Serena1432 / SmoothTransition

A plugin handling smooth transtions for any RPG Maker MV/MZ games.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


SmoothTransition is a RPG Maker MV/MZ plugin for handling smooth transitions, aiming to improve user experience(?) and look & feel for players, and replace the boring default linear transition.


Supported transition types

Currently, only 7 types of transitions are supported because I'm too lazy đź’€

  • linear

  • easeIn

  • easeOut

  • easeInOut

  • easeInCubic

  • easeOutCubic

  • easeInOutCubic

Of course I will add more soon, but you can add one yourself and create a Pull Request if you want ;)

Downloading the latest version

You can download the latest version from the Releases page, or you can simply clone this repository. It's about the same thing.


After downloading, you should put it into the js/plugins folder of your RPG Maker MV/MZ game. After that, go to the Plugin Manager section (or press F10) and add the SmoothTransition plugin into the list.

Change the Plugin Parameters as you want, save the project and then you can use the plugin!


This plugin provides both Script Commands and Plugin Commands, and you can use either way that you want.

Script Commands (API Documentation)

SmoothTransition class

This is a static class used to define global properties and functions used by Plugin or Script Commands.

  • Type: string

  • Assignable: Yes

  • Default Value: "easeOut"

The default transition type that will be used for all transitions (if no specific transition type is defined).

Assign a new value to this property to switch to another transition type.

  • Type: boolean

  • Assignable: Yes

  • Default Value: true

Enable/disable overwriting the default picture transition in the game (replacing default linear transition with SmoothTransition in Move Picture command).

Assign a new value to this property to switch to enable/disable it.

  • Type: object of function

  • Assignable: Yes

Contains a list of objects with functions for each transitionType to calculate the values.

This property is assignable with new transitionType like the code below:

SmoothTransition.transitionTypes["easeOut"] = function(value) {
    return Math.sin((value * Math.PI) / 2);

Other functions will call the methods in SmoothTransition.transitionTypes with this argument below:

Argument Type Required Description
value number Yes The input value to be calculated.

Then that method have to return a value as described below:

Property Type Description
value number The calculated/output value.
SmoothTransition.getValue(value, reverse = false, transitionType)
  • Type: function

Calculate a value using the given transition type.

  • Passable Arguments:
Argument Type Required Description
value number Yes The input value to be calculated.
Must be between 0 and 1.
reverse boolean No Whether the result is reversed (from 1 to 0 instead of 0 to 1).
Default value is false.
transitionType string No The transition type will be used for transitioning.
Default value is the previously defined SmoothTransition.defaultTransitionType.
  • Returns: number This function will return the output value calculated from the defined transition type.

  • Examples:

SmoothTransition.getValue(0.5, false, "easeOut");
// 0.7071067811865475
SmoothTransition.processTransition(time, callback, transitionType)
  • Type: function

Process a transition using the duration, callback function and transition type given.

  • Passable Arguments:
Argument Type Required Description
time number Yes The transition duration defined for transitioning the value from 0 to 1 (in miliseconds).
callback function(value) Yes The callback function that will be called each time the output value changes.
The only passed argument will be value (number) containing the output value.
transitionType string No The transition type will be used for transitioning.
Default value is the previously defined SmoothTransition.defaultTransitionType.
  • Returns: number This function will return a number containing the Interval ID that you can use with the clearInterval function to stop the transition midway.

  • Examples:

var intervalId = SmoothTransition.processTransition(1000, (value) => {
    var x = Math.floor(640 * value) + 320; // x will be transitioning from 320 to 640
    var y = Math.floor(240 * value) + 120; // y will be transitioning from 120 to 360
    $gameScreen.showPicture(1, "picture", 0, x, y, 100, 100, opacity, 0);
    // The picture will be transitioning from (320, 120) to (960, 360)
}, "easeOut");
// Returns a number containing the Interval ID
// Use the command above if you want to stop the transition midway
  • Type: function

Parse the given variable input into integer. Supports referencing a variable from current RPG Maker save file.

  • Passable Arguments:
Argument Type Required Description
input string Yes The input value to be calculated.
You can also pass \V[n] (as same as in RPG Maker MV's Show Text command) to reference a variable in current RPG Maker save file.
  • Returns: ?number This function will return a number containing the parsed value from the input given.

  • Examples:

// Parsing a normal number
// 29

// Referencing the value from a variable
// Will be the same as $gameVariables.value(11)

Game_Transition class

new Game_Transition(id, variable, time, command, interpreter)

A general class containing the data for a SmoothTransition.

  • Type: number

  • Assignable: Yes

The current transition ID.

  • Type: object

  • Assignable: Yes

The transition's variables data. It's an object containing these two child properties:

Property Type Description
start number The value assigned to the variable when the transition starts.
end number The value assigned to the variable when the transition ends.
  • Type: ?number

  • Assignable: Yes

The transition's given duration.

  • Type: ?string

  • Assignable: Yes

The Plugin Command that will be run each time the transition's current value changes. You can also use | (with spaces) to split multiple Plugin Commands.

  • Type: ?Game_Interpreter

  • Assignable: Yes

The transition's assigned interpreter. Required to be able to call Plugin Commands.

  • Type: ?number

  • Assignable: No

The transition's current Interval ID. Will be assigned automatically when the transition starts.

  • Type: function

  • Passable Arguments:

Argument Type Required Description
name string Yes The variable name.
  • Returns: number Return the transition's variable value by name.

Can be overwritten by other plugins.

setValue(name, value)
  • Type: function

  • Passable Arguments:

Argument Type Required Description
name string Yes The variable name.
value number Yes The variable's new value.

Set a new value for a transition variable.

Can be overwritten by other plugins.

  • Type: function

  • Returns: ?number Return the transition's given duration.

Can be overwritten by other plugins.

  • Type: function

  • Passable Arguments:

Argument Type Required Description
value number Yes The new transition duration.

Set a new duration for the transition.

Can be overwritten by other plugins.

  • Type: function

  • Returns: ?string Return the transition's current Plugin Command.

Can be overwritten by other plugins.

  • Type: function

  • Passable Arguments:

Argument Type Required Description
command string Yes The transition's new Plugin Command.

Set a new Plugin Command for the transition.

Can be overwritten by other plugins.

  • Type: function

  • Returns: ?Game_Interpreter Return the transition's current interpreter.

Can be overwritten by other plugins.

  • Type: function

  • Passable Arguments:

Argument Type Required Description
interpreter Game_Interpreter Yes The new transition interpreter.

Set a new interpreter for the transition.

Can be overwritten by other plugins.

  • Type: function

Start the transition with the data given.

Requires _variables, _time, _command and _interpreter properties to be defined. If not, you can set those up using setValue(), setTime(), setCommand(), and setInterpreter().

Can be overwritten by other plugins.

  • Type: function

Stop the current transition. Do nothing if the transition hasn't started yet.

Can be overwritten by other plugins.

  • Type: function

Clear all transition data.

Game_Transitions class

new Game_Transitions()

A general class representing the transition container, containing data from all SmoothTransitions.

This will be assigned into $gameVariables.transitions when the first Plugin Command runs.

  • Type: object

An object containing all Game_Transition by transition IDs.

  • Type: function

  • Passable Arguments:

Argument Type Required Description
id number Yes The transition ID.
  • Returns: ?Game_Transition Return the transition data if the transition ID is valid.

Can be overwritten by other plugins.

setTransition(id, {variables, time, command, interpreter})
  • Type: function

  • Passable Arguments:

Argument Type Required Description
id number Yes The transition ID.
data object Yes The new transition data.
  • The data object argument will have these child properties:
Property Type Required Description
data.variables object Yes See Game_Transition.prototype._variables.
data.time number Yes The new transition duration.
data.command string Yes The transition's new Plugin Command.
You can also use  |  (with spaces) to split multiple Plugin Commands.
data.interpreter Game_Interpreter Yes The transition's new interpreter.

Set a new data for the transition by transition ID.

Can be overwritten by other plugins.

  • Type: function

Clear all data from all transitions.

Can be overwritten by other plugins.

  • Type: function

  • Passable Arguments:

Argument Type Required Description
id number Yes The transition ID.

Create a new transition with no data.

Can be overwritten by other plugins.

Plugin Commands

SmoothTransition picture value

Argument Required Description
value Yes on to enable, off to disable.

Enable/disable overwriting the default picture transition in the game.

SmoothTransition variable id name start end

Argument Required Description
id Yes The transition ID. Numbers only.
name Yes The variable name. Spaces are not allowed.
start Yes The value assigned when the transition starts.
You can also pass \V[n] (as same as in RPG Maker MV's Show Text command) to reference a variable in current RPG Maker save file.
end Yes The value assigned when the transition ends.
You can also pass \V[n] (as same as in RPG Maker MV's Show Text command) to reference a variable in current RPG Maker save file.

Set a variable to be used in the transition.


SmoothTransition variable 1 x 100 500
SmoothTransition variable 1 y 200 400

SmoothTransition time id value

Argument Required Description
id Yes The transition ID. Numbers only.
value Yes The transition's new duration, calculated by frames (the same as RPG Maker's default time calculation).

Set a new duration for the transition.


SmoothTransition time 1 60

SmoothTransition cmd id command

Argument Required Description
id Yes The transition ID. Numbers only.
command Yes The transition's new Plugin Command. Spaces are allowed.
You can also use  |  (with spaces) to split multiple Plugin Commands.

Set a new Plugin Command to be executed when the transition value changes.


SmoothTransition cmd 1 TalkLive2d Koharu x y

SmoothTransition start id

Argument Required Description
id Yes The transition ID. Numbers only.

Start a transition by the transition ID.


SmoothTransition start 1

SmoothTransition stop id

Argument Required Description
id Yes The transition ID. Numbers only.

Stop a transition by the transition ID.


SmoothTransition stop 1

SmoothTransition clear id

Argument Required Description
id Yes The transition ID. Numbers only.
Type all as the ID to clear data from all transitions.

Clear all data from one or all transitions.


SmoothTransition clear 1
SmoothTransition clear all


This plugin is released under the MIT License, which means you can freely do anything with it without any limitations, including modifying the code or using it for commercial purposes!

If you've modified something and are willing to contribute it to this repository, feel free to create any Pull Requests.

Contact me

You can see my contact information at the last section of my profile.


A plugin handling smooth transtions for any RPG Maker MV/MZ games.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%