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Immutable Passport Integration Guide

Immutable X: Introduction

  • Platform Overview: Immutable X provides Layer 2 solutions on Ethereum, the most secure and decentralized Layer 1 blockchain.

  • Developer Tools: It offers APIs and developer tools, simplifying the development of fast, scalable, and secure applications, specifically tailored for NFTs and blockchain games.

  • Key Features:

    • Free minting of game assets.
    • Fast and affordable in-game transactions.
    • Self-custodial wallets ensuring true ownership of in-game items.
    • Global orderbook for open market item exchange.

Benefits of Immutable X Over Traditional Wallets

  • Scalability:

    • Unlimited scalability, enabling applications to handle a growing user base and high transaction volumes.
  • User Experience:

    • Instant transaction confirmation for an enhanced user experience.
  • Cost-Effectiveness:

    • Cheaper (sometimes free) transactions using 'rollups' that batch multiple transactions into a single,cost-effective transaction on Layer 1.
  • Security:

    • Maintains Ethereum-level security by batching and settling Layer 2 transactions on Layer 1.
  • Network Effects:

    • Leverages the network effects of Ethereum, allowing easy interaction with Layer 1 users and applications.
  • Use Cases:

    • Ideal for NFTs, blockchain games, token and asset trading platforms, and blockchain transaction analysis tools.


Before you begin, make sure you have the following:

  • Immutable Passport credentials (client ID) from Immutable Developer Hub.
  • Latest version of node.
  • Basic ReactJS or NextJS knowlegde

1. Git cloning a repository of the simple application4

You can create a simple Next.js application or clone a repository of a pre-built application. Ensure that your application is set up and running.

2. Registering the Application on Immutable Developer Hub

Before using Passport, you must register your application as an OAuth 2.0 client in the Immutable Developer Hub. First, you'll need to create a project and a testnet environment. Then you can navigate to the Passport config screen and create a passport client for your created environment.

  • Application Type - The type of your application. At the moment only the Web Application option is available. A Native option for mobile or desktop applications is coming soon.
  • Client name - The name you wish to use to identify your application.
  • Logout URLs - The URL that your users will be redirected to upon logging out of your application.
  • Callback URLs - The URL that your users will be redirected to once the authentication is complete. This is also where your application process the authentication response.
  • Web Origins URLs - The URLs that are allowed to request authorisation. This field is available when you select the Native application type.

3. Installing and initialising the Passport client

Install the Immutable SDK by Running the following command in your project root directory.

npm install -D @imtbl/sdk

Initialise the Passport client by:

const passportInstance = new passport.Passport({
  baseConfig: new config.ImmutableConfiguration({
    environment: config.Environment.PRODUCTION,
  clientId: '<YOUR_CLIENT_ID>',
  redirectUri: '',
  logoutRedirectUri: '',
  audience: 'platform_api',
  scope: 'openid offline_access email transact',


  • baseConfig: baseConfig is the shared configuration for Immutable modules, defining the environment and other global settings.
  • clientId: clientId is the unique identifier for your registered application in the Immutable Developer Hub. redirectUri: redirectUri is the URL where users are redirected after successful authentication, matching a Callback URL in your client settings.
  • logoutRedirectUri: logoutRedirectUri is the URL for user redirection after logging out, matching a Logout URL in your client settings.
  • audience: audience is a string specifying the intended audience for the issued token, e.g., 'platform_api' for Immutable protocol APIs.
  • scope: scope defines the access privileges requested, including custom scopes like 'transact' and standard OpenID Connect (OIDC) scopes such as 'openid', 'offline_access', and 'email'.

4. Logging in a User with Passport

Users are required to log in before your application is able to interact with the user's wallet, or call any user specific functionality. To log in a user, use the following code snippet:

import { passportProvider, fetchAuth } from "@/lib/immutable";

const fetchAuth = async () => {
  try {
    const accounts = await passportProvider.request({
      method: "eth_requestAccounts",
  } catch (error) {

5. Logging Out a User

To sign a user out of both your application and Passport, simply employ the logout function available on the Passport instance. To log out a user, use the following code:

import { passportInstance } from "@/lib/immutable";

const handleLogout = () => {

6. Display User Information

After a user is authenticated, you can access and display user information, including the ID token and access token.

Use the code snippet below to fetch and display user information:

import { passportInstance } from "@/lib/immutable";

// Define a function to fetch and display user information
const displayUserInfo = async () => {
  try {
    // Fetch the user's profile information
    const userProfile = await passportInstance.getUserInfo();

    // Fetch the access token and ID token
    const accessToken = await passportInstance.getAccessToken();
    const idToken = await passportInstance.getIdToken();
    const nickname = await passportInstance.getNickname(); 

// Call the function when needed to display user information

7.Initiate a transaction using Passport

To start a transaction using Passport, you just need to give it the required information about the transaction data and parameters.

import { passportProvider, initiateTransaction } from "@/lib/immutable";

const initiatePassportTransaction = async (transactionData) => {
  try {
    // Use the 'initiateTransaction' function to send the transaction data
    const transactionHash = await initiateTransaction(transactionData);

    // Handle the transaction response, e.g., display the transaction hash
    console.log("Transaction Hash:", transactionHash);
  } catch (error) {
    // Handle errors when initiating the transaction
    errorHandling("Transaction initiation error", error);

// Sample transaction data
const transactionData = {
  to: "0xYourRecipientAddress", // Recipient's Ethereum address
  value: "0.1", // Amount to send (in Ether)
  data: "<Transaction data>", // Transaction data (hex encoded)
  gas: 5000, // Gas limit


// Call the function to initiate the transaction with the provided data


So you hava finally learned how to integrate Immutable X Passport into your application.
