SerjoPepper / themed-react-jss

React JSS theme provider

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Apply theme provider for JSS

This library helps you style your react components with JSS


npm install --save themed-react-jss


import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { render } from 'react/lib/ReactDOM'
import { createProvider } from 'themed-react-jss'

const provider = createProvider()
const { ApplyTheme } = provider

const myTheme = {
  sizes: {
    padding: '10px',
    font: '16px'
  palette: {
    font: '#000',
    background: '#eee'

const otherTheme = {
  sizes: {
    font: '18px'

class RawButton extends Component {
  render() {
    const { sheet, theme } = this.props
    return <button 
      className={ sheet.classes.button } 
      style={{ fontSize: theme.sizes.font }}>hello</button>

// or use decorators
// @injectSheet(...)
const StyledButton = injectSheet(theme => ({
  button: {
    padding: theme.sizes.padding,
    'font-size': theme.sizes.font,
    color: theme.palette.font,
    background: theme.palette.background,
    margin: '20px'

// Usage
  <ApplyTheme theme={myTheme}><StyledButton/></ApplyTheme>
), document.body)

// Usage with overrides and customJss

  <ApplyTheme theme={myTheme} jss={createJss()}>
    <ApplyTheme theme={otherTheme}>
    <ApplyTheme theme={{ palette: { font: 'green' } }}>

Provider options

import { createProvider } from 'themed-react-jss'

const provider = createProvider({
  // name of context field, random generated string by default
  contextFieldName: 'MyThemeProvider'

injectSheet options

// This options passed to
// jss.createStyleSheet(rules, options)
// as options
@injectSheet(theme => {

}, {
class Buttons extends Component {

Server-side rendering

You can get your styles as a string with

import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { render } from 'react/lib/ReactDOM'
import { createProvider, createJss } from 'themed-react-jss'

const jss = createJss()
  <ApplyTheme theme={myTheme} jss={jss}>

const resultCssString = jss.sheets.toString()


React JSS theme provider


Language:JavaScript 100.0%