Searge / new-project


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Setting up a Development Branch for New-Project

Welcome to the 'New-Project' GitHub repository! As a developer, you may need to work on new features or experiment with different approaches without affecting the main branch of the project. To do this, we recommend creating a development branch.


Before we begin, ensure that you have the following:

  • A GitHub account
  • Git installed on your local machine
  • Access to the 'New-Project' repository
  • Clone the repository to your local machine by running the following command:
git clone

# Navigate to the cloned repository by running the following command:
cd new-project

Working on the Development Branch

Creating a Development Branch

git checkout -b development
# To check out current branch, run the following command:
❯ git status
On branch development

To add changes to the staging area, run the following command:

git add .

To commit changes to the development branch, run the following command:

git commit -m "Add new feature"

To merge the development branch with the main branch, run the following command:

git checkout main
git merge development

To delete the development branch, run the following command:

git branch -d development

To push changes to the remote repository, run the following command:

git push origin main


Creating a development branch is a useful way to work on new features or changes without affecting the main branch of the project. With these simple steps, you can easily create a development branch for the 'New-Project' repository and start working on new features. Happy coding!

