SergeyShk / Project-Euler

My solutions to the problems of the Project Euler

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Project Euler

My solutions to the problems of the Project Euler


Title Solution
1 Multiples of 3 and 5 233168
2 Even Fibonacci numbers 4613732
3 Largest prime factor 6857
4 Largest palindrome product 906609
5 Smallest multiple 232792560
6 Sum square difference 25164150
7 10001st prime 104743
8 Largest product in a series 23514624000
9 Special Pythagorean triplet 31875000
10 Summation of primes 142913828922
11 Largest product in a grid 70600674
12 Highly divisible triangular number 76576500
13 Large sum 5537376230
14 Longest Collatz sequence 837799
15 Lattice paths 137846528820
16 Power digit sum 1366
17 Number letter counts 21124
18 Maximum path sum I 1074
19 Counting Sundays 171
20 Factorial digit sum 648
21 Amicable numbers 31626
22 Names scores 871198282
23 Non-abundant sums 4179871
24 Lexicographic permutations 2783915460
25 1000-digit Fibonacci number 4782
26 Reciprocal cycles 983
27 Quadratic primes -59231
28 Number spiral diagonals 669171001
29 Distinct powers 9183
30 Digit fifth powers 443839
31 Coin sums 73682
32 Pandigital products 45228
33 Digit cancelling fractions 100
34 Digit factorials 40730
35 Circular primes 55
36 Double-base palindromes 872187
37 Truncatable primes 748317
38 Pandigital multiples 932718654
39 Integer right triangles 840
40 Champernowne's constant 210
41 Pandigital prime 7652413
42 Coded triangle numbers 748317
43 Sub-string divisibility 16695334890
44 Pentagon numbers 5482660
45 Triangular, pentagonal, and hexagonal 1533776805
46 Goldbach's other conjecture 5777
47 Distinct primes factors 134043
48 Self powers 9110846700
49 Prime permutations 296962999629
50 Consecutive prime sum 997651
51 Prime digit replacements 121313
52 Permuted multiples 142857
53 Combinatoric selections 4075
54 Poker hands 376
55 Lychrel numbers 249
56 Powerful digit sum 972
57 Square root convergents 153
58 Spiral primes 26241
59 XOR decryption 107359
60 Prime pair sets 26033
61 Cyclical figurate numbers 28684
62 Cubic permutations 127035954683
63 Powerful digit counts 49
64 Odd period square roots 1322
65 Convergents of e 272


My solutions to the problems of the Project Euler


Language:Jupyter Notebook 61.0%Language:Python 39.0%