ShadipBanik / BasicPhpTutorial

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Welcome to the BasicPhpTutorial wiki!


  1. First setup your Xampp/wampp .
  2. Then you download or clone this project & keep it Xampp/wampp root folder 'htdocs'.
  3. Go to your phpmyadmin and Create a Database history;
  4. Click import tab and click Chose File button .
  5. Select history.sql from this directory BasicPhpTutorial\resources\sql.
  6. After select sql file click go
  7. After sql insertion succesfully you go to your browser and run this url http://localhost/BasicPhpTutorial/.
  8. Finish installation now you use this project.

Project Screenshot

1.Member Registration.     2.Role Based User Ragistration.   3. Multipule user login same page.


1.After Admin login view.     2. After User login view.   3. Admin Access control pages.


1.Sidebar Home activity.     2. Number Conversion system.   3. Select_number_input_type(Ex:Binary to Decimal).


1. Select Output type .     2. GCD of two number input.  3. LCM of two number input.


1. GCD&LCM Select option.     2. String Manipulation .  3. piramid pattern.


1. Diamond pattern .     2. Divisible_number .    3. Search history Activity.


1. Select number of rows .    2. Manual search optionr .    3. Role activity.


1. Add role pop up .    2. question Acitivity Add question .   3. Duplicate question level exist.


1. Multipule level add .    2. question Level Suggestion .    3. All question activity.


1. question update pop up .   2. Realtime delete qustion .    3.Realtime delete level.


Programming Language:

  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • JQuery
  • Bootstrap
  • PHP
  • MySQL
  • Apache server
  • Ajax

IDE requirement:

  • Atom
  • PhpStorm



Language:PHP 61.6%Language:CSS 18.9%Language:JavaScript 14.3%Language:Hack 5.3%