Shishir435 / AppointCraft

A fitness trainer appointment management application

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Grid View Table View

Table of Contents


Welcome to the Fitness Trainer Appointment Scheduling Website! This web application is designed to empower fitness trainers with a streamlined and efficient platform for managing client appointments. With a modern and user-friendly interface, my goal is to provide trainers with the tools they need to effortlessly handle appointment scheduling, client details, and even offer a bonus calendar feature for enhanced organization.

Technology Stack

  • I have used Vite-react, Typescript.
  • For state management Redux Tookit.
  • For routing React Router Dom
  • For UI Shadcn UI and Tailwind Css


  1. Clone this repository
   cd AppointCraft
  1. Install Dependencies
   npm install
  1. Run Project
   npm run dev

User Interface


  • Designed a modern and responsive user interface using shadcn Ui and Tailwindcss.
  • Trainer can toggle grid and table view by clinking on respective buttons
  • Added a paginatin to show few appointments

Grid Layout

  • Created a clean and intuitive grid layout where each row corresponds to a different client.

Table Layout

  • Created a clean and intuitive Table layout where each row corresponds to a different client.

Client Details

Add client dialog

  • Edit First Name: The application offers an intuitive and seamless interface for trainers to update first names within the cell, providing flexibility and ease in managing client information.

  • Edit Last Name: Utilize a user-friendly, inline editable field to update the last names of clients.

  • Edit Location: Allow trainers to customize and edit client locations directly within the application.

  • Manage Appointments: Streamline the scheduling process by displaying and allowing the addition of multiple appointment date-times for each client. This feature empowers trainers to efficiently schedule, view, and update appointments, enhancing the overall appointment management experience. It is tailored to accommodate the dynamic scheduling needs of fitness trainers and their clients.

Adding Appointments

Add Appointment

Initiating Appointment Creation

  • Implemented an intuitive mechanism for the fitness trainer to add new appointments for clients.
  • Included a clearly labeled button or icon within each client's row to initiate the appointment creation process.

Date and Time Picker

  • When adding appointments, used a date and time picker to select the date and time of the appointment.

date date

Editing Appointments

Developed A highly reusable component to impelment inline edit withing the cell row and same component can be used to edit firstName, lastName, location, date and time. Just double click on the field you want to edit.

Editing Existing Appointments

  • Allow the fitness trainer to easily edit existing appointments for clients.
  • Provided a way to edit both the date and time of existing appointments.

Inline Client Information Editing

  • Implemented the ability to edit client information (First Name, Last Name, and Location) inline within the grid.

Inline edit

Deleting Appointments

Deletion Method

  • Developed a straightforward method to delete individual appointments for clients.

Confirmation Step

  • Implemented a confirmation alert dialog using shadcn alert dialog to prevent accidental deletions.

Delte Alert

Appointments Field

Display Format

  • The "Appointments" field is displaying all scheduled date-times for each client.
  • In case of multiple appointments for a client, it will display them in a clear and organized manner within this field.

User-Friendly Experience

For this I have used React-hot-toast Library

Error Messages and Notifications

  • Enhanced the user experience with informative error messages and notifications for successful actions (e.g., appointment added, edited, or deleted).



  • Made sure that the interface provide a feedback to the trainer on the outcome of their actions.

Calendar Page (Bonus Assignment)

I used React-big-calendar to this bonus part


  • Created a calendar page for fitness trainers, allowing them to conveniently view their scheduled appointments.
  • The calendar page should become visible to the user when they click the "Calendar" button on the initial page.

Appointment Display

  • Each appointment entry on the calendar display the client's name for easy reference and on clicking a model will open with details of appint,emt along with a button to delete the appointment.

Appointment Display

  • On Cliking an appointment a dialog will be displayed with the following information

Appointment Detail on calendar page

Search Feature

Search by firstName, lastName and location

  • Train can search client by their names and location

Search Functionality

Thank You

Expanding the ESLint configuration

If you are developing a production application, we recommend updating the configuration to enable type aware lint rules:

  • Configure the top-level parserOptions property like this:
export default {
  // other rules...
  parserOptions: {
    ecmaVersion: 'latest',
    sourceType: 'module',
    project: ['./tsconfig.json', './tsconfig.node.json'],
    tsconfigRootDir: __dirname,
  • Replace plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended to plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended-type-checked or plugin:@typescript-eslint/strict-type-checked
  • Optionally add plugin:@typescript-eslint/stylistic-type-checked
  • Install eslint-plugin-react and add plugin:react/recommended & plugin:react/jsx-runtime to the extends list


A fitness trainer appointment management application


Language:TypeScript 95.3%Language:JavaScript 2.6%Language:CSS 1.6%Language:HTML 0.6%