scala ../pride-and-prejudice.txt

To run exercise 10: scala Ten.scala ../pride-and-prejudice.txt

  • All will print the top 25 most freqeuent words along with their frequencies.

Week 4

cd Week4

To run exercise 12: scala Twelve.scala ../pride-and-prejudice.txt

To run exercise 13: scala Thirteen.scala ../pride-and-prejudice.txt

To run exercise 15: scala Fifteen.scala ../pride-and-prejudice.txt

  • All will print the top 25 most freqeuent words along with their frequencies.
  • Ex. 15 (Fifteen.scala) will also print #words containing z.

Week 5

cd Week5

To run exercise 17: java ../pride-and-prejudice.txt

To run exercise 20:

cd Twenty

cd framework
javac -cp json-simple-1.1.jar *.java
jar -xf json-simple-1.1.jar
jar cfm framework.jar *.class org
rm -rf *.class META-INF org
cd ..

cd app1
javac -cp ../framework/framework.jar *.java
jar cf app1.jar *.class
rm *.class
cd ..

cd app2
javac -cp ../framework/framework.jar *.java
jar cf app2.jar *.class
rm *.class
cd ..

cd deploy
cp ../framework/framework.jar ../app1/app1.jar ../app2/app2.jar .
java -jar framework.jar ../../../pride-and-prejudice.txt
cd ..

Week 6

cd Week6

To run exercise 29: scala TwentyNine.scala ../pride-and-prejudice.txt

To run exercise 30: scala Thirty.scala ../pride-and-prejudice.txt

To run exercise 32: scala ThirtyTwo.scala ../pride-and-prejudice.txt

  • All will print the top 25 most freqeuent words along with their frequencies.

Week 7

cd Week7

To run exercise 27: scala TwentySeven.scala ../pride-and-prejudice.txt

To run exercise 28: scala TwentyEight.scala ../pride-and-prejudice.txt

Week 8

cd Week8

To run exercise 3: python ../pride-and-prejudice.txt



Language:Scala 61.7%Language:Java 27.1%Language:Python 11.2%