SethCalkins / You-Dont-Need-jQuery

Examples of how to do query, style, dom, ajax, event etc like jQuery with plain javascript.

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You Don't Need jQuery Build Status

Frontend environments evolve rapidly nowadays, modern browsers have already implemented a great deal of DOM/BOM APIs which are good enough. We don't have to learn jQuery from scratch for DOM manipulation or events. In the meantime, thanks to the prevailment of frontend libraries such as React, Angular and Vue, manipulating DOM directly becomes anti-pattern, jQuery has never been less important. This project summarizes most of the jQuery method alternatives in native implementation, with IE 10+ support.

Table of Contents

  1. Query Selector
  2. CSS & Style
  3. DOM Manipulation
  4. Ajax
  5. Events
  6. Utilities
  7. Alternatives
  8. Translations
  9. Browser Support

Query Selector

In place of common selectors like class, id or attribute we can use document.querySelector or document.querySelectorAll for substitution. The differences lie in:

  • document.querySelector returns the first matched element
  • document.querySelectorAll returns all matched elements as NodeList. It can be converted to Array using [] || []);
  • If no elements matched, jQuery would return [] whereas the DOM API will return null. Pay attention to Null Pointer Exception. You can also use || to set default value if not found, like document.querySelectorAll(selector) || []

Notice: document.querySelector and document.querySelectorAll are quite SLOW, try to use getElementById, document.getElementsByClassName or document.getElementsByTagName if you want to get a performance bonus.

  • 1.0 Query by selector

    // jQuery
    // Native
  • 1.1 Query by class

    // jQuery
    // Native
    // or
  • 1.2 Query by id

    // jQuery
    // Native
    // or
  • 1.3 Query by attribute

    // jQuery
    // Native
  • 1.4 Query in descendents

    // jQuery
    // Native
  • 1.5 Sibling/Previous/Next Elements

    • Sibling elements

      // jQuery
      // Native
      [], function(child) {
        return child !== el;
    • Previous elements

      // jQuery
      // Native
    • Next elements

      // jQuery
      // Native
  • 1.6 Closest

    Return the first matched element by provided selector, traversing from current element to document.

    // jQuery
    // Native - Only latest, NO IE
    // Native - IE10+ 
    function closest(el, selector) {
      const matchesSelector = el.matches || el.webkitMatchesSelector || el.mozMatchesSelector || el.msMatchesSelector;
      while (el) {
        if (, selector)) {
          return el;
        } else {
          el = el.parentElement;
      return null;
  • 1.7 Parents Until

    Get the ancestors of each element in the current set of matched elements, up to but not including the element matched by the selector, DOM node, or jQuery object.

    // jQuery
    $el.parentsUntil(selector, filter);
    // Native
    function parentsUntil(el, selector, filter) {
      const result = [];
      const matchesSelector = el.matches || el.webkitMatchesSelector || el.mozMatchesSelector || el.msMatchesSelector;
      // match start from parent
      el = el.parentElement;
      while (el && !, selector)) {
        if (!filter) {
        } else {
          if (, filter)) {
        el = el.parentElement;
      return result;
  • 1.8 Form

    • Input/Textarea

      // jQuery
      // Native
    • Get index of e.currentTarget between .radio

      // jQuery
      // Native
      []'.radio'), e.currentTarget);
  • 1.9 Iframe Contents

    $('iframe').contents() returns contentDocument for this specific iframe

    • Iframe contents

      // jQuery
      // Native
    • Iframe Query

      // jQuery
      // Native
  • 1.10 Get body

    // jQuery
    // Native
  • 1.11 Attribute getter and setter

    • Get an attribute

      // jQuery
      // Native
    • Set an attribute

      // jQuery, note that this works in memory without change the DOM
      $el.attr('foo', 'bar');
      // Native
      el.setAttribute('foo', 'bar');
    • Get a data- attribute

      // jQuery
      // Native (use `getAttribute`)
      // Native (use `dataset` if only need to support IE 11+)

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CSS & Style

  • 2.1 CSS

    • Get style

      // jQuery
      // Native
      // NOTE: Known bug, will return 'auto' if style value is 'auto'
      const win = el.ownerDocument.defaultView;
      // null means not return pseudo styles
      win.getComputedStyle(el, null).color;
    • Set style

      // jQuery
      $el.css({ color: "#ff0011" });
      // Native = '#ff0011';
    • Get/Set Styles

      Note that if you want to set multiple styles once, you could refer to setStyles method in oui-dom-utils package.

    • Add class

      // jQuery
      // Native
    • Remove class

      // jQuery
      // Native
    • has class

      // jQuery
      // Native
    • Toggle class

      // jQuery
      // Native
  • 2.2 Width & Height

    Width and Height are theoretically identical, take Height as example:

    • Window height

      // window height
      // without scrollbar, behaves like jQuery
      // with scrollbar
    • Document height

      // jQuery
      // Native
    • Element height

      // jQuery
      // Native
      function getHeight(el) {
        const styles = this.getComputedStyles(el);
        const height = el.offsetHeight;
        const borderTopWidth = parseFloat(styles.borderTopWidth);
        const borderBottomWidth = parseFloat(styles.borderBottomWidth);
        const paddingTop = parseFloat(styles.paddingTop);
        const paddingBottom = parseFloat(styles.paddingBottom);
        return height - borderBottomWidth - borderTopWidth - paddingTop - paddingBottom;
      // accurate to integer(when `border-box`, it's `height`; when `content-box`, it's `height + padding + border`)
      // accurate to decimal(when `border-box`, it's `height`; when `content-box`, it's `height + padding + border`)
  • 2.3 Position & Offset

    • Position

      // jQuery
      // Native
      { left: el.offsetLeft, top: el.offsetTop }
    • Offset

      // jQuery
      // Native
      function getOffset (el) {
        const box = el.getBoundingClientRect();
        return {
          top: + window.pageYOffset - document.documentElement.clientTop,
          left: box.left + window.pageXOffset - document.documentElement.clientLeft
  • 2.4 Scroll Top

    // jQuery
    // Native
    (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) || document.body.scrollTop;

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DOM Manipulation

  • 3.1 Remove

    // jQuery
    // Native
  • 3.2 Text

    • Get text

      // jQuery
      // Native
    • Set text

      // jQuery
      // Native
      el.textContent = string;
  • 3.3 HTML

    • Get HTML

      // jQuery
      // Native
    • Set HTML

      // jQuery
      // Native
      el.innerHTML = htmlString;
  • 3.4 Append

    append child element after the last child of parent element

    // jQuery
    $el.append("<div id='container'>hello</div>");
    // Native
    el.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend","<div id='container'>hello</div>");
  • 3.5 Prepend

    // jQuery
    $el.prepend("<div id='container'>hello</div>");
    // Native
    el.insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin","<div id='container'>hello</div>");
  • 3.6 insertBefore

    Insert a new node before the selected elements

    // jQuery
    // Native
    const target = document.querySelector(queryString);
    target.parentNode.insertBefore(newEl, target);
  • 3.7 insertAfter

    Insert a new node after the selected elements

    // jQuery
    // Native
    const target = document.querySelector(queryString);
    target.parentNode.insertBefore(newEl, target.nextSibling);
  • 3.8 is

    Returns true if it matches the query selector

    // jQuery - Notice `is` also work with `function` or `elements` which is not concerned here
    // Native
  • 3.9 clone

    Create a deep copy of that element

    // jQuery 
    // Native
    // For Deep clone , set param as `true`  

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Fetch API is the new standard to replace XMLHttpRequest to do ajax. It works on Chrome and Firefox, you can use polyfills to make it work on legacy browsers.

Try github/fetch on IE9+ or fetch-ie8 on IE8+, fetch-jsonp to make JSONP requests.

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For a complete replacement with namespace and delegation, refer to

  • 5.1 Bind an event with on

    // jQuery
    $el.on(eventName, eventHandler);
    // Native
    el.addEventListener(eventName, eventHandler);
  • 5.2 Unbind an event with off

    // jQuery
    $, eventHandler);
    // Native
    el.removeEventListener(eventName, eventHandler);
  • 5.3 Trigger

    // jQuery
    $(el).trigger('custom-event', {key1: 'data'});
    // Native
    if (window.CustomEvent) {
      const event = new CustomEvent('custom-event', {detail: {key1: 'data'}});
    } else {
      const event = document.createEvent('CustomEvent');
      event.initCustomEvent('custom-event', true, true, {key1: 'data'});

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  • 6.1 isArray

    // jQuery
    // Native
  • 6.2 Trim

    // jQuery
    // Native
  • 6.3 Object Assign

    Extend, use object.assign polyfill

    // jQuery
    $.extend({}, defaultOpts, opts);
    // Native
    Object.assign({}, defaultOpts, opts);
  • 6.4 Contains

    // jQuery
    $.contains(el, child);
    // Native
    el !== child && el.contains(child);

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Browser Support

Chrome Firefox IE Opera Safari
Latest ✔ Latest ✔ 10+ ✔ Latest ✔ 6.1+ ✔




Examples of how to do query, style, dom, ajax, event etc like jQuery with plain javascript.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%