ShengMingTang / mm23_blind_streaming

The code repository of "A Blind Streaming System for Multi-client Online 6-DoF View Touring" of MM'23

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

A Blind Streaming System for Multi-client Online 6-DoF View Touring


  • Windows is recommended though porting is possible

Technical Detail

  • Frame system
    • Common description
      • a (7,) pose always represent (x, y, z, qx, qy, qz, qw)
      • obj.summary() is used to generate a json file describing its behavior
    • Unity frame: (-1, 7)
      • Recorded directly from MIV_XROrigin, loaded by PoseFeeder
    • O3d frame = Open3D frame:
      • Anchored at Open3D coordinate system
    • Conversion between frames are listed in
  • Blind streaming
    • generate candidates
    • diffCalc.m: calculate derivatives given the equation for optimal number of candidates
    • core Exp class, implement most of the details
    • switch script for setting different type of works/experiment for Exp class
    • Yuv class for fast data retrieval
    • inherit from old Exp_miv_util file
      • contains some utility functions for trans-coding/pose truncation
    • for testing each function, code not organized
    • running a specific unitTest function
    • not developement, for complext angle mean (replaced by average quaternion)
  • Experiment scripts
    • Cmd line tool to generate/prepare(convert to YUV)/prune(Reduce depth file size) candidates
    • Run experiments for IXR candidate generators and all solvers
    • Run experiments for MM candidate generator and all solvers
    • Default parameters
    • move pure exp directory to another directory
    • truncate poses
    • encode source view in different ways
    • collect encoded data to statistic files
      • encode_merge.csv:
        • not used in paper
      • encode_merge_separate.csv:
        • ,scene,cddDir,type,group,viewId,bytes,path,cspPolicy,windowSize,psPolicy,m,h,placePolicy
    • vmaf.exe: for running vmaf and objective metrics
    • RVS.exe: complied binary for RVS synthesizer
  • Paper
    • check paper numbers are correct
    • visualize disocclusion and generate its figures
    • generate paper figures
      • encode_merge_separate_stat.json:
      • example_config_file_rvs.json: example configuration file for RVS synthesizer
      • obj_metrics.json: j[quality metrics][group ount] for ploting correlation between optimization values and metrics
      • stat_time.json: statistic for component runtime
  • TMM unit test
    • generate coarse pose for MIV test
    • generate source views for MIV testb
    • visualize depth from unity
  • Others are self-explanatory

Directory Structure

  • Unity project
    • TMM_URP
  • Paper related
    • disocculusion_gen_dir: generate disocclusion example figure
    • figs: figures used in paper
    • nmslplot: code by YC for modified plots
    • obj: 3D meshes exported from Unity
    • Reconstruction: reconstructed scene after Structure-from-Motion
  • Code related
    • Trace_Raw: complete trace collected from 16 subjects (truncate them before use)
    • *.py: see the document inside each of them

Program Setup

  1. $ svn co svn://
  2. Install conda (suggest cuda 11.7)
  3. Create conda environment in Anaconda Prompt
    1. $ conda env create -f windows_env.yml
    2. Remove torch-associated packages after dump conda environment to a file
    3. conda activate tmm before running any code
    4. Install pytorch (suggest 1.13.1) manually (choose correct platform and cuda version)
  4. Download VMAF releases
  5. Install RVS
    1. Clone from SM's fork instead of original one
      • Remove duplicated file I/O for number of input frame = 1
    2. Install OpenCV
      1. Download OpenCV for Windows
      2. Let {opencv} be the directory containing OpenCVConfig.cmake, add {opencv}/build to PATH
    3. Install Glm
      1. Download glm, and extract it to a directory {dirGlm}
      2. add {dirGlm}/cmake to PATH'
    4. Install Visual Studio (VS)
      1. Install Visual studio installer, remember to check C++related packages
    5. Change to the cloned RVS github directory, and open a Developer Command Prompt for Windows terminal
    6. mkdir build ; cd build
    7. cmake -DWITH_OPENGL=On ..
    8. Check output from $ cmake -DWITH_OPENGL=On ..
      • Runtime library RVS is going to use F(from output):
        • -- OpenCV ARCH: XXX ; -- OpenCV RUNTIME: vcXX ;
      • If Cmake complains that OpenCV does not match your computer architecture
        1. Download OpenCV source code, called {OpenCVGit}
        2. cd {OpenCVGit} ; mkdir build ; cd build ; cmake ..
        3. Open OpenCV.sln and build
        4. Add {OpenCVGit}/build to PATH
    9. Open build/RVS.sln and click build in VS
    10. Run {buildType}/RVSUnitTest.exe to unit test
      • If it complains XXX.dll not found, check if the associated file is in PATH
    11. Copy {buildType}/RVS.exe to the TMM project folder
  6. Run any *.py in a Anaconda Prompt
  7. Truncate pose trajectories to a directory
  8. Prepare for ground truth novel view

Trajectory Collection Setup

  1. Set Up XR/VR Environment

    Do not create an empty project and make it a VR one. Follow the template to save time for other settings

    1. Download XR Template
    2. Setup XR project (ep. 1)
    3. Install XR Interaction Toolkit
    4. Install SteamVR plugin
      • Otherwise Unity will not be triggered in SteamVR
    5. Drag TMM_URP/Asset/Prefabs/MIV_XROrigin to capture the hmd motion
      • Set outputCsv to where the output should be written
    6. Drag TMM_URP/Asset/Prefabs/MIV_XROriginVerify to verify the hmd motion
      • Set inputCsv to where the outputCsv

Unity Setup

  1. Download assets from Unity Asset Store
    • Free Sci-Fi Office Pack, Furnished Cabin
  2. Change display resolution
    • Default 960x540
  3. Drag TMM_URP/Asset/Prefabs/MIV_Main into the scene to capture the source/novel views
    • Set LoadTracePrefix to input directory that has {cameraNamePrefix}_{count}.csv
    • Check isCapDepth if depth is needed
      • Depth is in raw format (HxWx4) floating points, mapping [0, 1000] to [0, 1]
    • Set outputDir to where the rgb and depth files are going to be stored
  4. Obj Exporter
    • If the scene has any prefabs or prefab variants, right click > prefab > unpack completely before exporting


  • ScifiOfficeLite (Test pass)
    • Two small rooms
    • Demo
      • position = (2.35, 1, 35) (center of the bigger room)
      • position = (2.35, 1, 45) (center of the smaller room)
  • FurnishedCabin (Test pass)
    • Living room, bedroom, toilet (simple texture)
    • Demo
      • position = (-1, 1, -2)

Sturcture from Motion (SfM)

  • github
    • Follow the instruction in github
  • collect source views for reconstruction
  • transform reconstructed point cloud to align with ground truth

Appendix (Backup)


The code repository of "A Blind Streaming System for Multi-client Online 6-DoF View Touring" of MM'23

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 99.7%Language:MATLAB 0.3%