Scully87 / Makers_Academy

:m: - :a: :open_file_folder: :newspaper:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Makers Academy

#####This repository has been created to show a weekly breakdown of my 12 weeks at Makers Academy. The purpose is to have a single hub that links to all other repositories created whilst on the program for organisational benefit. All project Titles are clickable links.


Week 1

####Technologies Used:

  • Ruby
  • RSpec


  • Introduction

  • Boris Bikes (Weekday Challenge)

    - CRC
    - TDD
    - BDD
    - OOD
    - OOP
    - RSpec
  • FAAST (Weekend Challenge)

    - Chicago Style Testing (Version 1)
  • VAAST (Weekend Challenge)

    - London Style Testing (Version 2)
  • Octocat Challenge (Friday Challenge)

    - Github Practice

Week 2

####Technologies Used:

  • Ruby
  • RSpec


  • BattleShips (Weekday Challenge)

    - Team Working
    - Modelling Domain
    - The game engine
    - User Interface
  • Take-Away (Weekend Challenge)

    - Twilio Gem
  • Fizzbuzz

    - Simple Ruby Kata
  • Decorator Pattern

    - Presentation for a SOLID principle

Week 3

####Technologies Used:

  • Ruby
  • RSpec
  • Sinatra
  • Cucumber
  • Capybara
  • HTML


  • BattleShips Web (Weekday Challenge)

    - Sinatra
    - Cucumber
    - Capybara
    - Sessions
    - Params
  • Rock Paper Scissors (Weekend Challenge)

    - Using knowledge from weekday challenge to create a version of RPS in the browser
  • Inject Method

    - Opening up the Inject method to get a better understanding
  • Sinatra Test

    - A test repository to understand Sinatra
  • Cucumber Test

    - A test repository to understand Cucumber

Week 4

####Technologies Used:

  • Ruby
  • RSpec
  • Sinatra
  • Capybara
  • PostgresQL
  • HTML
  • CSS


  • Bookmark Manager (Weekday Challenge)

    - Learning how to use Databases
  • Twitter Clone (Weekend Challenge)

    - Creating a twitter clone using Databases.

Week 5

####Technologies Used:

  • Javascript
  • Jasmine
  • io
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Sinatra


  • Pokemon Game

    - Re-creating a version of RPS using a different scenario
  • Fizzbuzz io

    - Learnt how to use the programming language io by doing a simple kata
  • Javabuzz

    - Learnt how to use the programming language javascript by doing a simple kata

Week 6

####Technologies Used:

  • Javascript
  • Jasmine
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • APIs
  • Sinatra
  • JQuery


  • Thermostat

    - Created a program to show current temperature and local weather report in a static location (London).
  • Github Profiles API

    - Created a simple page to show the use of Github user profiles through the developer API
  • Chitter(Weekend Challenge)

    - A Twitter clone using Javascript and your own API to display the tweets

Week 7

####Technologies Used:

  • Javascript
  • JQuery
  • Node.js
  • CoffeeScript
  • Mocha


  • Chatter

    - A simple server using sockets to make a chat program
  • CoffeeBuzz

    - A simple kata to understand the CoffeeScript language

Week 8

####Technologies Used:

  • Ruby
  • Rails
  • JQuery
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Devise
  • Omniauth


  • Yelp Clone(weekday project)

    - A project to understand the fundamentals of Ruby on Rails
  • TIMstagram(Weekend Challenge)

    - A weekend project to re-create [Instagram](

Week 9

####Technologies Used:

  • Javasript
  • JQuery
  • Node.js
  • Github API
  • HTML
  • CSS


  • GitRacer(Makeathon Week)

    - A program created to update live commit information of a users github profile.

Week 10

####Technologies Used:

  • Ruby
  • RSpec
  • Javascript
  • Node
  • Express


Final Project

Week 11

####Technologies Used:

  • Ruby
  • Rails
  • RSpec
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • jQuery


Week 12

####Technologies Used:

  • Phonegap
  • Javascript
  • HTML5
  • CSS3


:m: - :a: :open_file_folder: :newspaper: