ScottSorrentino / virtual-mfa

Virtual Multi-Factor Authentication client utility for Linux shell environments.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Virtual MFA

Implementation of the Time-Based One-Time Password Algorithm (TOTP) in Perl. This script can be used as a virtual Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) device for sites like AWS and GitHub.

This utility can either be used as a primary virtual MFA device or a potential backup for smartphone apps like Google Authenticator.


  • Linux/Unix system with Perl installed
  • Perl Digest::SHA and IO::Select modules (typically part of core Perl).

Optional requirements, though highly recommended to avoid leaving your shared secrets out in the open, include GnuPG and a personal key pair.

Intended Usage

While you're welcome to edit and hard-code your MFA secret, storing the script with secrets included in cleartext is a bad idea. To avoid leaving your MFA shared secrets out in the open on your local filesystem, I strongly advise encrypting the script with something like gpg.

Included in this repository is a helper script ( that can generate an encrypted version of containing your shared secret. The resulting script can be executed like any other shell command, with the notable exception that you will need to provide your private key passphrase to decrypt the script logic and generate authentication codes.

For those who want to handle encryption/encoding/execution on their own, something like the following should suffice as an example (adjusting command paths accordingly):

/usr/bin/gpg -d $0 | /usr/bin/perl


cat | \
  gpg [--default-key KEY] --armor -ser RECIPIENT >> OUTPUT_FILENAME


Virtual Multi-Factor Authentication client utility for Linux shell environments.

License:MIT License


Language:Shell 74.1%Language:Perl 25.9%