Shikhar-Joshi / flight-booking-testing-framework

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Flight Booking Framework using Cypress

Motivation and Purpose

I developed this Cypress framework as a personal learning project. My primary motivation was to implement the Page Object Model (POM) design pattern, which promotes maintainability and reusability of test code. By building this framework, I aimed to consolidate my understanding of essential Cypress concepts and create a practical example for beginners.

Key Features

1. Page Object Model (POM):

The framework follows the POM architecture, organizing test code into reusable page objects. Each page or component of the flight booking web app has a dedicated class, making it easier to manage and maintain.

2. Mochawesome Reports:

Test execution results are captured using Mochawesome, generating detailed and visually appealing HTML reports. After test execution a folder 'reports' will be created automatically which will hold report.

3. Video Capture:

The framework records video during test runs, aiding in debugging and documentation. Video evidence helps identify issues and provides context for failed tests. After test execution a folder 'videos' will be created automatically which will hold video of test execution.

Target Audience

This project is ideal for beginners who want to learn how to structure a Cypress project using the POM pattern. Whether you’re new to Cypress or looking to reinforce your skills, this framework provides practical examples and best practices.

Getting Started

1. Prerequisites:

Ensure you have Node.js and Cypress installed on your system. Clone this repository to your local machine.

2. Installation:

Run npm install to install project dependencies. Customize the configuration files (e.g., cypress.json, tsconfig.json) as needed.

3. Usage:

Write your test scenarios using the POM classes. Execute tests using

npx cypress open 


npx cypress run

Additionally you could use my custom scripts to execute the tests. Check out 'package.json' file for more info. An example to execute test using my custom scripts

npm run cy:edgeHead "cypress/e2e/"


Contributions are welcome! If you’d like to enhance this framework or add new features, feel free to submit pull requests or report issues.



Language:JavaScript 100.0%