Sen2k9 / Toy-Project-Bengal-Cart

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Project Overview

Phase 1:

Customers will use an online cart platform to buy different daily house-hold groceries ( as initial development).

Customers will be able to use credit card payment or check or paypal platform for transaction.

Customers will be able to buy the product and send it as a gift to a friend.

Phase 2:

Customers will be able to donate to a non-profit welfare-agencies to help people (e.g., COVID-19 patients in Bangladesh).

The donated money will add to their cart and after transaction the money will be sent directly to the welfare-agencies.

Phase 3:

Owner of Bangla-Cart(the platform) will have different welfare-agencies (such as 1-taka-vat, HelpPoor!) to sponsor and will be served as Software as a Platform (SaaP).

Bangla-Cart will receive revenue for evey transaction of the customers and for every donation customer make using the "Bangla-Cart" SaaP.

Bangla-Cart will provide a monthly summary as invoice to evey welfare-agencies' as a transactional charge of using the SaaS.

Technology Recommended:

Python, Django as backend; JavaScript as front end; third party service Stripe ( a suite of payment APIs) for the transaction or making of our own.

Technical Challenges for Phase 1:

Using Django Platform to register and login evey user.

Add, remove product to the cart box before transaction.

Database of available product in the platform (like as car rental system).

Technical Challenges for Phase 2:

Integrating payment API in the "buy-box"

Ensuring transactional atomicity in the platform

Separate database for the donated money for different welfare-agencies.

Technical Challenges for Phase 3:

Scalling the system for large number of Customers as well as welfare-agencies'.

Keeping efficient database for many-to-many transaction between customers and welfare-agencies' (i.e., one customer can donate to several welfare-agencies and one welfare-agency can receive donation from several customers)

Creating a separate invoice portal to provide monthly transaction summary for different welfare-agencies' as well as service charge deduction from the donated money.

N.B.: Bangla-Cart will not be a welfare-agency, they will only serve as a platform for the welfare-agencies.
