A minimal docker rpmbuilder image.
Based on centos, includes only rpmdevtools and yum-utils and a couple of scripts that automate building RPM packages.
The scripts take care of installing build dependencies (using yum-builddep), building the package (using rpmbuild) and placing the resulting RPMs in output directory.
The setup is based on Fedora packaging how-to: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_create_an_RPM_package
This repo was forked from jitakirin/docker-rpmbuild
(centos:7 Dockerfile) - based on centos:7
The image expects that work directory will be set to directory containing the sources (mounted from the host).
Typical usage:
docker run [--rm] -v /path/to/source:/src -w /src setheck/rpmbuild \
-s MYSPEC.spec
For help with usage, you can also consult the -h|--help flag
docker run --rm setheck/rpmbuild -h
This will build the project MYPROJ
in current directory, placing
results in RPMS/${ARCH}/
and SRPMS/
subdirectories under current
You can also specify to place the results in a subdirectory:
docker run [--rm] -v /path/to/source:/src -w /src setheck/rpmbuild \
-s MYSPEC.spec -o OUTDIR
This will create OUTDIR
if necessary and place the results in
If your package requires something from a non-core repo to build, you can add that repo using a PRE_BUILDDEP hook. It is an env variable that should contain an inline script or command to add the repo you need. E.g. for EPEL do:
docker run --rm -e PRE_BUILDDEP="yum install -y epel-release" \
-v /path/to/source:/src -w /src setheck/rpmbuild -s MYSPEC.spec
You can also gpg sign all resulting RPMs by specifying the signing name,
keyfile, and password (with -a "Name;KeyFile;Password"
) and placing
your keyfile in the source directory with your sources and spec file.
docker run --rm -e PRE_BUILDDEP="yum install -y epel-release" \
-v /path/to/source:/src -w /src setheck/rpmbuild \
-s MYSPEC.spec -a "SETH;seth_key.asc;supersecretpw"
There are two options to aid with debugging the build. One is to set
VERBOSE option in the environment (with -e VERBOSE=1
option to
docker run
) which will enable verbose output from the scripts and
rpmbuild. The other is to pass an --sh
option to the image, which
will drop to the shell instead of running rpmbuild, e.g.:
docker run -it -e VERBOSE=1 --rm --volume=$PWD:/src --workdir=/src \
setheck/rpmbuild --sh -s MYPROJ.spec
From there you can inspect the environment and you can run the build
manually either by switching to rpmbuild
su - rpmbuild
rpmbuild -ba rpmbuild/SPECS/MYPROJ.spec
or by running the same script the image uses:
runuser -u rpmbuild /usr/local/bin/docker-rpm-build.sh \