Shimingli / RxJava2-Android-Samples


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  • 最近工作不那么忙,计划重新搭建一个MVP架构!基于Rxjava2-Rxandroid首先掌握RxJava2的使用的方式!

  • 此文章是根据老外amitshekhariitbhuRxJava2-Android-SamplesDemo 改装而成,是个翻译版本,足够应付对RxJava2的全部姿势!

  • GitHub地址: RxJava2-Android-Samples

    • Map - >通过对每个项应用函数来变换Observable发出的项
    • Zip - >通过指定的函数将多个Observable的排放组合在一起,并根据此函数的结果为每个组合发出单个项目
    • Filter - >仅发出通过谓词测试的Observable中的那些项
    • FlatMap - >将Observable发出的项目转换为Observables,然后将这些项目的排放量变为单个Observable
    • Take - >仅发出Observable发出的前n项
    • Reduce - >按顺序将一个函数应用于Observable发出的每个项目,并发出最终值
    • Skip - >抑制Observable发出的前n项
    • Buffer - >定期将Observable发出的项目收集到bundle中并发出这些bundle而不是一次发送一个项目
    • Concat - >从两个或多个Observable发射发射而不交错
    • Replay - >确保所有观察者看到相同的发射物品序列,即使他们在Observable开始发射物品后订阅
    • Merge - >通过合并它们的排放将多个Observable组合成一个
    • SwitchMap - >将Observable发出的项目变换为Observables,并镜像最近转换的Observable发出的项目


  • 1、 简单的一个顺序执行的Demo
     * 一个一个地发出两个值的简单例子
    private void doSomeWork() {
                // 在后台线程上运行
                // 在主线程上被通知

    private Observable<String> getObservable() {
        return Observable.just("1", "2","3","4","5","6");
  • d.dispose(); todo 如果这个方法放开的话,就不会往下面走了
 private Observer<String> getObserver() {
        return new Observer<String>() {
             *同步(从{{Link Lang-OnNeXT(object)})和异步方式。
            public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) {
                Log.d(TAG, " onSubscribe : " + d.isDisposed());
                //d.dispose();  todo 如果这个方法放开的话,就不会往下面走了


            public void onNext(String value) {
                Log.d(TAG, " onNext : value : " + value);

            public void onError(Throwable e) {
                Log.d(TAG, " onError : " + e.getMessage());

            public void onComplete() {
                Log.d(TAG, " onComplete");
  • 输出结果
11-30 10:03:17.883 16586-16586/ D/SimpleExampleActivity:  onSubscribe : false
11-30 10:03:17.923 16586-16586/ D/SimpleExampleActivity:  onNext : value : 1
11-30 10:03:17.931 16586-16586/ D/SimpleExampleActivity:  onNext : value : 2
11-30 10:03:17.938 16586-16586/ D/SimpleExampleActivity:  onNext : value : 3
11-30 10:03:17.944 16586-16586/ D/SimpleExampleActivity:  onNext : value : 4
11-30 10:03:17.950 16586-16586/ D/SimpleExampleActivity:  onNext : value : 5
11-30 10:03:17.955 16586-16586/ D/SimpleExampleActivity:  onNext : value : 6
11-30 10:03:17.961 16586-16586/ D/SimpleExampleActivity:  onComplete
  • 2、通过map运算符 处理网咯请求的Demo,就比如说我去网络上请求个ApiUser回来,然后转化成我想要的User
  private void doSomeWork() {
                // Run on a background thread
                // Be notified on the main thread
                .map(new Function<List<ApiUser>, List<User>>() {
                    public List<User> apply(List<ApiUser> apiUsers) {
                        return Utils.convertApiUserListToUserList(apiUsers);

    private Observable<List<ApiUser>> getObservable() {
        return Observable.create(new ObservableOnSubscribe<List<ApiUser>>() {
            public void subscribe(ObservableEmitter<List<ApiUser>> e) {
                if (!e.isDisposed()) {
                    // List<ApiUser> 得到这个 对象

  • 处理得到的 List<User>

  //处理得到的 List<User>
    private Observer<List<User>> getObserver() {
        return new Observer<List<User>>() {

            public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) {
                Log.d(TAG, " onSubscribe : " + d.isDisposed());

            public void onNext(List<User> userList) {
                Log.d(TAG, " onNext : " + userList.size());

            public void onError(Throwable e) {
                Log.d(TAG, " onError : " + e.getMessage());

            public void onComplete() {
                Log.d(TAG, " onComplete");
  • 输出结果
11-30 10:22:26.566 16586-16586/ D/MapExampleActivity:  onSubscribe : false
11-30 10:22:26.619 16586-16586/ D/MapExampleActivity:  onNext : 3
11-30 10:22:26.624 16586-16586/ D/MapExampleActivity:  onComplete

  • 3、两个复杂的操作放到子线程中去,然后在主线程中去处理 两队球迷的问题 zip
  • 获取数据源
  private Observable<List<User>> getCricketFansObservable() {
        return Observable.create(new ObservableOnSubscribe<List<User>>() {
            public void subscribe(ObservableEmitter<List<User>> e) {
                if (!e.isDisposed()) {

    private Observable<List<User>> getFootballFansObservable() {
        return Observable.create(new ObservableOnSubscribe<List<User>>() {
            public void subscribe(ObservableEmitter<List<User>> e) {
                if (!e.isDisposed()) {
  • 处理
  private void doSomeWork() {
        // 获取喜欢足球名单的人员   获取板球球迷的名单, getFootballFansObservable(),
                // 有点kotlin的啊 第一个对应的是沙面位置的第一个,最后是期望
                new BiFunction<List<User>, List<User>, List<User>>() {
                    public List<User> apply(List<User> cricketFans, List<User> footballFans) {
                        return Utils.filterUserWhoLovesBoth(cricketFans, footballFans);
                // Run on a background thread
                // Be notified on the main thread
  • 结果监听
  private Observer<List<User>> getObserver() {
        return new Observer<List<User>>() {

            public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) {
                Log.d(TAG, " onSubscribe : " + d.isDisposed());

            public void onNext(List<User> userList) {
                textView.append(" onNext");
                for (User user : userList) {
                    textView.append(" firstname : " + user.firstname);
                Log.d(TAG, " onNext : " + userList.size());

            public void onError(Throwable e) {
                textView.append(" onError : " + e.getMessage());
                Log.d(TAG, " onError : " + e.getMessage());

            public void onComplete() {
                textView.append(" onComplete");
                Log.d(TAG, " onComplete");
  • 输出,过程就是找出两个类的共性,然后放到主线程操作它的结果
11-30 10:28:16.326 16586-16586/ D/ZipExampleActivity:  onSubscribe : false
11-30 10:28:16.353 16586-16586/ D/ZipExampleActivity:  onNext : 1
11-30 10:28:16.358 16586-16586/ D/ZipExampleActivity:  onComplete
  • 4、对一些耗时操作的问题,可以使用使用容器 Disposable ,在活动被破坏后不要发送事件
    private final CompositeDisposable disposables = new CompositeDisposable();
    protected void onDestroy() {
        disposables.clear(); // do not send event after activity has been destroyed
                // Run on a background thread
                // Be notified on the main thread
                .subscribeWith(new DisposableObserver<String>() {
                    public void onComplete() {
                        textView.append(" onComplete");
                        Log.d(TAG, " onComplete");

                    public void onError(Throwable e) {
                        textView.append(" onError : " + e.getMessage());
                        Log.d(TAG, " onError : " + e.getMessage());

                    public void onNext(String value) {
                        textView.append(" onNext : value : " + value);
                        Log.d(TAG, " onNext value : " + value);

  • sampleObservable

 static Observable<String> sampleObservable() {
        return Observable.defer(new Callable<ObservableSource<? extends String>>() {
            public ObservableSource<? extends String> call() {
                // Do some long running operation
                // 做一些长时间运行的操作
                return Observable.just("one", "two", "three", "four", "five");
  • 输出结果
11-30 10:32:47.735 16586-16586/ D/DisposableExampleActivity:  onNext value : one
11-30 10:32:47.748 16586-16586/ D/DisposableExampleActivity:  onNext value : two
11-30 10:32:47.755 16586-16586/ D/DisposableExampleActivity:  onNext value : three
11-30 10:32:47.762 16586-16586/ D/DisposableExampleActivity:  onNext value : four
11-30 10:32:47.770 16586-16586/ D/DisposableExampleActivity:  onNext value : five
11-30 10:32:47.775 16586-16586/ D/DisposableExampleActivity:  onComplete
  • 5、使用取算符,它只发出所需数量的值。这里只有5个中的3个
    private void doSomeWork() {
                // Run on a background thread
                // Be notified on the main thread

    private Observable<Integer> getObservable() {
        return Observable.just(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
  • 监听
 private Observer<Integer> getObserver() {
        return new Observer<Integer>() {

            public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) {
                Log.d(TAG, " onSubscribe : " + d.isDisposed());

            public void onNext(Integer value) {
                textView.append(" onNext : value : " + value);
                Log.d(TAG, " onNext value : " + value);

            public void onError(Throwable e) {
                textView.append(" onError : " + e.getMessage());
                Log.d(TAG, " onError : " + e.getMessage());

            public void onComplete() {
                textView.append(" onComplete");
                Log.d(TAG, " onComplete");
  • 输出结果
11-30 10:33:43.235 16586-16586/ D/TakeExampleActivity:  onSubscribe : false
11-30 10:33:43.254 16586-16586/ D/TakeExampleActivity:  onNext value : 1
11-30 10:33:43.259 16586-16586/ D/TakeExampleActivity:  onNext value : 2
11-30 10:33:43.265 16586-16586/ D/TakeExampleActivity:  onNext value : 3
11-30 10:33:43.271 16586-16586/ D/TakeExampleActivity:  onComplete

  • 6、延迟两秒运行
    private void doSomeWork() {
                // Run on a background thread
                // Be notified on the main thread

    private Observable<? extends Long> getObservable() {
        return Observable.timer(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
  • 7、定时器 不断重复的运行 使用RxJava运行 使用间隔2秒的间隔运行任务的简单示例
 private final CompositeDisposable disposables = new CompositeDisposable();
    protected void onDestroy() {
        disposables.clear(); // clearing it : do not emit after destroy
  • 使用间隔2秒的间隔运行任务的简单示例立即开始,initialDelay的开始的时间为0
   private void doSomeWork() {
                // Run on a background thread
                // Be notified on the main thread

    private Observable<? extends Long> getObservable() {
        return Observable.interval(0, 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
  • 8、使用单观察者的简单例子
     * simple example using SingleObserver
    private void doSomeWork() {
  • 观察者
 private SingleObserver<String> getSingleObserver() {
        return new SingleObserver<String>() {
            public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) {
                Log.d(TAG, " onSubscribe : " + d.isDisposed());

            public void onSuccess(String value) {
                textView.append(" onNext : value : " + value);
                Log.d(TAG, " onNext value : " + value);

            public void onError(Throwable e) {
                textView.append(" onError : " + e.getMessage());
                Log.d(TAG, " onError : " + e.getMessage());
  • 输出结果 :注意这里没有onNext的方法了,这个比较特殊
11-30 11:11:00.612 16586-16586/ D/SingleObserverExampleActivity:  onSubscribe : true
11-30 11:11:00.615 16586-16586/ D/SingleObserverExampleActivity:  onNext value : Amit

  • 9、使用完全观测器的简单示例,延迟1s才去自行
  Completable completable = Completable.timer(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

                // Be notified on the main thread

 private CompletableObserver getCompletableObserver() {
        return new CompletableObserver() {
            public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) {
                Log.d(TAG, " onSubscribe : " + d.isDisposed());

            public void onComplete() {
                textView.append(" onComplete");
                Log.d(TAG, " onComplete");

            public void onError(Throwable e) {
                textView.append(" onError : " + e.getMessage());
                Log.d(TAG, " onError : " + e.getMessage());
  • 输出结果 :延迟1s
11-30 11:12:41.248 16586-16586/ D/CompletableObserverExampleActivity:  onSubscribe : false
11-30 11:12:42.270 16586-16586/ D/CompletableObserverExampleActivity:  onComplete
  • 10、使用流动性的简单示例,说白了 就是累加的过程 1+2+3+4+5 ==== 使用Rxjava管理 这个带了一个初始值
    Flowable<Integer> observable = Flowable.just(100, 2, 3, 4);

        observable.reduce(50+1, new BiFunction<Integer, Integer, Integer>() {
            public Integer apply(Integer t1, Integer t2) {
                Log.d(TAG, "  t1 : " + t1);
                Log.d(TAG, "  t2 : " + t2);
                return t1 + t2;

 private SingleObserver<Integer> getObserver() {

        return new SingleObserver<Integer>() {
            public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) {
                Log.d(TAG, " onSubscribe : " + d.isDisposed());

            public void onSuccess(Integer value) {
                textView.append(" onSuccess : value : " + value);
                Log.d(TAG, " onSuccess : value : " + value);

            public void onError(Throwable e) {
                textView.append(" onError : " + e.getMessage());
                Log.d(TAG, " onError : " + e.getMessage());
  • 输出结果:51+100+2+3+4=160
11-30 11:14:40.489 16586-16586/ D/FlowableExampleActivity:  onSubscribe : false
11-30 11:14:40.490 16586-16586/ D/FlowableExampleActivity:   t1 : 51
      t2 : 100
      t1 : 151
      t2 : 2
      t1 : 153
      t2 : 3
      t1 : 156
11-30 11:14:40.491 16586-16586/ D/FlowableExampleActivity:   t2 : 4
11-30 11:14:40.496 16586-16586/ D/FlowableExampleActivity:  onSuccess : value : 160
  • 11、说白了 就是累加的过程 1+2+3+4+5 ==== 使用Rxjava管理 这个没有带一个初始值
     * simple example using reduce to add all the number
     * 简单的例子,用以减少所有数字的添加
    private void doSomeWork() {
                .reduce(new BiFunction<Integer, Integer, Integer>() {
                    public Integer apply(Integer t1, Integer t2) {
                        return t1 + t2;

    private Observable<Integer> getObservable() {
        return Observable.just(1, 2, 3, 4);

    private MaybeObserver<Integer> getObserver() {
        return new MaybeObserver<Integer>() {
            public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) {
                Log.d(TAG, " onSubscribe : " + d.isDisposed());

            public void onSuccess(Integer value) {
                textView.append(" onSuccess : value : " + value);
                Log.d(TAG, " onSuccess : value : " + value);

            public void onError(Throwable e) {
                textView.append(" onError : " + e.getMessage());
                Log.d(TAG, " onError : " + e.getMessage());

            public void onComplete() {
                textView.append(" onComplete");
                Log.d(TAG, " onComplete");
  • 输出结果
11-30 11:16:17.035 16586-16586/ D/ReduceExampleActivity:  onSubscribe : false
11-30 11:16:17.039 16586-16586/ D/ReduceExampleActivity:  onSuccess : value : 10
  • 12 、一个buffer 缓冲取 ,我要从缓冲区中取数据,而且是跳着取数据,就要这样做
     * simple example using buffer operator - bundles all emitted values into a list
     * 使用缓冲运算符的简单示例-将所有发出的值捆绑到列表中
    private void doSomeWork() {

        Observable<List<String>> buffered = getObservable().buffer(3, 1);

        // 3 means,  从开始索引和创建列表中最多需要三个
        // 1 means, 每次跳一步
        // so the it gives the following list
        // 1 - one, two, three
        // 2 - two, three, four
        // 3 - three, four, five
        // 4 - four, five
        // 5 - five


    private Observable<String> getObservable() {
        return Observable.just("one", "two", "three", "four", "five");

    private Observer<List<String>> getObserver() {
        return new Observer<List<String>>() {

            public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) {
                Log.d(TAG, " onSubscribe : " + d.isDisposed());

            public void onNext(List<String> stringList) {
                textView.append(" onNext size : " + stringList.size());
                Log.d(TAG, " onNext : size :" + stringList.size());
                for (String value : stringList) {
                    textView.append(" value : " + value);
                    Log.d(TAG, " : value :" + value);


            public void onError(Throwable e) {
                textView.append(" onError : " + e.getMessage());
                Log.d(TAG, " onError : " + e.getMessage());

            public void onComplete() {
                textView.append(" onComplete");
                Log.d(TAG, " onComplete");
  • 输出结果:以此取出3个数字,同时角标移动1.把这个buffer中的值去完成就ok
11-30 11:17:25.002 16586-16586/ D/BufferExampleActivity:  onSubscribe : false
11-30 11:17:25.009 16586-16586/ D/BufferExampleActivity:  onNext : size :3
11-30 11:17:25.012 16586-16586/ D/BufferExampleActivity:  : value :one
11-30 11:17:25.014 16586-16586/ D/BufferExampleActivity:  : value :two
11-30 11:17:25.016 16586-16586/ D/BufferExampleActivity:  : value :three
11-30 11:17:25.018 16586-16586/ D/BufferExampleActivity:  onNext : size :3
11-30 11:17:25.019 16586-16586/ D/BufferExampleActivity:  : value :two
11-30 11:17:25.021 16586-16586/ D/BufferExampleActivity:  : value :three
11-30 11:17:25.022 16586-16586/ D/BufferExampleActivity:  : value :four
11-30 11:17:25.025 16586-16586/ D/BufferExampleActivity:  onNext : size :3
11-30 11:17:25.027 16586-16586/ D/BufferExampleActivity:  : value :three
11-30 11:17:25.029 16586-16586/ D/BufferExampleActivity:  : value :four
11-30 11:17:25.031 16586-16586/ D/BufferExampleActivity:  : value :five
11-30 11:17:25.033 16586-16586/ D/BufferExampleActivity:  onNext : size :2
11-30 11:17:25.035 16586-16586/ D/BufferExampleActivity:  : value :four
11-30 11:17:25.037 16586-16586/ D/BufferExampleActivity:  : value :five
11-30 11:17:25.039 16586-16586/ D/BufferExampleActivity:  onNext : size :1
11-30 11:17:25.040 16586-16586/ D/BufferExampleActivity:  : value :five
11-30 11:17:25.041 16586-16586/ D/BufferExampleActivity:  onComplete
  • 13、 对数据中特定的信息 做处理 使用过滤器操作符只发出偶数值的简单示例
     * simple example by using filter operator to emit only even value
     * 使用过滤器操作符只发出偶数值的简单示例
    private void doSomeWork() {
        Observable.just(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
                .filter(new Predicate<Integer>() {
                    public boolean test(Integer integer) {
                        return integer % 2 == 0;

    private Observer<Integer> getObserver() {
        return new Observer<Integer>() {

            public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) {
                Log.d(TAG, " onSubscribe : " + d.isDisposed());

            public void onNext(Integer value) {
                textView.append(" onNext : ");
                textView.append(" value : " + value);
                Log.d(TAG, " onNext ");
                Log.d(TAG, " value : " + value);

            public void onError(Throwable e) {
                textView.append(" onError : " + e.getMessage());
                Log.d(TAG, " onError : " + e.getMessage());

            public void onComplete() {
                textView.append(" onComplete");
                Log.d(TAG, " onComplete");
  • 输出结果,简单的意思 就是取偶数
11-30 11:20:24.775 16586-16586/ D/FilterExampleActivity:  onSubscribe : false
11-30 11:20:24.779 16586-16586/ D/FilterExampleActivity:  onNext 
11-30 11:20:24.780 16586-16586/ D/FilterExampleActivity:  value : 2
11-30 11:20:24.782 16586-16586/ D/FilterExampleActivity:  onNext 
     value : 4
11-30 11:20:24.786 16586-16586/ D/FilterExampleActivity:  onNext 
     value : 6
11-30 11:20:24.788 16586-16586/ D/FilterExampleActivity:  onComplete
  • 14、使用跳过操作符,它不会发出前2个值。 对前面两个值不会操作
 /* Using skip operator, it will not emit
    * the first 2 values.
    * 使用跳过操作符,它不会发出前2个值。
    private void doSomeWork() {
                // Run on a background thread
                // Be notified on the main thread

    private Observable<Integer> getObservable() {
        return Observable.just(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

    private Observer<Integer> getObserver() {
        return new Observer<Integer>() {

            public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) {
                Log.d(TAG, " onSubscribe : " + d.isDisposed());

            public void onNext(Integer value) {
                textView.append(" onNext : value : " + value);
                Log.d(TAG, " onNext value : " + value);

            public void onError(Throwable e) {
                textView.append(" onError : " + e.getMessage());
                Log.d(TAG, " onError : " + e.getMessage());

            public void onComplete() {
                textView.append(" onComplete");
                Log.d(TAG, " onComplete");
  • 输出结果:跳出前面的两个值
11-30 11:21:22.224 16586-16586/ D/SkipExampleActivity:  onSubscribe : false
11-30 11:21:22.235 16586-16586/ D/SkipExampleActivity:  onNext value : 3
11-30 11:21:22.236 16586-16586/ D/SkipExampleActivity:  onNext value : 4
     onNext value : 5
11-30 11:21:22.237 16586-16586/ D/SkipExampleActivity:  onComplete
  • 15、 使用扫描算子,它也发送先前的结果。 意思就是 我关心每次运算的结果 ,是每次运算的结果 这个有个关键的地方 subscribe 里面的 观察者 onNext的方法是先行执行的
  /* Using scan operator, it sends also the previous result
    * 使用扫描算子,它也发送先前的结果。
    * */
    private void doSomeWork() {
                // Run on a background thread
                // Be notified on the main thread
                .scan(new BiFunction<Integer, Integer, Integer>() {
                    public Integer apply(Integer int1, Integer int2) {
                        Log.d(TAG, "  int1 : " + int1);
                        Log.d(TAG, "  int2 : " + int2);
                        return int1 + int2;

    private Observable<Integer> getObservable() {
        return Observable.just(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

    private Observer<Integer> getObserver() {
        return new Observer<Integer>() {

            public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) {
                Log.d(TAG, " onSubscribe : " + d.isDisposed());

            public void onNext(Integer value) {
                textView.append(" onNext : value : " + value);
                Log.d(TAG, " onNext value : " + value);

            public void onError(Throwable e) {
                textView.append(" onError : " + e.getMessage());
                Log.d(TAG, " onError : " + e.getMessage());

            public void onComplete() {
                textView.append(" onComplete");
                Log.d(TAG, " onComplete");
  • 输出结果:三角形数
11-30 11:22:24.396 16586-16586/ D/ScanExampleActivity:  onSubscribe : false
11-30 11:22:24.409 16586-16586/ D/ScanExampleActivity:  onNext value : 1
      int1 : 1
      int2 : 2
11-30 11:22:24.411 16586-16586/ D/ScanExampleActivity:  onNext value : 3
      int1 : 3
      int2 : 3
11-30 11:22:24.414 16586-16586/ D/ScanExampleActivity:  onNext value : 6
      int1 : 6
      int2 : 4
11-30 11:22:24.417 16586-16586/ D/ScanExampleActivity:  onNext value : 10
      int1 : 10
      int2 : 5
11-30 11:22:24.419 16586-16586/ D/ScanExampleActivity:  onNext value : 15
11-30 11:22:24.420 16586-16586/ D/ScanExampleActivity:  onComplete
  • 16、PublishSubject 我个人理解的话,就是一堆数据我要发送给别人,但是呢最后几个数字我又要发送给其他人,所以就需要使用到这个,使用重放操作符,重放确保所有观察者看到相同的序列。发射项目,即使它们订阅后,可观测已经开始发射项目。我个人理解的是,发送一个buffer,给第一个观察者,同时我要把这个buffer的尾部长度为4的在发送给第二个观察者。
 private void doSomeWork() {
        PublishSubject<Integer> source = PublishSubject.create();
        ConnectableObservable<Integer> connectableObservable = source.replay(4); 

    private Observer<Integer> getFirstObserver() {
        return new Observer<Integer>() {

            public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) {
                Log.d(TAG, " First onSubscribe : " + d.isDisposed());

            public void onNext(Integer value) {
                textView.append(" First onNext : value : " + value);
                Log.d(TAG, " First onNext value : " + value);

            public void onError(Throwable e) {
                textView.append(" First onError : " + e.getMessage());
                Log.d(TAG, " First onError : " + e.getMessage());

            public void onComplete() {
                textView.append(" First onComplete");
                Log.d(TAG, " First onComplete");

    private Observer<Integer> getSecondObserver() {
        return new Observer<Integer>() {

            public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) {
                textView.append(" Second onSubscribe : isDisposed :" + d.isDisposed());
                Log.d(TAG, " Second onSubscribe : " + d.isDisposed());

            public void onNext(Integer value) {
                textView.append(" Second onNext : value : " + value);
                Log.d(TAG, " Second onNext value : " + value);

            public void onError(Throwable e) {
                textView.append(" Second onError : " + e.getMessage());
                Log.d(TAG, " Second onError : " + e.getMessage());

            public void onComplete() {
                textView.append(" Second onComplete");
                Log.d(TAG, " Second onComplete");
  • 输出结果
11-30 11:39:02.882 19690-19690/ D/ReplayExampleActivity:  First onSubscribe : false
11-30 11:39:02.903 19690-19690/ D/ReplayExampleActivity:  First onNext value : 1
11-30 11:39:02.911 19690-19690/ D/ReplayExampleActivity:  First onNext value : 2
11-30 11:39:02.919 19690-19690/ D/ReplayExampleActivity:  First onNext value : 3
11-30 11:39:02.926 19690-19690/ D/ReplayExampleActivity:  First onNext value : 4
11-30 11:39:02.932 19690-19690/ D/ReplayExampleActivity:  First onNext value : 5
11-30 11:39:02.938 19690-19690/ D/ReplayExampleActivity:  First onNext value : 6
11-30 11:39:02.944 19690-19690/ D/ReplayExampleActivity:  First onNext value : 7
11-30 11:39:02.950 19690-19690/ D/ReplayExampleActivity:  First onComplete
11-30 11:39:02.954 19690-19690/ D/ReplayExampleActivity:  Second onSubscribe : false
11-30 11:39:02.963 19690-19690/ D/ReplayExampleActivity:  Second onNext value : 4
11-30 11:39:02.968 19690-19690/ D/ReplayExampleActivity:  Second onNext value : 5
11-30 11:39:02.972 19690-19690/ D/ReplayExampleActivity:  Second onNext value : 6
11-30 11:39:02.977 19690-19690/ D/ReplayExampleActivity:  Second onNext value : 7
11-30 11:39:02.979 19690-19690/ D/ReplayExampleActivity:  Second onComplete
  • 17 、依次的发送两个数组,而且里面两个数组的是有序的输出的,所以就要使用到这个里面的
     * 使用CONTAT运算符组合可观察性:CONTAT维护
     * 可观察的顺序。
     * 将按顺序发射所有7个值
     * 这里第一个“A1”,“A2”,“A3”,“A4”,然后是“B1”,“B2”,“B3”。
     * 首先从第一个观察到然后
     * 所有从第二可观察到的所有顺序
    private void doSomeWork() {
        final String[] aStrings = {"A1", "A2", "A3", "A4"};
        final String[] bStrings = {"B1", "B2", "B3"};

        final Observable<String> aObservable = Observable.fromArray(aStrings);
        final Observable<String> bObservable = Observable.fromArray(bStrings);

        Observable.concat(aObservable, bObservable)

    private Observer<String> getObserver() {
        return new Observer<String>() {

            public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) {
                Log.d(TAG, " onSubscribe : " + d.isDisposed());

            public void onNext(String value) {
                textView.append(" onNext : value : " + value);
                Log.d(TAG, " onNext : value : " + value);

            public void onError(Throwable e) {
                textView.append(" onError : " + e.getMessage());
                Log.d(TAG, " onError : " + e.getMessage());

            public void onComplete() {
                textView.append(" onComplete");
                Log.d(TAG, " onComplete");
  • 输出结果
11-30 11:42:43.359 19690-19690/ D/ConcatExampleActivity:  onSubscribe : false
11-30 11:42:43.369 19690-19690/ D/ConcatExampleActivity:  onNext : value : A1
11-30 11:42:43.375 19690-19690/ D/ConcatExampleActivity:  onNext : value : A2
11-30 11:42:43.382 19690-19690/ D/ConcatExampleActivity:  onNext : value : A3
11-30 11:42:43.388 19690-19690/ D/ConcatExampleActivity:  onNext : value : A4
11-30 11:42:43.393 19690-19690/ D/ConcatExampleActivity:  onNext : value : B1
11-30 11:42:43.399 19690-19690/ D/ConcatExampleActivity:  onNext : value : B2
11-30 11:42:43.404 19690-19690/ D/ConcatExampleActivity:  onNext : value : B3
11-30 11:42:43.409 19690-19690/ D/ConcatExampleActivity:  onComplete
  • 18、依次的发送两个数组,而且里面两个数组的不是有序的输出的,但是我始终没有测出来结果,哎哎 难受的很 日了狗! RxJava 合并组合两个(或多个)Observable数据源
  private void doSomeWork() {
        final String[] aStrings = {"A1", "A2", "A3", "A4","1", "2", "3", "4","5", "6", "7", "8","9", "10", "11", "12",};
        final String[] bStrings = {"B1", "B2", "B3","B1", "B2", "B3","B1", "B2", "B3","B1", "B2", "B3","B1", "B2", "B3","B1", "B2", "B3","B1", "B2", "B3"};

        final Observable<String> aObservable = Observable.fromArray(aStrings);
        final Observable<String> bObservable = Observable.fromArray(bStrings);

        Observable.merge(aObservable, bObservable)

    private Observer<String> getObserver() {
        return new Observer<String>() {

            public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) {
                Log.d(TAG, " onSubscribe : " + d.isDisposed());

            public void onNext(String value) {
                textView.append(" onNext : value : " + value);
                Log.d(TAG, " onNext : value : " + value);

            public void onError(Throwable e) {
                textView.append(" onError : " + e.getMessage());
                Log.d(TAG, " onError : " + e.getMessage());

            public void onComplete() {
                textView.append(" onComplete");
                Log.d(TAG, " onComplete");
  • 输出结果:合并多个Observables的发射物, Merge 可能会让合并的Observables发射的数据交错(有一个类似的操作符 Concat 不会让数 据交错,它会按顺序一个接着一个发射多个Observables的发射物,虽然我的结果没有测试出来,但是呢?真的有可能数据会交叉!!!!
11-30 11:46:44.466 19690-19690/ D/MergeExampleActivity:  onSubscribe : false
11-30 11:46:44.477 19690-19690/ D/MergeExampleActivity:  onNext : value : A1
11-30 11:46:44.484 19690-19690/ D/MergeExampleActivity:  onNext : value : A2
11-30 11:46:44.490 19690-19690/ D/MergeExampleActivity:  onNext : value : A3
11-30 11:46:44.495 19690-19690/ D/MergeExampleActivity:  onNext : value : A4
11-30 11:46:44.499 19690-19690/ D/MergeExampleActivity:  onNext : value : 1
11-30 11:46:44.503 19690-19690/ D/MergeExampleActivity:  onNext : value : 2
11-30 11:46:44.508 19690-19690/ D/MergeExampleActivity:  onNext : value : 3
11-30 11:46:44.512 19690-19690/ D/MergeExampleActivity:  onNext : value : 4
11-30 11:46:44.515 19690-19690/ D/MergeExampleActivity:  onNext : value : 5
11-30 11:46:44.517 19690-19690/ D/MergeExampleActivity:  onNext : value : 6
11-30 11:46:44.519 19690-19690/ D/MergeExampleActivity:  onNext : value : 7
11-30 11:46:44.522 19690-19690/ D/MergeExampleActivity:  onNext : value : 8
11-30 11:46:44.525 19690-19690/ D/MergeExampleActivity:  onNext : value : 9
11-30 11:46:44.528 19690-19690/ D/MergeExampleActivity:  onNext : value : 10
11-30 11:46:44.532 19690-19690/ D/MergeExampleActivity:  onNext : value : 11
11-30 11:46:44.535 19690-19690/ D/MergeExampleActivity:  onNext : value : 12
11-30 11:46:44.537 19690-19690/ D/MergeExampleActivity:  onNext : value : B1
11-30 11:46:44.539 19690-19690/ D/MergeExampleActivity:  onNext : value : B2
11-30 11:46:44.540 19690-19690/ D/MergeExampleActivity:  onNext : value : B3
11-30 11:46:44.542 19690-19690/ D/MergeExampleActivity:  onNext : value : B1
11-30 11:46:44.543 19690-19690/ D/MergeExampleActivity:  onNext : value : B2
11-30 11:46:44.546 19690-19690/ D/MergeExampleActivity:  onNext : value : B3
11-30 11:46:44.548 19690-19690/ D/MergeExampleActivity:  onNext : value : B1
11-30 11:46:44.551 19690-19690/ D/MergeExampleActivity:  onNext : value : B2
11-30 11:46:44.553 19690-19690/ D/MergeExampleActivity:  onNext : value : B3
11-30 11:46:44.556 19690-19690/ D/MergeExampleActivity:  onNext : value : B1
11-30 11:46:44.559 19690-19690/ D/MergeExampleActivity:  onNext : value : B2
11-30 11:46:44.561 19690-19690/ D/MergeExampleActivity:  onNext : value : B3
11-30 11:46:44.564 19690-19690/ D/MergeExampleActivity:  onNext : value : B1
11-30 11:46:44.567 19690-19690/ D/MergeExampleActivity:  onNext : value : B2
11-30 11:46:44.570 19690-19690/ D/MergeExampleActivity:  onNext : value : B3
11-30 11:46:44.573 19690-19690/ D/MergeExampleActivity:  onNext : value : B1
11-30 11:46:44.575 19690-19690/ D/MergeExampleActivity:  onNext : value : B2
11-30 11:46:44.577 19690-19690/ D/MergeExampleActivity:  onNext : value : B3
11-30 11:46:44.578 19690-19690/ D/MergeExampleActivity:  onNext : value : B1
11-30 11:46:44.580 19690-19690/ D/MergeExampleActivity:  onNext : value : B2
11-30 11:46:44.581 19690-19690/ D/MergeExampleActivity:  onNext : value : B3
11-30 11:46:44.582 19690-19690/ D/MergeExampleActivity:  onComplete
  • 19、让属性跟着数据bean传递下去 Car 类
public class Car {

    private String brand;

    public void setBrand(String brand) {
        this.brand = brand;

    public Observable<String> brandDeferObservable() {
        return Observable.defer(new Callable<ObservableSource<? extends String>>() {
            public ObservableSource<? extends String> call() {
                return Observable.just(brand);
     * Defer used for Deferring Observable code until subscription in RxJava
     * 推迟在RxJava订阅可观察代码直到订阅
    private void doSomeWork() {

        Car car = new Car();

        Observable<String> brandDeferObservable = car.brandDeferObservable();
        // 即使我们在创建了可观察的品牌之后设置了品牌,我们也会得到宝马的品牌。如果我们不使用延迟器,我们将没有作为品牌。
        car.setBrand("BMW");  // Even if we are setting the brand after creating Observable
        // we will get the brand as BMW.
        // If we had not used defer, we would have got null as the brand.


    private Observer<String> getObserver() {
        return new Observer<String>() {

            public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) {
                Log.d(TAG, " onSubscribe : " + d.isDisposed());

            public void onNext(String value) {
                textView.append(" onNext : value : " + value);
                Log.d(TAG, " onNext : value : " + value);

            public void onError(Throwable e) {
                textView.append(" onError : " + e.getMessage());
                Log.d(TAG, " onError : " + e.getMessage());

            public void onComplete() {
                textView.append(" onComplete");
                Log.d(TAG, " onComplete");

  • 输出结果
11-30 14:17:07.380 19690-19690/ D/DeferExampleActivity:  onSubscribe : false
11-30 14:17:07.388 19690-19690/ D/DeferExampleActivity:  onNext : value : BMW
11-30 14:17:07.392 19690-19690/ D/DeferExampleActivity:  onComplete

  • 20、去重,对数据源,进行去重的操作
     * distinct() suppresses duplicate items emitted by the source Observable.
     * 区别()抑制由可观察到的源发出的重复项。
    private void doSomeWork() {


    private Observable<Integer> getObservable() {
        return Observable.just(1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 4);

    private Observer<Integer> getObserver() {
        return new Observer<Integer>() {

            public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) {
                Log.d(TAG, " onSubscribe : " + d.isDisposed());

            public void onNext(Integer value) {
                textView.append(" onNext : value : " + value);
                Log.d(TAG, " onNext value : " + value);

            public void onError(Throwable e) {
                Log.d(TAG, " onError : " + e.getMessage());

            public void onComplete() {
                Log.d(TAG, " onComplete");
  • 输出的结果
11-30 14:20:04.382 19690-19690/ D/DistinctExampleActivity:  onSubscribe : false
11-30 14:20:04.388 19690-19690/ D/DistinctExampleActivity:  onNext value : 1
11-30 14:20:04.391 19690-19690/ D/DistinctExampleActivity:  onNext value : 2
11-30 14:20:04.394 19690-19690/ D/DistinctExampleActivity:  onNext value : 3
11-30 14:20:04.397 19690-19690/ D/DistinctExampleActivity:  onNext value : 4
11-30 14:20:04.400 19690-19690/ D/DistinctExampleActivity:  onNext value : 6

  • 21、对数据源传递,但是只不过是取最后一个数,把前面的都不需要了,同时给了一个默认的值 A1
private void doSomeWork() {
        // the default item ("A1") to emit if the source ObservableSource is empty
        getObservable().last("A1") // the default item ("A1") to emit if the source ObservableSource is empty

    private Observable<String> getObservable() {
        return Observable.just("A1", "A2", "A3", "A4", "A5", "A6");

    private SingleObserver<String> getObserver() {
        return new SingleObserver<String>() {

            public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) {
                Log.d(TAG, " onSubscribe : " + d.isDisposed());

            public void onSuccess(String value) {
                textView.append(" onNext : value : " + value);
                Log.d(TAG, " onNext value : " + value);

            public void onError(Throwable e) {
                textView.append(" onError : " + e.getMessage());
                Log.d(TAG, " onError : " + e.getMessage());
  • 输出结果
11-30 14:20:42.788 19690-19690/ D/DistinctExampleActivity:  onSubscribe : false
11-30 14:20:42.800 19690-19690/ D/DistinctExampleActivity:  onNext value : A6
  • 22、就是同一个消息队列,直接两个观察者共享这个消息
 /* ReplaySubject emits to any observer all of the items that were emitted
     * by the source Observable, regardless of when the observer subscribes.
     * RePress主题向所有观察者发出所有被发射的项目。
    private void doSomeWork() {

        ReplaySubject<Integer> source = ReplaySubject.create();

        source.subscribe(getFirstObserver()); // it will get 1, 2, 3, 4


         * it will emit 1, 2, 3, 4 for second observer also as we have used replay


    private Observer<Integer> getFirstObserver() {
        return new Observer<Integer>() {

            public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) {
                Log.d(TAG, " First onSubscribe : " + d.isDisposed());

            public void onNext(Integer value) {
                textView.append(" First onNext : value : " + value);
                Log.d(TAG, " First onNext value : " + value);

            public void onError(Throwable e) {
                textView.append(" First onError : " + e.getMessage());
                Log.d(TAG, " First onError : " + e.getMessage());

            public void onComplete() {
                textView.append(" First onComplete");
                Log.d(TAG, " First onComplete");

    private Observer<Integer> getSecondObserver() {
        return new Observer<Integer>() {

            public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) {
                textView.append(" Second onSubscribe : isDisposed :" + d.isDisposed());
                Log.d(TAG, " Second onSubscribe : " + d.isDisposed());

            public void onNext(Integer value) {
                textView.append(" Second onNext : value : " + value);
                Log.d(TAG, " Second onNext value : " + value);

            public void onError(Throwable e) {
                textView.append(" Second onError : " + e.getMessage());
                Log.d(TAG, " Second onError : " + e.getMessage());

            public void onComplete() {
                textView.append(" Second onComplete");
                Log.d(TAG, " Second onComplete");

  • 输出结果
11-30 14:21:52.062 19690-19690/ D/ReplaySubjectExampleActivity:  First onSubscribe : false
11-30 14:21:52.070 19690-19690/ D/ReplaySubjectExampleActivity:  First onNext value : 1
11-30 14:21:52.074 19690-19690/ D/ReplaySubjectExampleActivity:  First onNext value : 2
11-30 14:21:52.076 19690-19690/ D/ReplaySubjectExampleActivity:  First onNext value : 3
11-30 14:21:52.079 19690-19690/ D/ReplaySubjectExampleActivity:  First onNext value : 4
11-30 14:21:52.081 19690-19690/ D/ReplaySubjectExampleActivity:  First onComplete
11-30 14:21:52.083 19690-19690/ D/ReplaySubjectExampleActivity:  Second onSubscribe : false
11-30 14:21:52.087 19690-19690/ D/ReplaySubjectExampleActivity:  Second onNext value : 1
11-30 14:21:52.090 19690-19690/ D/ReplaySubjectExampleActivity:  Second onNext value : 2
11-30 14:21:52.092 19690-19690/ D/ReplaySubjectExampleActivity:  Second onNext value : 3
11-30 14:21:52.094 19690-19690/ D/ReplaySubjectExampleActivity:  Second onNext value : 4
11-30 14:21:52.096 19690-19690/ D/ReplaySubjectExampleActivity:  Second onComplete
  • 23、感觉就是两个订阅者,分开订阅 ,其中一个订阅者只关心一个结果
 /* PublishSubject emits to an observer only those items that are emitted
     * by the source Observable, subsequent to the time of the subscription.
     * 发布主题仅向观察者发射那些被发射的项目。由来源可观察到,在订阅的时间之后。
    private void doSomeWork() {

        PublishSubject<Integer> source = PublishSubject.create();

        source.subscribe(getFirstObserver()); // it will get 1, 2, 3, 4 and onComplete


         * it will emit 4 and onComplete for second observer also.
         * 它将发射4和完成为第二观察员也。



    private Observer<Integer> getFirstObserver() {
        return new Observer<Integer>() {

            public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) {
                Log.d(TAG, " First onSubscribe : " + d.isDisposed());

            public void onNext(Integer value) {
                textView.append(" First onNext : value : " + value);
                Log.d(TAG, " First onNext value : " + value);

            public void onError(Throwable e) {
                textView.append(" First onError : " + e.getMessage());
                Log.d(TAG, " First onError : " + e.getMessage());

            public void onComplete() {
                textView.append(" First onComplete");
                Log.d(TAG, " First onComplete");

    private Observer<Integer> getSecondObserver() {
        return new Observer<Integer>() {

            public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) {
                textView.append(" Second onSubscribe : isDisposed :" + d.isDisposed());
                Log.d(TAG, " Second onSubscribe : " + d.isDisposed());

            public void onNext(Integer value) {
                textView.append(" Second onNext : value : " + value);
                Log.d(TAG, " Second onNext value : " + value);

            public void onError(Throwable e) {
                textView.append(" Second onError : " + e.getMessage());
                Log.d(TAG, " Second onError : " + e.getMessage());

            public void onComplete() {
                textView.append(" Second onComplete");
                Log.d(TAG, " Second onComplete");
  • 输出结果
11-30 14:23:25.179 19690-19690/ D/PublishSubjectExampleActivity:  First onSubscribe : false
11-30 14:23:25.186 19690-19690/ D/PublishSubjectExampleActivity:  First onNext value : 1
11-30 14:23:25.188 19690-19690/ D/PublishSubjectExampleActivity:  First onNext value : 2
11-30 14:23:25.191 19690-19690/ D/PublishSubjectExampleActivity:  First onNext value : 3
11-30 14:23:25.193 19690-19690/ D/PublishSubjectExampleActivity:  Second onSubscribe : false
11-30 14:23:25.198 19690-19690/ D/PublishSubjectExampleActivity:  First onNext value : 4
11-30 14:23:25.201 19690-19690/ D/PublishSubjectExampleActivity:  Second onNext value : 4
11-30 14:23:25.202 19690-19690/ D/PublishSubjectExampleActivity:  First onComplete
11-30 14:23:25.205 19690-19690/ D/PublishSubjectExampleActivity:  Second onComplete
  • 24、BehaviorSubject 发出一个消息,然后订阅了,另外一个订阅者就会马上走这个结果输出,而且是交替输出的,不是单独输出的
private void doSomeWork() {

        BehaviorSubject<Integer> source = BehaviorSubject.create();

        source.subscribe(getFirstObserver()); // it will get 1, 2, 3, 4 and onComplete


         * it will emit 3(last emitted), 4 and onComplete for second observer also.



    private Observer<Integer> getFirstObserver() {
        return new Observer<Integer>() {

            public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) {
                Log.d(TAG, " First onSubscribe : " + d.isDisposed());

            public void onNext(Integer value) {
                textView.append(" First onNext : value : " + value);
                Log.d(TAG, " First onNext value : " + value);

            public void onError(Throwable e) {
                textView.append(" First onError : " + e.getMessage());
                Log.d(TAG, " First onError : " + e.getMessage());

            public void onComplete() {
                textView.append(" First onComplete");
                Log.d(TAG, " First onComplete");

    private Observer<Integer> getSecondObserver() {
        return new Observer<Integer>() {

            public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) {
                textView.append(" Second onSubscribe : isDisposed :" + d.isDisposed());
                Log.d(TAG, " Second onSubscribe : " + d.isDisposed());

            public void onNext(Integer value) {
                textView.append(" Second onNext : value : " + value);
                Log.d(TAG, " Second onNext value : " + value);

            public void onError(Throwable e) {
                textView.append(" Second onError : " + e.getMessage());
                Log.d(TAG, " Second onError : " + e.getMessage());

            public void onComplete() {
                textView.append(" Second onComplete");
                Log.d(TAG, " Second onComplete");

  • 输出结果:当第一个观察者结束的时候,倒数第二个位置就会接收到值,结果如下 a1 a2 a3 b3 a4 b4
11-30 14:27:29.950 19690-19690/ D/BehaviorSubjectExampleActivity:  First onSubscribe : false
11-30 14:27:29.955 19690-19690/ D/BehaviorSubjectExampleActivity:  First onNext value : 1
11-30 14:27:29.958 19690-19690/ D/BehaviorSubjectExampleActivity:  First onNext value : 2
11-30 14:27:29.965 19690-19690/ D/BehaviorSubjectExampleActivity:  First onNext value : 3
11-30 14:27:29.967 19690-19690/ D/BehaviorSubjectExampleActivity:  Second onSubscribe : false
11-30 14:27:29.970 19690-19690/ D/BehaviorSubjectExampleActivity:  Second onNext value : 3
11-30 14:27:29.974 19690-19690/ D/BehaviorSubjectExampleActivity:  First onNext value : 4
11-30 14:27:29.978 19690-19690/ D/BehaviorSubjectExampleActivity:  Second onNext value : 4
11-30 14:27:29.981 19690-19690/ D/BehaviorSubjectExampleActivity:  First onComplete
11-30 14:27:29.985 19690-19690/ D/BehaviorSubjectExampleActivity:  Second onComplete
  • 25、AsyncSubject 就只能观察到最后一个值,另个订阅者 就只能接收到一个值
rivate void doSomeWork() {
        AsyncSubject<Integer> source = AsyncSubject.create();
        source.subscribe(getFirstObserver()); // it will emit only 4 and onComplete

         * it will emit 4 and onComplete for second observer also.



    private Observer<Integer> getFirstObserver() {
        return new Observer<Integer>() {

            public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) {
                Log.d(TAG, " First onSubscribe : " + d.isDisposed());

            public void onNext(Integer value) {
                textView.append(" First onNext : value : " + value);
                Log.d(TAG, " First onNext value : " + value);

            public void onError(Throwable e) {
                textView.append(" First onError : " + e.getMessage());
                Log.d(TAG, " First onError : " + e.getMessage());

            public void onComplete() {
                textView.append(" First onComplete");
                Log.d(TAG, " First onComplete");

    private Observer<Integer> getSecondObserver() {
        return new Observer<Integer>() {

            public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) {
                textView.append(" Second onSubscribe : isDisposed :" + d.isDisposed());
                Log.d(TAG, " Second onSubscribe : " + d.isDisposed());

            public void onNext(Integer value) {
                textView.append(" Second onNext : value : " + value);
                Log.d(TAG, " Second onNext value : " + value);

            public void onError(Throwable e) {
                textView.append(" Second onError : " + e.getMessage());
                Log.d(TAG, " Second onError : " + e.getMessage());

            public void onComplete() {
                textView.append(" Second onComplete");
                Log.d(TAG, " Second onComplete");

  • 输出结果
11-30 14:31:14.631 19690-19690/ D/AsyncSubjectExampleActivity:  First onSubscribe : false
11-30 14:31:14.637 19690-19690/ D/AsyncSubjectExampleActivity:  Second onSubscribe : false
11-30 14:31:14.641 19690-19690/ D/AsyncSubjectExampleActivity:  First onNext value : 4
11-30 14:31:14.642 19690-19690/ D/AsyncSubjectExampleActivity:  First onComplete
11-30 14:31:14.643 19690-19690/ D/AsyncSubjectExampleActivity:  Second onNext value : 4
11-30 14:31:14.645 19690-19690/ D/AsyncSubjectExampleActivity:  Second onComplete
  • 26、throttleFirst 一定时间内取第一次发送的事件。例子:防止按钮的连续点击
 private void doSomeWork() {
                .throttleFirst(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
                // Run on a background thread
                // Be notified on the main thread

    private Observable<Integer> getObservable() {
        return Observable.create(new ObservableOnSubscribe<Integer>() {
            public void subscribe(ObservableEmitter<Integer> emitter) throws Exception {
                // send events with simulated time wait
                // TODO: 2018/11/26 发送模拟时间等待事件
                emitter.onNext(1); // deliver
                emitter.onNext(2); // skip 跳过
                emitter.onNext(3); // deliver
                emitter.onNext(4); // skip
                emitter.onNext(5); // skip
                emitter.onNext(6); // skip
                emitter.onNext(7); // deliver

    private Observer<Integer> getObserver() {
        return new Observer<Integer>() {

            public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) {
                Log.d(TAG, " onSubscribe : " + d.isDisposed());

            public void onNext(Integer value) {
                textView.append(" onNext : ");
                textView.append(" value : " + value);
                Log.d(TAG, " onNext ");
                Log.d(TAG, " value : " + value);

            public void onError(Throwable e) {
                textView.append(" onError : " + e.getMessage());
                Log.d(TAG, " onError : " + e.getMessage());

            public void onComplete() {
                textView.append(" onComplete");
                Log.d(TAG, " onComplete");
  • 输出结果,说通俗一点就是跨过一段时间输出一个事件,并且时间到了才输出
11-30 14:32:50.433 19690-19690/ D/ThrottleFirstExampleActivity:  onSubscribe : false
11-30 14:32:50.447 19690-19690/ D/ThrottleFirstExampleActivity:  onNext 
     value : 1
11-30 14:32:50.957 19690-19690/ D/ThrottleFirstExampleActivity:  onNext 
11-30 14:32:50.958 19690-19690/ D/ThrottleFirstExampleActivity:  value : 3
11-30 14:32:51.467 19690-19690/ D/ThrottleFirstExampleActivity:  onNext 
     value : 7
11-30 14:32:51.976 19690-19690/ D/ThrottleFirstExampleActivity:  onComplete

  • 27、throttleLast 这个是结尾啊 ,取这段时间的结尾 ,而不是开头的时间
  private void doSomeWork() {
                .throttleLast(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
                // Run on a background thread
                // Be notified on the main thread

    private Observable<Integer> getObservable() {
        return Observable.create(new ObservableOnSubscribe<Integer>() {
            public void subscribe(ObservableEmitter<Integer> emitter) throws Exception {
                // send events with simulated time wait
                emitter.onNext(1); // skip
                emitter.onNext(2); // deliver
                emitter.onNext(3); // skip
                emitter.onNext(4); // skip
                emitter.onNext(5); // skip
                emitter.onNext(6); // deliver
                emitter.onNext(7); // deliver

    private Observer<Integer> getObserver() {
        return new Observer<Integer>() {

            public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) {
                Log.d(TAG, " onSubscribe : " + d.isDisposed());

            public void onNext(Integer value) {
                textView.append(" onNext : ");
                textView.append(" value : " + value);
                Log.d(TAG, " onNext ");
                Log.d(TAG, " value : " + value);

            public void onError(Throwable e) {
                textView.append(" onError : " + e.getMessage());
                Log.d(TAG, " onError : " + e.getMessage());

            public void onComplete() {
                textView.append(" onComplete");
                Log.d(TAG, " onComplete");
  • 输出结果,延迟一段时间
11-30 14:34:48.726 19690-19690/ D/ThrottleLastExampleActivity:  onSubscribe : false
11-30 14:34:49.246 19690-19690/ D/ThrottleLastExampleActivity:  onNext 
     value : 2
11-30 14:34:49.745 19690-19690/ D/ThrottleLastExampleActivity:  onNext 
     value : 6
11-30 14:34:50.247 19690-19690/ D/ThrottleLastExampleActivity:  onNext 
11-30 14:34:50.248 19690-19690/ D/ThrottleLastExampleActivity:  value : 7
11-30 14:34:50.274 19690-19690/ D/ThrottleLastExampleActivity:  onComplete

  • 28、类似一个弹簧,如果一个事件相当于挤压它一下的话,它回到初始状态需要一段时间,那如果一直有事件不断的挤压它,那它一直回不到初始状态,就一个事件也弹不出来。一旦有一段时间里面没有人挤压它,他就把最后一个弹出来了。周而复始
 private void doSomeWork() {
                .debounce(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
                // Run on a background thread
                // Be notified on the main thread

    private Observable<Integer> getObservable() {
        return Observable.create(new ObservableOnSubscribe<Integer>() {
            public void subscribe(ObservableEmitter<Integer> emitter) throws Exception {
                // send events with simulated time wait
                emitter.onNext(1); // skip
                emitter.onNext(2); // deliver
                emitter.onNext(3); // skip
                emitter.onNext(4); // deliver
                emitter.onNext(5); // deliver

    private Observer<Integer> getObserver() {
        return new Observer<Integer>() {

            public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) {
                Log.d(TAG, " onSubscribe : " + d.isDisposed());

            public void onNext(Integer value) {
                textView.append(" onNext : ");
                textView.append(" value : " + value);
                Log.d(TAG, " onNext ");
                Log.d(TAG, " value : " + value);

            public void onError(Throwable e) {
                textView.append(" onError : " + e.getMessage());
                Log.d(TAG, " onError : " + e.getMessage());

            public void onComplete() {
                textView.append(" onComplete");
                Log.d(TAG, " onComplete");
  • 输出结果:这种的应用场景:在Edittext上添加监听,当里面输入的内容变化后进行搜索。换句话说就是当用户的输入操作停止几秒钟之后再去搜索。
11-30 14:42:45.659 19690-19690/ D/DebounceExampleActivity:  onSubscribe : false
11-30 14:42:46.584 19690-19690/ D/DebounceExampleActivity:  onNext 
     value : 2
11-30 14:42:47.190 19690-19690/ D/DebounceExampleActivity:  onNext 
11-30 14:42:47.191 19690-19690/ D/DebounceExampleActivity:  value : 4
11-30 14:42:47.799 19690-19690/ D/DebounceExampleActivity:  onNext 
11-30 14:42:47.800 19690-19690/ D/DebounceExampleActivity:  value : 5
11-30 14:42:47.807 19690-19690/ D/DebounceExampleActivity:  onComplete
  • 29、 RxJava的window()函数和buffer()很像,但是它发射的是Observable而不是列表。
  protected void doSomeWork() {
        // take()函数用整数N来作为一个参数,从原始的序列中发射前N个元素,然后完成:
        Observable.interval(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS).take(12)
                .window(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS)

    public Consumer<Observable<Long>> getConsumer() {
        return new Consumer<Observable<Long>>() {
            public void accept(Observable<Long> observable) {
                Log.d(TAG, "Sub Divide begin....");
                textView.append("Sub Divide begin ....");
                        .subscribe(new Consumer<Long>() {
                            public void accept(Long value) {
                                Log.d(TAG, "Next:" + value);
                                textView.append("Next:" + value);
  • 输出结果:一组一组的输出
11-30 14:44:56.147 19690-19690/ D/WindowExampleActivity: Sub Divide begin....
11-30 14:44:57.154 19690-19690/ D/WindowExampleActivity: Next:0
11-30 14:44:58.151 19690-19690/ D/WindowExampleActivity: Next:1
11-30 14:44:59.149 19690-19690/ D/WindowExampleActivity: Next:2
11-30 14:44:59.164 19690-19690/ D/WindowExampleActivity: Sub Divide begin....
11-30 14:45:00.148 19690-19690/ D/WindowExampleActivity: Next:3
11-30 14:45:01.150 19690-19690/ D/WindowExampleActivity: Next:4
11-30 14:45:02.150 19690-19690/ D/WindowExampleActivity: Next:5
11-30 14:45:02.164 19690-19690/ D/WindowExampleActivity: Sub Divide begin....
11-30 14:45:03.151 19690-19690/ D/WindowExampleActivity: Next:6
11-30 14:45:04.150 19690-19690/ D/WindowExampleActivity: Next:7
11-30 14:45:05.149 19690-19690/ D/WindowExampleActivity: Sub Divide begin....
11-30 14:45:05.174 19690-19690/ D/WindowExampleActivity: Next:8
11-30 14:45:06.150 19690-19690/ D/WindowExampleActivity: Next:9
11-30 14:45:07.152 19690-19690/ D/WindowExampleActivity: Next:10
  • 30、 使用延迟2秒后发射的简单示例
 private void doSomeWork() {
        getObservable().delay(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
                // Run on a background thread
                // Be notified on the main thread

    private Observable<String> getObservable() {
        return Observable.just("Amit");

    private Observer<String> getObserver() {
        return new Observer<String>() {

            public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) {
                Log.d(TAG, " onSubscribe : " + d.isDisposed());

            public void onNext(String value) {
                textView.append(" onNext : value : " + value);
                Log.d(TAG, " onNext : value : " + value);

            public void onError(Throwable e) {
                textView.append(" onError : " + e.getMessage());
                Log.d(TAG, " onError : " + e.getMessage());

            public void onComplete() {
                textView.append(" onComplete");
                Log.d(TAG, " onComplete");

  • 延迟2s输出结果

  • 31、 每当源Observable发出一个新项时,它将取消订阅并停止镜像从先前发出的项生成的Observable,并开始只镜像当前项。

  private void doSomeWork() {
                .switchMap(new Function<Integer, ObservableSource<String>>() {
                    public ObservableSource<String> apply(Integer integer) {
                        int delay = new Random().nextInt(2);

                        return Observable.just(integer.toString() + "x")
                                .delay(delay, TimeUnit.SECONDS,;

    private Observable<Integer> getObservable() {
        return Observable.just(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

    private Observer<String> getObserver() {
        return new Observer<String>() {
            public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) {
                Log.d(TAG, " onSubscribe : " + d.isDisposed());

            public void onNext(String value) {
                textView.append(" onNext : value : " + value);
                Log.d(TAG, " onNext value : " + value);

            public void onError(Throwable e) {
                textView.append(" onError : " + e.getMessage());
                Log.d(TAG, " onError : " + e.getMessage());

            public void onComplete() {
                textView.append(" onComplete");
                Log.d(TAG, " onComplete");
  • 输出结果:输出最后的值
11-30 14:47:59.787 19690-19690/ D/SwitchMapExampleActivity:  onSubscribe : false
11-30 14:48:00.814 19690-19690/ D/SwitchMapExampleActivity:  onNext value : 5x
11-30 14:48:00.816 19690-19690/ D/SwitchMapExampleActivity:  onComplete



Pagination 分页Demo

SearchDemo,主要是延迟请求网络,和 SearchView 相互的结合

  • 最后说明几点
  • 1、Rxjava2定时器周期执行任务,可以很好地避免内存泄漏,因为使用handler如果处理的不好,容易内存泄露
  • 2、RxJava2实现定时器的优势也是简洁,但它的简洁的与众不同之处在于,随着程序逻辑变得越来越复杂,它依然能够保持简洁。
  • 3、三角形数 1 3 6 10 15 ... 一定数目的点或圆在等距离的排列下可以形成一个等边三角形,这样的数被称为三角形数。比如10个点可以组成一个等边三角形,因此10是一个三角形数
  • 4、合并多个Observables的发射物, Merge 可能会让合并的Observables发射的数据交错(有一个类似的操作符 Concat 不会让数 据交错,它会按顺序一个接着一个发射多个Observables的发射物



License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 100.0%