ShahOdin / CircuitBreakerRetry

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CircuitBreaker is a design pattern used in modern software development. It is used to detect failures and encapsulates the logic of preventing a failure from constantly recurring, during maintenance, temporary external system failure or unexpected system difficulties. The following diagram demonstrates the basic idea behind the pattern:

circuit-breaker implementation

Akka offers an implementation which can be used in projects based in Akka or Play.

This project aims to add a retry functionality on top of it, so that instead of calls falling fast, they would be retried with exponentially growing intervals for a limited number of times before finally returning a failure. This would allow the user to tolerate negligible downtimes for the server providing a functionality.

The behaviour is demonstrated in the spec file.

Note that the main idea behind the retry mechanism is abstracted out in CircuitBreakerRetry while the interface with Akka is provided in AkkaCircuitBreakerRetry, so the ideas can be easily applied to internally use another circuitBreaker provider such as Amazon Hystrix.


Each circuit breaker is designed to be used for an individual service, as a circuit breaker chooses its states based on the result of the recent tasks attempted. Therefore if a circuit Breaker is attempted with services A and B where A is down and B is available, and the circuit breaker was last used to run a task on A, the next call to B would return fast, even though the service is available which is not desirable. As such each service should have its own circuit breaker.

The circuit Breakers can be created like this:

object serviceA_caller extends AkkaCircuitBreakerRetry {...}

to attempt the task with retry attempt:


the circuit breaker is still available to call directly through:


this would fail immediately if the circuit breaker is open.