Shellyda / studies-html-css-advanced

Support repository for a more in-depth study of HTML5 and CSS3 coding with practical projects.

Repository from Github https://github.comShellyda/studies-html-css-advancedRepository from Github https://github.comShellyda/studies-html-css-advanced

Advanced HTML5 and CSS3 Techniques

Support repository for a more in-depth study of HTML5 and CSS3 coding with practical projects.


Welcome! This repository is dedicated to providing an in-depth study of advanced HTML5 and CSS3 coding techniques, complemented by practical projects.

Main Points:

  • Advanced techniques for web development
  • Understanding CSS units
  • The Viewport concept
  • Implementing Responsive Design
  • Exploring Media Queries
  • New Displays: Table and Grid
  • Image manipulation
  • Canvas and SVG - dynamic rendering of graphics
  • Animation library: Animate.css


  1. Responsive Image Gallery

    • A responsive image gallery that adapts to various screen sizes.
  2. Landing Page

    • A website focused on presenting a company/person, their objectives, and services through an engaging landing page.

Feel free to explore each project folder for detailed instructions and hands-on practice with advanced HTML5 and CSS3 concepts.

Happy coding!


Support repository for a more in-depth study of HTML5 and CSS3 coding with practical projects.

License:MIT License


Language:HTML 95.1%Language:CSS 4.9%