Seattle-Trails-Crew / Seattle-Trails

An app to show the official Seattle trails from the Parks Department.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



An app to show the official Seattle trails from the Seattle Parks & Recreation Department. This app will allow a user to find Seattle park trails near them, track which they have visited, report problems with the trails and share trail experiences on social media.

Contribution Workflow

Please see: Git Hub Workflow

To contribute to the codebase:
  1. Make a branch off of Master with a descriptive name of what you are working on.
  2. Commit changes to your branch, with good descriptions, every time you add, edit, or delete a file.
  3. Create a pull request when you need help or are ready to merge your code.
  4. Have code reviewed and tested by a peer and discuss findings.
  5. Merge branch into master. If your branch was related to an issue you can comment: "Closes #24".
Style Guide

Coming soon..


An app to show the official Seattle trails from the Parks Department.


Language:Swift 100.0%