Sharayu1071 / Codecademy-Hackathon

Codecademy: Quaranteam Hackathon Project.Quaranteam is a week long event , which is basically a mix of a Hackathon (for the techies) and a Fun Week (for the non-techies) , it's all in one !

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comSharayu1071/Codecademy-HackathonRepository from Github https://github.comSharayu1071/Codecademy-Hackathon

πŸ’« Domain: HealthCare

πŸ₯ Home Clinic

Home Clinic - Your Health Buddy

Home Clinic to manage emergency situations with many other features to make your life healthy and easy.

πŸ‘­ Team Hack Elite

🌟 Introduction

In this situation, coronavirus spread like wildfire to every corner of the world. One of the most common problems faced by today’s people is a lack of knowledge of diseases and a lack of immediate first aid consultation. Due to this many people may suffer from physical and mental stress as they try to figure out the reason for their condition. In some cases, they even lost their lives and common diseases become life-threatening.

In such a scenario, patients are now largely being advised to take online consultations with doctors in the comfort of their own home instead of physical consultations at the hospital in the clinic.

so online consultations are much better than physical consultation at the clinic and our application provides many more good services that provide smooth and easy home tests. Home Clinic also has a special section for COVID19 vaccination in which user can book their vaccination slots, this makes it different from the existing system. It has a user-friendly interface, and it’s more accurate than the existing system.

🎯 Objective

  • To reduce the gap between Patients and Doctors through online video facilities.
  • To help uPatients to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • To give immediate and proper medication so that anyone with an internet facility can have access to it regardless of their time and place.

πŸ“ Modules

Given below are the modules present in our web application

  • Login
  • Appointment page
  • vaccination availability section
  • Video Call Feature
  • Chatbot for assistance
  • specialist doctors section
  • Blogs Section

πŸ”­ Tech Stack

The project is created using

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • PHP
  • MySQL
  • jQuery
  • Sawo Api
  • Razorpay payment gateway integration.
  • vaccination availability Api
  • Firebase WebRTC
  • Canva
  • 000webhost hosting

πŸš€ Future Plans

  • Doctors login page.
  • patient profile page.
  • online medicine delivery at doorstep.
  • Will try to include blockchain technology to keep the data safe and maintain privacy of our users.

This is landing page of Home Clinic

home final

In about section you will get to know the importance of Home-clinic web-app

about png

Here you can search for the vaccinnation center nearest to your location searching through PIN code.

vaccine final

You can virtually connect with you doctors.


In this section you can connect with your specialist by using external chat section.


this is rating of home clinic and you can check blogs written by experts.


πŸ™ Thank You :)


Codecademy: Quaranteam Hackathon Project.Quaranteam is a week long event , which is basically a mix of a Hackathon (for the techies) and a Fun Week (for the non-techies) , it's all in one !


Language:Hack 74.9%Language:PHP 14.9%Language:CSS 9.1%Language:JavaScript 1.1%