Serisium / RaspberryPi-FreeRTOS

A port of FreeRTOS to the raspberry pi 2B.

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FreeRTOS Ported to Raspberry Pi 2B

This provides a very basic port of FreeRTOS to Raspberry pi 2B, now with video!

Howto Build

Type make

You need to modify the arm-non-eabi- toolchain locations in the Makefile:

kernel.elf: LDFLAGS += -L"/usr/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.9.3" -lgcc
kernel.elf: LDFLAGS += -L"/usr/lib/arm-none-eabi/lib" -lc

On Ubuntu you can install the toolchain with: sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-none-eabi

Format your SD card as FAT32

Copy the bootcode.bin and start.elf from here

Copy the config.txt from /boot_stuff onto the SD card to fix over/underscanning

Copy the kernel7.img generated by make

You should see the green LED turn on while the videotest happens, then the led will continuously blink.


A port of FreeRTOS to the raspberry pi 2B.


Language:C 91.5%Language:C++ 4.5%Language:Makefile 2.6%Language:Python 0.8%Language:Assembly 0.6%