Shavvimal / deribit-option-flies

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Deribit Options Data: Analyzing Option Flies with Python

In summary, this script is a powerful tool for fetching options data from the Deribit exchange, calculating option spreads (flies), and presenting the results in a structured pandas DataFrame. It can be useful for traders and analysts who want to perform quantitative analysis on options data and explore various trading strategies:

import warnings
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
import aiohttp
import asyncio
import json
import pandas as pd
from dateutil import parser
import os
import time
import sys
import numpy as np


class deribit_async:
    ''' Class for deribit options collection'''
    # main, run flies_iterator()

    def __init__(self):

    def transform_subset(subset: pd.DataFrame):
        '''Transforms a subset of the options data (having been grouped by Put/Call and Expiry) by creating columns for strike shifts'''
        # step = (subset.strike - subset.strike.shift(1)).min()
        step = 250
        min_strike = subset.strike.min()
        max_strike = subset.strike.max()
        new_index = pd.Index(
            np.arange(min_strike, max_strike+step, step, dtype=int))

        subset = subset.set_index("strike").reindex(
            new_index).reset_index().rename(columns={'index': 'strike'})

        subset['mark_strike_minus_2000'] = subset.mark_price.shift(8)
        subset['mark_strike_plus_2000'] = subset.mark_price.shift(-8)

        subset['mark_strike_minus_1000'] = subset.mark_price.shift(4)
        subset['mark_strike_plus_1000'] = subset.mark_price.shift(-4)

        subset['mark_strike_minus_500'] = subset.mark_price.shift(2)
        subset['mark_strike_plus_500'] = subset.mark_price.shift(-2)

        return subset

    def flies(mark_price, mark_strike_minus_width, mark_strike_plus_width):
        '''Function to create Flies and return price for certain fly width'''
        return mark_strike_minus_width - 2*(mark_price) + mark_strike_plus_width

    def flies_calc_subset(self, subset_input: pd.DataFrame, PC: str):
        '''Will return 2000, 1000 and 500 flies for a subset of the options data'''
        subset = subset_input
        subset[f'2000{PC}F'] = subset.apply(lambda row: self.flies(
            row['mark_price'], row['mark_strike_minus_2000'], row['mark_strike_plus_2000']), axis=1)
        subset[f'1000{PC}F'] = subset.apply(lambda row: self.flies(
            row['mark_price'], row['mark_strike_minus_1000'], row['mark_strike_plus_1000']), axis=1)
        subset[f'500{PC}F'] = subset.apply(lambda row: self.flies(
            row['mark_price'], row['mark_strike_minus_500'], row['mark_strike_plus_500']), axis=1)

        # drop the rows where the flies are NaN
        df = subset[['Time_UTC', 'underlying_price', 'strike',
                     'mark_price', f'2000{PC}F', f'1000{PC}F', f'500{PC}F']]
        df = df.dropna(subset=['underlying_price', 'mark_price'])

        return df

    def flies_calculation_orchestrator(self, df: pd.DataFrame, PC: str):
        '''Will return 2000, 1000 and 500 flies for the subset provided'''
        df = self.transform_subset(df)
        df = self.flies_calc_subset(df, PC)
        return df

    async def flies_iterator(self, currency: str = "BTC", kind: str = "option"):

        df = await self.transform_option_data(currency, kind)
        d = []

        for exp in df.expiry.unique().tolist():
            for put_call in ['P', 'C']:
                subset = df[(df.expiry == exp) & (df.PC == put_call)].sort_values(
                    by=['strike'])[['strike', 'mark_price', 'underlying_price', 'Time_UTC']]
                df_ret = self.flies_calculation_orchestrator(subset, put_call)
                df_ret['PC'] = put_call
                df_ret['expiry'] = exp
        df_transformed = pd.DataFrame(d)

        res = df_transformed[['Time_UTC', 'underlying_price', 'strike', 'PC', 'expiry',
                              'mark_price', '2000PF', '1000PF', '500PF', '2000CF', '1000CF', '500CF']]

        puts = res[res['PC'] == 'P']
        puts.drop(columns=['2000CF', '1000CF', '500CF'], inplace=True)
        puts['estimated_probability_2000PF'] = (
            puts['2000PF'] * puts['underlying_price']) / 2000
        puts['estimated_probability_1000PF'] = (
            puts['1000PF'] * puts['underlying_price']) / 1000
        puts['estimated_probability_500PF'] = (
            puts['500PF'] * puts['underlying_price']) / 500

        calls = res[res['PC'] == 'C']
        calls.drop(columns=['2000PF', '1000PF', '500PF'], inplace=True)
        calls['estimated_probability_2000CF'] = (
            calls['2000CF'] * calls['underlying_price']) / 2000
        calls['estimated_probability_1000CF'] = (
            calls['1000CF'] * calls['underlying_price']) / 1000
        calls['estimated_probability_500CF'] = (
            calls['500CF'] * calls['underlying_price']) / 500

        df = pd.merge(puts, calls, how="outer", on=[
                      "strike", "expiry"], suffixes=('_puts', '_calls'))

        df['expiry'] = pd.to_datetime(df.expiry, format="%d%b%y")
        df = df.sort_values(['expiry', 'strike'], ascending=[True, True])

        # Save df as csv
        df.to_csv(f'./{currency}_flies.csv', index=False)

    async def transform_option_data(self, currency: str = "BTC", kind: str = "option"):
        '''Calls get_option_data() and transforms as a pandas dataframe. Returns raw data'''
        data = await self.get_option_data(currency, kind)
        df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(data)
        df = df[['creation_timestamp', 'instrument_name',
                 'mark_price', 'underlying_price']]
        df['Time_UTC'] = pd.to_datetime(df['creation_timestamp'], unit='ms')
        df[['asset', 'expiry', 'strike', 'PC']
           ] = df.instrument_name.str.split('-', expand=True)
        df['strike'] = df['strike'].astype(int)
        return df

    async def get_option_data(self, currency: str = "BTC", kind: str = "option"):
        '''Will retrieve option data from deribit'''
        url = f'{currency}&kind={kind}'
        async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
            url_params = {'currency': currency, 'kind': kind}
            data = await self.http_call(url, url_params, session)
        await session.close()
        return data

    async def http_call(self, url, url_params, session):
        ''' Async API request. Returns Data from provided url and url Params'''
            async with session.get(url=url, params=url_params) as response:
                resp = await
                response = json.loads(resp)
                data = response['result']
                await session.close()
            return data
        except Exception as e:
                f"\nUnable to get data from url: \n{p.CYAN}{url}{p.ENDC} \ndue to: \n{p.FAIL}{e}\n{response}{p.ENDC}")

deribit = deribit_async()

The flies_iterator method is an asynchronous function that orchestrates the process of collecting options data and calculating various option spreads (flies). It first calls the transform_option_data method to fetch raw options data from Deribit and transform it into a pandas DataFrame. Then, for each unique expiry date and put/call combination, it calculates the 2000, 1000, and 500 flies using the flies_calculation_orchestrator method. Finally, it merges the put and call fly data into a single DataFrame and performs some additional calculations on the data before returning it.

The script creates an instance of the deribit_async class, named deribit, and it then runs the flies_iterator method asynchronously using

What it returns should look like:

Time_UTC_puts underlying_price_puts strike PC_puts expiry mark_price_puts 2000PF 1000PF 500PF estimated_probability_2000PF estimated_probability_1000PF estimated_probability_500PF Time_UTC_calls underlying_price_calls PC_calls mark_price_calls 2000CF 1000CF 500CF estimated_probability_2000CF estimated_probability_1000CF estimated_probability_500CF
2023-07-29 22:19:10.724 30064.46 5000 P 2023-12-29 0.00065208 2023-07-29 22:19:10.723 30064.46 C 0.83434536
2023-07-29 22:19:10.713 30064.46 10000 P 2023-12-29 0.00139242 2023-07-29 22:19:10.724 30064.46 C 0.66877898
2023-07-29 22:19:10.723 30064.46 11000 P 2023-12-29 0.00177016 1.8549999999999556e-05 0.0005576957329999866 2023-07-29 22:19:10.717 30064.46 C 0.63589537 1.8550000000061573e-05 0.0005576957330018511
2023-07-29 22:19:10.719 30064.46 12000 P 2023-12-29 0.00216645 0.0003844300000000003 5.299999999998882e-07 0.005778840178900004 1.5934163799996638e-05 2023-07-29 22:19:10.724 30064.46 C 0.60303031 0.00038445000000009166 5.400000000488347e-07 0.0057791408235013785 1.623480840146819e-05
2023-07-29 22:19:10.712 30064.46 13000 P 2023-12-29 0.00256327 0.0011050499999999998 0.0003648200000000001 0.016611365761499998 0.010968116297200002 2023-07-29 22:19:10.713 30064.46 C 0.57016579 0.0011050499999999408 0.0003648199999999324 0.01661136576149911 0.010968116297197968
2023-07-29 22:19:10.724 30064.46 14000 P 2023-12-29 0.00332491 0.0009406099999999997 0.0003748800000000002 0.014139465860299997 0.011270564764800005 2023-07-29 22:19:10.723 30064.46 C 0.53766609 0.0009406000000000136 0.0003748700000000271 0.014139315538000205 0.011270264120200815
2023-07-29 22:19:10.724 30064.46 15000 P 2023-12-29 0.00446143 0.0005547199999999999 -0.000173969999999999 0.008338678625599998 -0.00523031410619997 2023-07-29 22:19:10.713 30064.46 C 0.50554126 0.0005547200000000085 -0.00017395999999997303 0.008338678625600128 -0.005230013461599189
2023-07-29 22:19:10.712 30064.46 16000 P 2023-12-29 0.00542398 0.001148370000000001 0.0005277799999999994 0.017262561965100016 0.01586742069879998 2023-07-29 22:19:10.716 30064.46 C 0.47324247 0.0011483599999999594 0.0005277699999999275 0.01726241164279939 0.01586712005419782



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