Sennevds / autodarts-caller

Provides a caller for

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Autodarts-caller plays back sound-files accordingly to the state of a game. Furthermore it acts as a central hub by forwarding game-events to connected clients like that process incoming data to automate other dart-web-platforms like test


Variant Support
X01 ✔️
Cricket ✔️
Around the Clock
Round the World
Random Checkout ✔️
Count Up
Segment Training



  • If you're running a desktop-driven OS it's recommended to use autodarts-desktop as it takes care of starting, updating, configurating and managing multiple apps.


  • Download the appropriate executable in the release section.

By Source:

Setup python3

  • Download and install python 3.x.x for your specific os.

Get the project

git clone

Go to download-directory and type:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Optional for Linux: If you encounter problems with playing sound:

sudo apt-get install python3-sdl2


Since version 2.0.0 there is a build-in download-mechanismn that automatically downloads multiple voice-packs in different languages and genders on application start - you don't need to setup manually. Every voice-pack contain all sound-files of category MAIN-CALLING. If you would like to extend a voice-pack, e.g. to add other sound-files-keys like "ambient_gameshot" or "ambient_playerchange", copy them into specific voice-pack directory to use them only for specific voice-pack or copy them into --media_path_shared (-MS) to use them for every voice-pack. You can find a specific voice-pack in --media_path (-M).

Use my own voice-pack / sounds

Copy your sound-files to --media_path (-M). Make sure your sound-files are named according to the rules: supported sound-file-keys. You don't need to have all listed sound-file-keys - just add the ones you want to use. You can find sounds at,,

Since Version 1.6.0 you can deposit multiple sounds for every (sound-file-key). Therefor you have to add a "+" to the filename. After the "+" you can add whatever text you prefer; as an example: let`s say we want multiple sounds for the 'gameon'-event. Our default file is 'gameon.mp3'. Now we add some more: 'gameon+1.mp3', 'gameon+2.mp3', 'gameon+BEST.mp3'. You are not limited to the gameon-event, even score-sounds can have multiple soundfiles.




  • gameon
  • matchon
  • gameshot
  • matchshot
  • matchcancel
  • leg_{x}
  • set_{x}
  • busted
  • 0-180
  • {playername(s)} (Name of Autodarts-player(s) | bot lvl 1-11)
  • you_require (-PCC = 1 and -PCCSF = 0)
  • yr_2-yr_170 (-PCC = 1 and -PCCSF = 1)

SINGLE-DARTS (Argument -E = 1):

  • single
  • singleinner [overrides: single]
  • singleouter [overrides: single]
  • double
  • triple
  • outside
  • s1-s20 [overrides: single, singleinner, singleouter]
  • d1-d20 [overrides: double]
  • t1-t20 [overrides: triple]
  • sbull [overrides: single]
  • bull [overrides: double]

AMBIENT (Argument -A > 0.0):

  • ambient_playerchange
  • ambient_gameon
  • ambient_gameshot
  • ambient_matchon [fallback: ambient_gameon]
  • ambient_matchshot [fallback: ambient_gameshot]
  • ambient_noscore
  • ambient_1more
  • ambient_50more
  • ambient_100more
  • ambient_120more
  • ambient_150more
  • ambient_1-ambient_180 [overrides: ambient_Xmore]
  • ambient_{any 3 darts combo, for example "t1s1d1"} [overrides: ambient_1-ambient_180]
  • ambient_group_legendary
  • ambient_group_perfect
  • ambient_group_very_nice
  • ambient_group_good
  • ambient_group_normal
  • ambient_checkout_call_limit


  • control
  • control_next [overrides: control]
  • control_next_game [overrides: control]
  • control_undo [overrides: control]
  • control_ban_caller [overrides: control]
  • control_change_caller [overrides: control]
  • control_calibrate [overrides: control]
  • control_dart_correction [overrides: control]
  • control_dart_correction_1 [overrides: control, control_dart_correction]
  • control_dart_correction_2 [overrides: control, control_dart_correction]
  • control_dart_correction_3 [overrides: control, control_dart_correction]


You can run by source or run an os-specific executable (recommended).

Run by executable

Example: Windows

Create a shortcut of the executable; right click on the shortcut -> select properties -> add Arguments in the target input at the end of the text field.

Example: C:\Downloads\autodarts-caller.exe -U "your-autodarts-email" -P "your-autodarts-password" -B "your-autodarts-board-id" -M "absolute-folder-to-your-media-files"

Save changes. Click on the shortcut to start the application.

Run by source

Example: Linux

Copy the default script:


Edit and fill out Arguments:


Make it executable:

chmod +x

Start the script:




  • -U / --autodarts_email
  • -P / --autodarts_password
  • -B / --autodarts_board_id
  • -M / --media_path


  • -MS / --media_path_shared [Default: '']
  • -V / --caller_volume [Default: 1.0] [Possible values: 0.0 .. 1.0]
  • -C / --caller [Default: None] [Possible values: look at description below]
  • -R / --random_caller [Default: 1] [Possible values: 0 | 1]
  • -L / --random_caller_each_leg [Default: 0] [Possible values: 0 | 1]
  • -RL / --random_caller_language [Default: 1] [Possible values: 0 (every language) | 1 (english) | 2 (french) | 3 (russian) | 4 (german) | 5 (spanish) | 6 (dutch)]
  • -RG / --random_caller_gender [Default: 0] [Possible values: 0 (every gender) | 1 (female) | 2 (male) ]
  • -CCP / --call_current_player [Default: 1] [Possible values: 0 | 1]
  • -E / --call_every_dart [Default: 0] [Possible values: 0 | 1]
  • -ESF / --call_every_dart_single_files [Default: 1] [Possible values: 0 | 1]
  • -PCC / --possible_checkout_call [Default: 1] [Possible values: 0..Inf]
  • -PCCSF / --possible_checkout_call_single_files [Default: 1] [Possible values: 0 | 1]
  • -PCCYO / --possible_checkout_call_yourself_only [Default: 0] [Possible values: 0 | 1]
  • -A / --ambient_sounds [Default: 0.0] [Possible values: 0.0 .. 1.0]
  • -AAC / --ambient_sounds_after_calls [Default: 0] [Possible values: 0 | 1]
  • -DL / --downloads [Default: 1] [Possible values: 0 | 1]
  • -DLL / --downloads_limit [Default: 0]
  • -DLLA / --downloads_language [Default: 1] [Possible values: 0 (every language) | 1 (english) | 2 (french) | 3 (russian) | 4 (german) | 5 (spanish) | 6 (dutch)]
  • -BAV / --background_audio_volume [Default: 0.0] [Possible values: 0.0 .. 1.0]
  • -WEB / --web_caller [Default: 0] [Possible values: 0,1,2]
  • -WEBSB / --web_caller_scoreboard [Default: 0] [Possible values: 0 | 1]
  • -WEBP / --web_caller_port [Default: 5000]
  • -HP / --host_port [Default: 8079]

-U / --autodarts_email

You should know your registered email-adress.

-P / --autodarts_password

You should know your registered password. Make sure you disable 2FA (Two-Factor-Auth).

-B / --autodarts_board_id

You can find your Board-ID in Board-Manager.

-M / --media_path

Setup an absolute path where sounds are located on drive. Make sure the given path doesn't reside inside main-directory (autodarts-caller).

-MS / --media_path_shared

If you do not want to configure same sounds again for every individual voice-pack, you can specify an absolute path to a shared directory. Every voice-pack will use the sounds of that directory. Have a look at supported Sound-file-keys. Moreover make sure the given path neither resides inside main-directory (autodarts-caller) nor inside media-path (-M).

-V / --caller_volume

You can lower the call-volume in relation to current system-volume. '1.0' is system-volume. '0.5' is "half" volume. By default this is '1.0'.

-C / --caller

Sets a specific voice-pack as caller. On start the application displays a list of installed voice-packs; copy the name of chosen one and paste it here. By default this is 'None' meaning the application uses sound-files of argument '-M' or a random voice-pack if this is configurated (see next). Note: if you set this to a value unequal to 'None' the arguments '-R' and '-L' are no more relevant.

-R / --random_caller

The application will randomly choose a voice-pack on every match-start. If you use this functionality, the application considers only most recent version of a voice-pack by finding highest version number (e.g: a-caller-v3). By default this is activated.

-L / --random_caller_each_leg

If you set this to '1' the application will randomly choose a voice-pack each time a new leg starts. By default this is not activated.

-RL / --random_caller_language

Filters randomly chosen voice-pack by its language. '0' means no filtering. By default this is '1' (english).

-RG / --random_caller_gender

Filters randomly chosen voice-pack by its gender. '0' means no filtering. By default this is '0'.

-CCP / --call_current_player

If you set this to 1' the application will call playernames. By default this is activated.

-E / --call_every_dart

If you set this to '1' the application calls every thrown dart. Setup sounds 's1'-'t20', single, double and others. This is pretty handy if you want to play sound-effects. Note: the third dart will only considered if argument '-ESF' is set to '1'.

-ESF / --call_every_dart_single_files

If you set this to '0' the application calls every thrown dart by combining the type of hit (single, double ..) with hit-number (20, 30, ..) so that it reuses the sounds of score-values (0-180). If you set this to '1' (default) it will call by using only one file (ie. single, double, t19, ..).

-PCC / --possible_checkout_call

If you set this to '1' the application will call possible checkouts. Setup sounds {playername}{yr_2-yr_170} or {2-170} as a fallback. If you set this to value above '1' calls won't be repeat when the count of value is reached. By default this is '1'.

-PCCSF / --possible_checkout_call_single_file

If you set this to '0' (default) the application uses two separated sound-files named: 'you_require' and 'x' (score-value). If you set this to '1' the application will call a possible checkout by using one file 'yr_2-yr_170'.

-PCCYO / --possible_checkout_call_yourself_only

If you set this to '1' the application will only call if there is a checkout possibility and the current player is you (associated to your board-id). Note: this functionality won't work if your board is offline. By default this is '0'.

-A / --ambient_sounds

If you set this to value between '0.1' and '1.0' the caller will call extra sounds like crowd-shouting or whatever you like (you decide!). Setup sounds {ambient_*}. The configured value will be multiplied by caller_volume. As an example: caller_volume = '0.8' and ambient_sounds = '1.0' means your sound-volume will be 0.8 relative to your system-volume. By default this is '0'.

-AAC / --ambient_sounds_after_calls

If you set this to '1' ambient_*-sounds will wait until main-calls are finished. By default this is not activated.

-DL / --downloads

If you set this to '1' the application will download available voice-packs that are not already installed. By default this is activated.

-DLLA / --downloads_language

If you want to filter downloads to a specific language. '0' means no filtering. By default this is '1' (english).

-DLL / --downloads_limit

If you want to limit downloads-count, you can set it to x most recent. By default this is '0' (no limitation).

-BAV / --background_audio_volume

You can not hear any calls as your music is way too loud? Try to set this to '0.03' and let the calls begin :) Default is '0.0' (no background-audio-muting). Note: Only availble on windows-os.

-WEB / --web_caller

If you set this to a '1' or '2' the application will host a web-endpoint to mirror all call-events. A value '1' will play sounds only on the web-endpoint. Value '2' will play sounds on the application and on the web-endpoint. To use web-calling visit http://{machine-ip-address}:{web-caller-port} in browser.

-WEBSB / --web_caller_scoreboard

If you set this to a '1' the application will host a web-endpoint to display an alternative scoreboard. Visit http://{machine-ip-address}:{web-caller-port}/scoreboard in browser.

-WEBP / --web_caller_port

If web-calling or web-scoreboard is enabled, you can configure a custom port. By default this is '5000'.

-HP / --host_port

The application provides a websocket-service. Other extensions like autodarts-extern or autodarts-wled can connect to this service (ws://ip:port). For a list of json-examples look at 'broadcast-examples.dat' - who knows maybe you build your own extension upon this?!

Setup autostart [linux] (optional)

There are endless possibilities to manage an autostart. You find two ways to do it (both using the to run it by source)

Using a cronjob

crontab -e

At the end of the file add (Replace USER):

@reboot sleep 30 && cd /home/USER/autodarts-caller && ./ > /home/USER/autodarts-caller.log 2>&1

Reboot your system:

sudo reboot

Check log:

tail /home/USER/autodarts-caller.log

Using a desktop-start-task (linux with gui only)

if you are facing problems with the crontab-solution try this:

sudo apt install xterm

One can now manually test whether the whole thing starts with the following command (adjust USER):

xterm -e "cd /home/USER/autodarts-caller && ./"

A terminal-like window should now open with the running program.

To enable autostart, a .desktop file now needs to be created:

sudo nano ~/.config/autostart/autodartscaller.desktop

Insert the following into this file and adjust the USER in the path:

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=xterm -e "cd /home/USER/autodarts-caller && ./ > /home/USER/autodarts-caller.log 2>&1"
Comment[de_DE]=Autostart Autodarts-Caller
Comment=Autostart Autodarts-Caller

Afterwards, save the file (Ctrl + O) and close the file (Ctrl + X).

Now the file permissions need to be set for the file (again, adjust USER!):

sudo chmod u=rw-,g=rw-,o=r-- ~/.config/autostart/autodartscaller.desktop
sudo chmod +x ~/.config/autostart/autodartscaller.desktop
sudo chown USER ~/.config/autostart/autodartscaller.desktop

Reboot your system:

sudo reboot

Check log:

tail /home/USER/autodarts-caller.log


App has strange behaviour / got an error message

  • Enable debug ('-DEB "1"') to display more information about a problem.
  • If you don't know how to fix an error, have a look below.

Failed to process voice-pack 'X'

All voice-packs are hosted on google. There is a chance that you encounter this error as google allows only a certain download count in unknown time window. Just be patient, wait a few hours and restart the application. It could be helpful to restart your router or use a vpn to bypass.

failed keycloakauthentication Error (401 invalid_grant)

  • Disable Two-Factor-Auth (2FA).
  • Make sure you use your email-addres - NOT your username.
  • Check your password.

Can not play sound for sound-file-key 'X' -> Ignore this or check existance; otherwise convert your file appropriate

Make sure the displayed exists! If you rename any of your sound-files you NEED to restart the application as it internally creates a list of available sound-files ONLY on application-start AND on a caller-switch (random_caller-functionality)!

Sound is not playing?!

  • Check that the filename is a supported Sound-file-key
  • Sometimes there are sounds that are not readable. In this case you can convert sound-file(s) with an additional program ( Make sure you configurate 44100HZ, Stereo.
  • Check the console output: in case you do not receive any messages (only 'Receiving live information from ..') -> you should check the given Board-ID (-B) for correctness.

I don't like sound X of voice-pack Y

EVERY sound is optional! If you don't like a specific sound just delete it! The application can even function with no files at all.

I don't like voice-pack X

There are two ways to ban a voice-pack. Option 1) Delete ALL files of voice-pack-folder. Option 2) use autodarts-voice to ban the the current caller when active. Both options forcing the application to either download files again nor using a voice-pack anymore. If you wish to revoke a ban, open 'autodarts-caller-banned.txt' and remove the line from the list. You find the file (Windows) in C:\Users\YOUR-USER\AppData\Local\Temp\autodarts-caller-banned.txt

App starts and stops immediately?!

Start application out of terminal to check whats going on.

Sound does not match up calls?!

Try to modify your sound-files.


Do you want to provide your voice-pack to the community? It`s easy - read on!

  1. Create a ZIP archive that contains the following contents:

    • Template file: A UTF8-(with a BOM)-encoded CSV file (*.csv) (filename irrelevant), which is structured as follows: Column 1 contains a phrase that a sound file is based on. For example: "The game is over." All other filled columns (separated by semicolon ';') specify Sound-file-keys that are used by autodarts-caller. For an example have a look at 'en-US-v1.csv' template.

    • Sounds archive: A ZIP file (*.zip) (filename: "{speaker name}"-"{m|f}"-"{language}".zip - for example: ""). This ZIP-file must contain a folder (filename irrelevant). The folder contains the sound-files. It should be noted that the sounds-files MUST be in the same order (when sorted alphabetically) as listed in the template-file; however, the actual filename is completely irrelevant.

    • Source file (optional but desirable): A text file (*.txt) (filename: irrelevant) containing additional information about the origin of the sound files. For example you could mention a link where the sounds were generated; a specification of generation-parameters and so on.

  2. Upload the ZIP archive to a file-hoster: Make sure you choose a filehoster that supports direct-links and UNLIMITED file-persistence without restrictions (GoogleDrive, OneDrive, ...). !!IMPORTANT!! Before you upload, check if you are eligible to distribute the sound-files - Are you the owner? Are you allowed to share it in public?

  3. Sent me a your link by PM on Discord - Wait for a new release :)


It may be buggy. I've just coded it for fast fun with You can give me feedback in Discord > wusaaa


  • support other games modes
  • cricket 2 players 2x gameon
  • cricket: do not call marked fields, only call number if field is still open
  • bots no dart-sounds for every turn (at least not for ESF = 0)
  • add fading option for ambient, *? -> play(loops=0, maxtime=0, fade_ms=0) -> Channel
  • bot your aiming for (your require ...) but already gameshot (stop running sounds)
  • add ambient_x-pendent for every Main/Every-Dart-Sound
  • ambient_25bullbull fail?
  • if single-darts is on and last arrow hits; the programm also calls last dart effect / that is ie triple, that coming from curated caller-voices = wrong!
  • care about blocking python process on shutdown
  • do not load new caller on ad-disconnect


  • prevent from double calling
  • only one webhook with all information (to prevent race condition on receiving app): leg_end, turn, throw_number, throw_value, points_left, variant, user
  • let the user configure caller-volume
  • sounds for every throw (single, double, tripple, missed)
  • add start argument for surpressing checkout calls
  • add sites for free sound-file downloads
  • cricket: Change call behaviour to default
  • improved possible checkout call for bogey numbers
  • yr_2-yr_170.{wav | mp3} different sounds-files for possible checkout calls
  • fix sound-play repetition
  • improved error logging
  • dont care about last slash in webhook
  • fix webhook for apps that need info of every throw
  • offer multiple WTT`s
  • add [playername] to gameshot like in [playername] you require
  • add configurable pygame.mixer
  • add possibility to have more sound-files for one event (random if multiple found)
  • add ambient-sounds for gameon, gamewon, noscore etc.
  • call every field possible
  • added matchshot
  • use WS
  • -E 25 will be called as 25 (that is wrong)
  • improve console logs
  • add debug by argument
  • add caller-profile-downloader
  • add media_path_shared
  • fix sending to websocket take too long / waiting for sound-playing (rework process_*)
  • optional activation of third dart (-E)
  • add "ambient1More"
  • add Readme-section for updating
  • background-audio-muting for windows-os
  • keys for dart-number-combinations ie ambient_t1d1s1 -> sound
  • add linux start-script
  • start board on app-start if board-address is available!
  • dl limit remove 1000 cap
  • consider x.leg/set -> Gameshot / !x_leg! / player
  • add ambient_group_level
  • prohibit -M and -MS in main-directory; prohibit -MS in -M
  • add web-caller
  • configure custom web-caller-port
  • added caller language and gender filter
  • fixed random-caller and random-caller-each-leg
  • adds PCCYO
  • rework PCC
  • add support for game control
  • add support for gc: dart-correction (multiple)
  • add ban/change caller


Make sure your speakers are turned on ;) Thanks to Timo for awesome It will be huge!


Provides a caller for


Language:Python 80.7%Language:HTML 9.9%Language:JavaScript 4.3%Language:Shell 3.3%Language:CSS 1.6%Language:Batchfile 0.1%