Shabirmean / cymbalbank-app-config

Intro to KRM Demo: CymbalBank - Application Manifests

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kustomize - Cymbal Bank

This directory contains base and overlay manifests for the CymbalBank app. These manifests are intended for use with kustomize.


The /base directory contains the base manifests for CymbalBank, including ConfigMaps, Secrets, Deployments, Jobs, and Services.


The overlays/ directory contains two deployment overlays (options) for CymbalBank, dev/ and prod/. These overlays both use the base manifests but add special configuration for the following Deployment fields:

πŸ”Ž Tracing πŸ“Š Metrics πŸ“ Log Level 🏦 Frontend Replicas
πŸ’» Dev off off debug 1
πŸš€ Prod on on info 3

Note that the staging pipeline for the intro-to-krm demo uses the prod overlay.


Intro to KRM Demo: CymbalBank - Application Manifests