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Interception Tools

A minimal composable infrastructure on top of libudev and libevdev.

The Interception Tools is a small set of utilities for operating on input events of evdev devices:


udevmon - monitor input devices for launching tasks

usage: udevmon [-h] -c configuration.yaml

    -h                    show this message and exit
    -c configuration.yaml use configuration.yaml as configuration


intercept - redirect device input events to stdout

usage: intercept [-h] [-g] devnode

    -h        show this message and exit
    -g        grab device
    devnode   path of device to capture events from


uinput - redirect device input events from stdin to virtual device

usage: uinput [-h] [-p] [-c device.yaml]... [-d devnode]...

    -h                show this message and exit
    -p                show resulting YAML device description merge and exit
    -c device.yaml    merge YAML device description to resulting virtual device
    -d devnode        merge reference device description to resulting virtual device


Official Plugins


The following daemonized sample execution increases udevmon priority (since it'll be responsible for a vital input device, just to make sure it stays responsible):

sudo nice -n -20 udevmon -c udevmon.yaml >udevmon.log 2>udevmon.err &


I'm maintaining an Archlinux package on AUR:

It wraps udevmon in a systemd service that can be easily started, stopped and enabled to execute on boot. The service expects the configuration file at /etc/udevmon.yaml.

I don't use Ubuntu and recommend Archlinux instead, as it provides the AUR, so I don't maintain PPAs. For more information on Ubuntu/Debian installation check this:


dnf install cmake yaml-cpp-devel libevdev-devel


$ git clone
$ cd tools
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make

How It Works

First, lets check where libevdev sits in the input system from its documentation:

Where does libevdev sit?

libevdev is essentially a read(2) on steroids for /dev/input/eventX devices. It sits below the process that handles input events, in between the kernel and that process. In the simplest case, e.g. an evtest-like tool the stack would look like this:

kernel → libevdev → evtest

For X.Org input modules, the stack would look like this:

kernel → libevdev → xf86-input-evdev → X server → X client

For Weston/Wayland, the stack would look like this:

kernel → libevdev → Weston → Wayland client

libevdev does not have knowledge of X clients or Wayland clients, it is too low in the stack.

The tools here relying on libevdev are intercept and uinput. intercept's purpose is to capture input from a given device (optionally grabbing it) and write such raw input to stdout. uinput does the reverse, it receives raw input from stdin and write it to a virtual uinput device created by cloning characteristics of real devices, from YAML configuration, or both.

So, assuming $DEVNODE as the path of the device, something like /dev/input/by-id/some-kbd-id, the following results in a no-op:

intercept -g $DEVNODE | uinput -d $DEVNODE

In this case using -g is important so that the target device is grabbed for exclusive access, allowing the new virtual device created by uinput to substitute it completely: we grab it and others can grab the clone.

Now additional processing can be added in the middle easily. For example, with this trivial program (let's call it x2y):

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <linux/input.h>

int main(void) {
    struct input_event event;

    setbuf(stdin, NULL), setbuf(stdout, NULL);

    while (fread(&event, sizeof(event), 1, stdin) == 1) {
        if (event.type == EV_KEY && event.code == KEY_X)
            event.code = KEY_Y;

        fwrite(&event, sizeof(event), 1, stdout);

We replace x and y for a given keyboard with:

intercept -g $DEVNODE | x2y | uinput -d $DEVNODE

Now if we also have a y2z program we can compose both as

intercept -g $DEVNODE | x2y | y2z | uinput -d $DEVNODE

or as

intercept -g $DEVNODE | y2z | x2y | uinput -d $DEVNODE

and notice how the composition order x2y | y2z vs y2z | x2y is relevant in this case. The first most probably doesn't produce the desired composition because one affects the other and the final behavior actually becomes x2z and y2z, which doesn't happen in the later case.

The uinput tool has another purpose besides emulation which is just to print a device's description in YAML format. uinput -p -d /dev/input/by-id/my-kbd prints my-kbd characteristics in YAML, which itself can be feed back to uinput as uinput -c my-kbd.yaml. It can also merge device and YAML characteristics, for example,

uinput -p -d /dev/input/by-id/my-kbd -d /dev/input/by-id/my-mouse -c my-extra.yaml

merges my-kbd, my-mouse and my-extra.yaml into a single YAML output. The characteristics that aren't lists are "merged" by overriding the previous when they are present on both inputs. This allows creating hybrid virtual devices that act as both keyboard and mouse, for example.

Explicitly calling intercept and uinput on specific devices can be cumbersome, that's where udevmon enters the scene. udevmon accepts a YAML configuration with a list of jobs (sh commands) to be executed in case the device matches a given description. For example:

- JOB: "intercept -g $DEVNODE | y2z | x2y | uinput -d $DEVNODE"
      EV_KEY: [KEY_X, KEY_Y]

Calling udevmon with this configuration sets it to launch the given command for whatever device that responds to KEY_X or KEY_Y. It will monitor for any device that is already attached or that gets attached. When executing the task the $DEVNODE environment variable is set to the path of the matching device. The "full" YAML based spec is as follows:

- JOB:              S
    NAME:           R
    LOCATION:       R
    PRODUCT:        R
    VENDOR:         R
    BUSTYPE:        R
      EV_KEY:       LE
      EV_REL:       LE


  • S: sh command string.
  • R: regular expression string.
  • LP: list of all properties (name or code) the device must have.
  • LE: list of any events (name or code) of a given type the device can respond.
  • The regular expression grammar supported is Modified ECMAScript.
  • There can be any number of jobs.
  • Empty event list means the device should respond to whatever event of the given event type.
  • Property names and event types and names are taken from <linux/input-event-codes.h>.

Software Alternatives


Interception Tools is dual-licensed.

To be embedded and redistributed as part of a proprietary solution, contact me at for commercial licensing, otherwise it's under


Copyright © 2017 Francisco Lopes da Silva


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:C++ 91.2%Language:C 6.2%Language:CMake 2.5%