This Note taking and Reminders management is made up on top of MERN Stack. It Supports both web and mobile. The main objective of the project is to manage and remind the tedious works of users. It helps to plan tasks in organized way. It can be free, secure and reliable for storing important information.
- React Js
- Node JS, Express JS
- MongoDB
- Sign up
- Login
- OTP verification
- Can see and edit the profile details
- Can Add, Edit and Delete Notes
- Can Add Reminders at a particular time
- Receives personal message as a reminder to registered phone number
- Can Edit and Delete Reminders
- Can Add to-do lists like shopping lists and mark completed items
- Can Edit and Delete to-do lists
- Logout
- Automatic logout on token expiration
- Shows warning on no Internet Connection
- Backend developed using Node JS,Express JS and deployed to Heroku and for database used mongoDB Atlas cloud service
- Frontend developed using ReactJS and deployed to Netlify platform.
- Documentation link:
- Laya Mandugula
- Rama Lakshmi Pasupuleti
- Shivani Ganimukkula