Dataset, code and experiment are available at:
#0. Dataset: Sina Weibo Actors Following Relationship Matrix
The following files are in dataset
This file contains profiles of movie actors who has an account in Sina Weibo. Following information are provided for each actor: the number of fans(10k), Sina Weibo verified name, Sina Weibo Account Id, Sina Weibo Nickname, actor self description. All actors have at least 10,000 of fans, it shows that all users in this dataset are famous to some point. -
This file is a compressed adjacent NumPy matrix of 8508 actors. The adjacent matrixm
stores connection for each node pairs. For all nodeu
, setm[u,u]=0
, and for any nodeu
follows nodev
, then setm[u, v]=1
, other values in matrixm
are set tom[u, v]=3.4028235e+38
which is the maximum value of floating-point in 32bit. -
matrix.npy Use
unzip weibo-actors-adjacent.npz
to getmatrix.npy
file. This file is the NumPy matrix format which used as computations input.
#1. Environment
##1.1 Hardware
Experiments are performed on a server with CPU of Intel Xeon CPU E5-2620 v4 @ 2.10GHz * 2 and GPU of NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti GPU, the server has a total of 128GB memories and 11G GPU memories.
##1.2 OS
Prepare a linux distribution os, e.g. CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511.
#2. Library Requirement
##2.1 Programming Environment Firstly, installation of python 3.6+, NVIDIA CUDA10.0, JDK 1.8.0, Maven 3.6.1 is required.
##2.2 Python Libraries
Secondly, python libraries need to be installed, install dependencies using command: pip install cupy-cuda100==7.3.0 numpy==1.18.2 scipy==1.4.1
, full list as follows: cupy-cuda100==7.3.0, numpy==1.18.2, scipy==1.4.1.
##2.3 Java Libraries
Thirdly, java libraries need to be installed, install dependencies using command: mvn install:install-file -DpomFile=pom[-gpu].xml
The installed full list is as follows:
- org.nd4j:nd4j-cuda-10.0-platform:1.0.0-beta6
- org.nd4j:nd4j-native-platform:1.0.0-beta6
- org.nd4j:nd4j-native:windows-x86_64-avx2:1.0.0-beta6
- org.nd4j:nd4j-native:linux-x86_64-avx2:1.0.0-beta6
- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.25
- ch.qos.logback:logback-classic:1.2.3
- org.projectlombok:lombok:1.18.10
- org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web:2.2.5.RELEASE
- org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test:2.2.5.RELEASE
##2.4 Java jar build.
Lastly, use maven to build executing jar. Using command: mvn package -f pom[-gpu].xml
, then get the result jar file apsp-cpu.jar
or apsp-gpu.jar
#3. Experimental Guidline
In total, two parts of code are provided.
- python code:
include Alon N and PowerLawBound algorithm files.
1.1) AllPairsShortestPath.py
1.2) AllPairsShortestPathSparse.py
1.3) DP-MM-app.py - java code:
FloydWarshall and PowerLawBound algorithm implementation files, all java code files are put under folder of
2.1) src_java/pom-gpu.xml
2.2) src_java/pom.xml
2.3) src_java/src/main/java/edu/tsinghua/
2.3.1) src_java/src/main/java/edu/tsinghua/App.java
2.3.2) src_java/src/main/java/edu/tsinghua/CustomOperations.java
2.3.3) src_java/src/main/java/edu/tsinghua/EarlyStopRepeatedSquareMatrixMultiplicationDistanceProduct.java
2.3.4) src_java/src/main/java/edu/tsinghua/FloydWarshall.java
##3.1 Floyd-Warshal Command parameters explained as follows:
- input matrix in numpy format
- diameter of the network
- output matrix
- algorithm name: floydwarshall for Floyd-Warshal all pairs shortest path algorithm, and powerlandbound for this paper's algorithm.
Full command as follows:java -jar apsp-cpu.jar matrix.npy 8508 apsp.npy floydwarshall
##3.2 Alon N Command parameters explained as follows:
- -u for computation hardware: gpu | cpu
- -d for diameter of the network
- -s for sparseness judgement
- -t for sparseness threshold 0.1 for 10% of the total elements is valid.
- -m for input matrix file in compressed matrix format.
python src/DP-MM-app.py -u gpu -d 8058 -s True -t 0.1 -m dataset\weibo-actors-adjacent.npz
##3.3 PowerLawBound
##3.3.1 PowerLawBound-CPU-NumPy
python example/DP-MM-app.py -u cpu -d 8 -s False -m dataset\weibo-actors-adjacent.npz
##3.3.2 PowerLawBound-CPU-SciPy-sparse-Numpy
python example/DP-MM-app.py -u cpu -d 8 -s True -t 0.1 -m dataset\weibo-actors-adjacent.npz
##3.3.3 PowerLawBound-GPU-CUBLAS
java -jar apsp-gpu.jar matrix.npy 8 apsp.npy
##3.3.4 PowerLawBound-CPU-OPENBLAS
java -jar apsp-cpu.jar matrix.npy 8 apsp.npy
##3.3.5 PowerLawBound-GPU-CuPy
python example/DP-MM-app.py -u gpu -d 8 -s False -m dataset\weibo-actors-adjacent.npz
##3.3.6 PowerLawBound-GPU-CuPy-cuSparse-Cupy
python example/DP-MM-app.py -u gpu -d 8 -s True -t 0.1 -m dataset\weibo-actors-adjacent.npz
#4. Experimental Results
Algorithm | Total Execution Time(seconds) |
Floyd-Warshal[1-2] | 1055880.0 |
Alon N[3] | 594.7 |
PowerLawBound-CPU-NumPy | 427.9 |
PowerLawBound-CPU-SciPy-sparse-Numpy | 328.4 |
PowerLawBound-GPU-CUBLAS | 95.0 |
PowerLawBound-CPU-OPENBLAS | 45.0 |
PowerLawBound-GPU-CuPy | 19.32 |
PowerLawBound-GPU-CuPy-cuSparse-Cupy | 15.98 |
#5. Parameters
Parameter used to get state-of-the-art for PowerLawBound algorithm in computation of all pairs shortest path of actors social network.
Parameter | Value | Range |
Sparseness | True | True/False |
Sparseness-Threshold | 0.1 | 0-1 |
Diameter | 8 | 1-8508 |
Hardware | gpu | cpu/gpu |
#6. Reference
[1] Floyd R W. Algorithm 97: Shortest path[J]. Communications of the ACo, 1962, 5(6):345.
[2] Warshall S. A Theorem on Boolean oatrices[J]. Journal of the ACo, 1962, 9(1):11-12.
[3] Alon N, Galil Z, oargalit O. On the exponent of the all pairs shortest path problem[J]. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 1997, 54(2):255-262.
#7. How to Cite
title={Lower Bounds on Rate of Convergence of Matrix Products in All Pairs Shortest Path of Social Network},
author={Shen, Dezhou},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.13412},