Sharonun / ese5190-2022-lab2b-esp

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

2B submission dashboard

For your circuit board proposals, edit this page as follows and submit a pull request:

  1. Check your name (imported from canvas) and change to your preferred name/nickname, if applicable
  2. Double-check your github account handle (click the :octocat:)
  3. Add a link to your proposal (πŸ“Œ), following the example at the top
  4. In the pull request, include your name and any lab partners for this lab
name account board proposal
Little Bobby Tables :octocat: πŸ“Œ
Essa :octocat:
Dvisha :octocat:
Prateek :octocat:
Akshaya :octocat:
Joyendra :octocat:
Yash :octocat:
Rongqian :octocat:
Xingjian :octocat:
Xuanang :octocat:
Yeqi :octocat:
Yuan :octocat:
James :octocat:
Satyajeet :octocat:
Soumya :octocat:
Yu :octocat:
Arnav :octocat:
Amogh :octocat:
Navit :octocat:
Zeyu :octocat:
Jie :octocat:
Aamir :octocat:
Juilee :octocat:
Ang :octocat:
Yuxuan :octocat:
Ze :octocat:
Zhuoling :octocat:
Yaxue :octocat:
Qiwen :octocat:
Sen :octocat:
Sizhe :octocat:
Sarah :octocat:
Sahil :octocat:
Suraj :octocat:
Siddhant :octocat:
Abdinajib :octocat:
Ruturaj :octocat:
Minghui :octocat:
Nikola :octocat:
Hao :octocat:
Xingqi :octocat:
Saurabh :octocat:
Michael :octocat:
Shuhan :octocat:
Harish :octocat:
Aurunima :octocat:
Shantanu :octocat:
Sai :octocat:
Sugata :octocat:
Muyuan :octocat:
Pavel :octocat:
Ronil :octocat:
Chenwei :octocat:
Sushrut :octocat:
Praveen :octocat:
Osamuyi :octocat:
Phoebe :octocat:
Sudong :octocat:
Yihan :octocat:
Yixuan :octocat: πŸ“Œ
Yizhe :octocat:
Yuchen :octocat:
Yuxin :octocat:
Wenxi :octocat:
Haoze :octocat:
Chenye :octocat:
Qiao :octocat:
Shu :octocat:
Ying :octocat:
Qi :octocat:
Kezhen :octocat:
Zhijing :octocat:
Haoliang :octocat:
Meiyi :octocat:
Xiayu :octocat:
Chongyuan :octocat:
Zihan :octocat:
Junpeng :octocat:
Lihong :octocat:
Yangbo :octocat:
Xuanbiao :octocat:


License:MIT License