ShakingMap / rf-form

RF Form: build react form with validations in a better way.

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RF Form

build react form with validations in a better way.

Note: This project is inactively maintained, you can have a try to the great alternative uniforms


  • build React form with validations easily
  • schema based
  • support recursive structures
  • support circle schema definition
  • support connected forms
  • support manipulations of array of fields
  • support top level and individual controls of readOnly, disabled
  • enable validations of fields automatically
  • support extensions of form components (wrapper, group, array, fields)


Demo Site


  • install React via npm
  • install this package via npm: npm install rf-form --save
  • optionally install some form components suit

Basic Usage

For more usages, please refer to the Demo Site.

First, import Form and any Form Components Suit you choose.

import Form from 'rf-form';
import * as buildOptions from 'rf-bootstrap3';

Then, you can optionally set the Form Components Suit as default props of the Form, or you can pass it as a prop when you render the form.

Form.defaultProps.buildOptions = buildOptions;

Then, define your schema.

const schema = {
    name: {
        type: 'Text',
        label: 'Name',
        validate(v) {
            if (!v) return 'Name is required.'
    birthday: {
        type: 'Date',
        label: 'Birthday'
    sex: {
        type: 'RadioGroup',
        label: 'Sex',
        options: {
            items: {
                male: 'Male',
                female: 'Female',
                unknown: {label: 'Unknown', disabled: true}
        validate(v) {
            if (!v) return 'Sex is required.'
    friends: {
        label: 'Friends',
        array: {
            type: 'Text',
            label: 'Friend Name'
        validate(v) {
            if (v.length > 3) return 'You have too much friends.'
    account: {
        label: 'Account',
        group: {
            username: {
                type: 'Text',
                label: 'Username',
                validate(v) {if (!v) return 'Username is required.'}
            password: {
                type: 'Password',
                label: 'Password',
                validate(v) {if (!v || v.length < 6) return 'Password length must be >= 6.'}
            confirmPassword: {
                type: 'Password',
                label: 'Confirm Password',
                validate(v, fv /*form value*/) {
                    if (v !== fv.account.password) return 'Password does not match.'

Finally, render the form

class TestPage extends React.Component {
    render() {
        return <Form {...{
            schema: schema,
            onSubmit: (value, summary, detail)=> console.log({value, summary, detail})

            // you can specify value and onChange props to make the form work in controlled mode.
            // value: ...
            // onChange: (value, summary, detail)=> ...
            <button className="btn btn-primary">Submit</button>


If you are not interested in creating form component, you can only have a look at the apis of Form.

Common Concepts

  • validation state - one of 'success', 'warning', 'error' or falsy



  • schema - the group field of a field schema
  • buildOptions - an object as {Wrapper, Group, Array, fields}, being used to build the form, often provided by some form components suit package.
  • value - if undefined, the form will be uncontrolled.
  • onChange - func(value, summary, details), summary is {success: count, warning: count, error: count}, details are all validation results.
  • onSubmit - func(value, summary, details), summary is {success: count, warning: count, error: count}, details are all validation results.
  • subForms - func(), return a group of sub forms in an object, such as {form1: this.refs.form1, form2: this.refs.form2, ...}.
  • readOnly - bool
  • disabled - bool
  • enableValidation - bool or 'auto', default to 'auto', which will enable validation of a field if the onChange of the field is triggered
  • type - string, default to 'form'


A Wrapper is a form component which is responsible for rendering label, field component and validation message.


  • id - field id, usually used as htmlFor prop of label
  • label - optional string
  • validationState - see validation state of common concepts
  • validationMessage - string
  • children - field


A Group is a form component which is responsible for organizing a group of fields


  • children - field
  • validationState - see validation state of common concepts
  • validationMessage - string
  • readOnly - usually no effect
  • disabled - usually no effect


An Array is a form component which is responsible for organizing an array of same fields


  • children - field
  • validationState - see validation state of common concepts
  • validationMessage - string
  • readOnly - usually no effect
  • disabled - the array manipulation operations should be disabled
  • onInsert - func(index)
  • onRemove - func(index)
  • onMove - func(from, to)


A field is a form component which is responsible for managing the this field


  • id - field id, usually used as id props of inner input
  • validationState - see validation state of common concepts
  • validationMessage - string
  • value - any value this field needs.
  • onChange - func(value, event)
  • readOnly - bool, usually implemented by text field
  • disabled - bool, field should be disabled
  • ... - field component can define other props it needs, passed in from the corresponding schema.options


  • cleanValue - func(value, options): compatibleValue. return a value that is compatible with this field.

Field Schema

A field schema is an object of following keys:

  • type - string or field component. if string, it will be mapped into a field component by form.props.buildOptions.fields. if this schema has array or group key, type key can be omitted
  • wrapper - optional string or wrapper component. if string, it will be mapped into a wrapper component by form.props.buildOptions.fields
  • label - optional string
  • options - all options will be spread to the props of corresponding form component. you should only set allowed options such as readOnly, disabled and any alllowed options defined by specific field component(usually addressed in its doc).
  • validate - optional func(value, formValue): result. standard result format is {state: validationState, message: validationMessage}. if result is not standard, it will be converted as below:
    • falsy -> {state: 'success', message: ''}
    • string -> {state: 'error', message: string}
    • array -> {state: array[0], message: array[1]}
  • array - optional field schema. if exists, this schema indicates an array field.
  • group - optional object as {key: field schema}. if exists, this schema indicates a group field.
  • ignoreValue - optional bool. only available for field in a group. if true, the value of this field won't be included in the form value and form validation on submit

Components Suits List


How to connect forms?

For example

<Form {...{
    subForms: ()=> {
        return {
            form1: this.refs.form1,
            form2: this.refs.form2
    onSubmit: (value, summary, detail)=> console.log({value, summary, detail})
    <Form {...{
        type: 'div',
        ref: 'form1',
    <Form {...{
        type: 'div',
        ref: 'form2',
    <button className="btn btn-primary">Submit</button>

You can separate your form into many sub forms and layout them in this way.



Let's Build It Together!

If you like this project, welcome to give any helps and supports! Thanks!


RF Form: build react form with validations in a better way.


Language:JavaScript 98.3%Language:HTML 1.7%