Shabirmean / containers-101

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Simple Linux containers from scratch in C

The repository has two files container-101.c and container-102.c. To run either of them you must be root in the host in which you are attempting to run them on. This is because some system calls (like clone() and exec()) requires root permissions,


Simple C program with 3 functions main(), child_function() and get_input_args(). When run the program clones into a new process and executes the child_function(). The child_functio() just takes in any arguments passed into the program and tries to execute it.

root> gcc container-101.c -o container-101
root> ./container-101 "/bin/ls"

Welcome to containers 101!
PARENT >> PID is [1891]
PARENT >> PID of my child is [1892]         # Child PID as seen by the parent
CHILD  >> PID is [1]                        # Child PID as seen by the child (inside container)
CHILD  >> execve("/bin/ls", "(null)", NULL)
folder-outside-container container-101  container-101.c

root> gcc container-101.c -o container-101
root> ./container-101 "/bin/ls -al"

Welcome to containers 101!
PARENT >> PID is [1894]
PARENT >> PID of my child is [1895]         # Child PID as seen by the parent
CHILD  >> PID is [1]                        # Child PID as seen by the child (inside container)
CHILD  >> execve("/bin/ls", "-al", NULL)
total 2036
drwxr-xr-x  6 shabirmean shabirmean    4096 Mar 10 16:34 .
drwxr-xr-x  3 root       root          4096 Mar  4 04:49 ..
-rwxr-xr-x  1 shabirmean shabirmean   17288 Mar 10 16:34 container-101
-rw-r--r--  1 shabirmean shabirmean    3349 Mar 10 16:34 container-101.c
drwxr-xr-x  2 root       root          4096 Mar 10 16:59 folder-outside-container

You can also run a shell as the child process, which means that you are running a shell inside the container.

root> ./container-101 "/bin/sh"

Welcome to containers 101!
PARENT >> PID is [1902]
CHILD  >> PID is [1]
PARENT >> PID of my child is [1903]
CHILD  >> execve("/bin/sh", "(null)", NULL)
$ ls                           # Here we are inside the container (the child shell process)
folder-outside-container container-101  container-101.c
$ pwd
$ exit                        # This exits out of the container and takes us to the original shell

One thing to notice above is that even whilst inside the container shell we could see the folder-outside-container directory with ls. In container-102 we will jail the container to a restricted view, so that nothing from the host is visible except what's allowed.


This is a build up on top of container-101.c. The additional things this acheives are:

  • Jail the container to a restricted view of the file-system. For this we download the Alpine Linux image. In the examples shown below, this image is used and extracted into a folder named rootfs.
  • Takes in an additional argument to configure a new hostname for the container
  • Sets up new environment variables for the container process
root> ls -l             # we are in th ehost machine here
total 2020
-rw-r--r--  1 shabirmean shabirmean 2000208 Nov 30  2017 alpine-minirootfs-3.7.0-x86_64.tar.gz
-rw-r--r--  1 shabirmean shabirmean    3349 Mar 10 16:34 container-101.c
-rw-r--r--  1 shabirmean shabirmean    4770 Mar 10 16:34 container-102.c
drwxr-xr-x  2 root       root          4096 Mar 10 16:59 folder-outside-container
drwx------ 19 root       root          4096 Mar 10 17:12 rootfs
root> echo $PATH        # compare this PATH var in the host machine against the one iniside the container
root> gcc container-102.c -o container-102
root> ./container-102 -h newhost -c "/bin/sh"

Welcome to containers 101!
PARENT >> PID is [1985]
PARENT >> PID of my child is [1986]
CHILD  >> PID is [1]
CHILD  >> execve("/bin/sh", "(null)", NULL)
/ $ ls                   # we are inside the container process here
                         # only folders within the alpine-image
bin    dev    etc    home   lib    media  mnt    proc   root   run    sbin   srv    sys    tmp    usr    var
/ $ pwd                  # we cannot see anything outside the rootfs folder
/                        # it looks like we are viewing a separate filesystem but its just inside rootfs
/ $ env
/ $ hostname
/ $ echo $PATH           # PATH env is different inside the container
/ $ exit



Language:C 100.0%