ScottHuangZL / blockchain

Golang Block Chain

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

#Readme #Golang Block Chain (A simple implementation)

Need Go version 1.11 at least since we use go mod function,

Better with go1.12 beta since it can handle related lib smoothly by replace as

20181130 : Add the basic blockchain

20181201 : Add wallet function

For example:

  • How to build:
    • go mod tidy
    • go mod vendor
    • go build -mod=vendor

For tag 0.21:

  • blockchain createblockchain -address "ScottHuang"
  • blockchain printchain
  • blockchain getbalance -address "ScottHuang"
  • blockchain send -from "ScottHuang" -to "CMY" -amount 50
  • blockchain send -from "ScottHuang" -to "HJH" -amount 49
  • blockchain printchain
  • blockchain getbalance -address "ScottHuang"

For tag0.31 add below very basic wallet, still not integrate into block chain, will do it later:

  • blockchain createwallet (You can try run multiple times)
  • blockchain listaddresses (List all addresses which created before)

For tag0.41 add signature, you can delete tmp/ & tmp/blocks/. firstly

  • blockchain createwallet (You can run this multiple times)
  • blockchain listaddresses (List all addresses which created before)
  • blockchain send -from "The address list in above" -to "another address list in above" -amount 50
  • blockchain printchain
  • blockchain getbalance -address "The address list in above"

For tag 0.5 Adding the unspent transaction outputs(UTXO) persistence layer

  • You can delete ./tmp/block/. & ./tmp/ to clear the chain and wallet
  • blockchain createwallet (You can run this multiple times)
  • blockchain createblockchain -address 1G41xLzHMtKnozJqaL8RBbd44MqFVEETTD(This is the address which you just created at above)
  • blockchain send -from 189iX92pxDWaFiii7FLpcWfFsm2adkdvfA -to 174Xcjx6ePrzVVj28mHJbQPh6AkQ89ehpq -amount 20
  • blockchain listaddresses
  • blockchain printchain
  • You can try all blockchain commands by yourself

For tag 0.6 Adding the network

  • open 3 command window, execute below 3 command
    • set NODE_ID=3000
    • set NODE_ID=4000
    • set NODE_ID=5000
  • In each command window, also run
    • blockchain createwallet , it will show address, such as 1BpZRTTK4kGSShLTnJDyjwHGgy9ntYaYxn
  • in the NODE_ID=3000 window, run:
    • blockchain createblockchain -address 1BpZRTTK4kGSShLTnJDyjwHGgy9ntYaYxn
    • blockchain send -from 1PmiqcScaNkxNyc5xoo2zkKvTkikvagaE8 -to 1Kvgu9HWVeeCw6xXrV1tcAgtWTcajWnYb3 -amount 10 -mine
    • blockchain startnode
  • in the NODE_ID=4000 window, also run: blockchain startnode
  • in the NODE_ID=5000 window, run: blockchain send -from 1Kvgu9HWVeeCw6xXrV1tcAgtWTcajWnYb3 -to 1Afi42GPnzkgLuAvTtiZt4LdF2nceGkSCt -amount 1
  • in the NODE_ID=5000 window, run: blockchain startnode -miner 1Kvgu9HWVeeCw6xXrV1tcAgtWTcajWnYb3

Note: I get ideas from Tensor-Programing, thanks.


Golang Block Chain


Language:Go 100.0%