Banking Application, created with JavaScript and Jasmine (testing framework), using BDD, TDD and OOP principles.
- You should be able to interact with your code via a REPL like IRB or the JavaScript console. (You don't need to implement a command line interface that takes input from STDIN.)
- Deposits, withdrawal.
- Account statement (date, amount, balance) printing.
- Data can be kept in memory (it doesn't need to be stored to a database or anything).
Given a client makes a deposit of 1000 on 10-01-2012
And a deposit of 2000 on 13-01-2012
And a withdrawl of 500 on 14-01-2012
When she prints her bank statement
Then she would see:
date || credit || debit || balance
14/01/2012 || || 500.00 || 2500.00
13/01/2012 || 2000.00 || || 3000.00
10/01/2012 || 1000.00 || || 1000.00
The project can be found here:
- Clone the repo to your local machine:
git clone
To test the application:
- Navigate to the project root (bank_tech_test_js)
- In the project root execute
open -a "Google Chrome" SpecRunner.html
- Interact with the application via the Chrome Console
and run the following commands: Bank_Acc = new BankAccount();
creates a new BankAccount objectBank_Acc.makeDeposit(1000);
deposits £1000Bank_Acc.makeDeposit(2000);
deposits £2000Bank_Acc.makeWithdrawal(500);
withdraws £500Bank_Acc.printStatement
prints a bank statement, as per the format shown in the Acceptance Criteria section (and screenshot below)
The above commands result in the output below:
The model below illustrates the high-level structure of the application.
Two main objects (constructor functions):
- BankAccount: Takes inputs for both deposit and withdrawal amounts, keeps track of the balance and also maintains the transaction log
- Printer: Takes the transactions as input (from the BankAccount constructor function's function: BankAccount.printStatement()), formats the statement and then prints it
║ ║ Interacts with application
║ Browser ║ via REPL, e.g. Chrome Console (cmd+alt+j)
║ ║
║ ║ public functions: makeDeposit, makeWithdrawal & printStatement
║ BankAccount ║
║(constructor)║ private functions: _addTransaction, _isInputANumber,
╚═════════════╝ _isNumberPositive & _getFormattedDate
║ ║ public function: printStatement
║ Printer ║
║(constructor)║ private functions: _statementHeader & _reverseArray