Shahnazi2002 / Python-Examples

Python Beginner Examples

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


01 - Inches to Centimeters Converter

02 - Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius and Vice Versa

03 - Reverse of a Number

04- Two Numbers Are Multiples or Not

05 - Dice Roller

06 - BMI Calculator

07 - Two Sum with Target K

08 - Product Except Self

09 - Find the First Missing Positive Integer

10 - Job Scheduler

11 - Singleton

12 - Rand7 using Rand5

13 - Contiguous Sum Finder

14 - First Recurring Character

15 - Shift Check

16 - Fractions of Non-zero Digits


Python Beginner Examples


Language:Python 100.0%