ScottBarkman / Djaneiro

Django support for Sublime Text 2/3

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Django support for Sublime Text 2/3



  1. Clone this repo
  2. Put the contents of this repo directly inside:
  • OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/
  • Windows: %APPDATA%/Sublime Text 2/Packages/
  • Linux: ~/.config/sublime-text-2/Packages

Or use PackageControl.

Snippets for Django templates

Abbreviation Tag
autoescape {% autoescape %} {% autoescape %}
block {% block %} {% endblock %}
comment {% comment %} {% endcomment %}
csrf {% csrf_token %}
cycle {% cycle %}
debug {% debug %}
ext {% extends "" %}
extends {% extends "" %}
filter {% filter %} {% endfilter %}
firstof {% firstof %}
for {% for in %} {% endfor %}
fore {% for in %} {% empty %} {% endfor %}
if {% if %} {% endif %}
ifchanged {% ifchanged %} {% endifchanged %}
ife {% if %} {% else %} {% endif %}
ifelse {% if %} {% else %} {% endif %}
ifeq {% ifequal %} {% endifequal %}
ifequal {% ifequal %} {% endifequal %}
ifnotequal {% ifnotequal %} {% endifnotequal %}
inc {% include %}
include {% include %}
load {% load %}
now {% now "" %}
regroup {% regroup by as %}
spaceless {% spaceless %} {% endspaceless %}
ssi {% ssi %}
static {% static %}
templatetag {% templatetag %}
url {% url %}
widthratio {% widthratio %}
with {% with as %} {% endwith %}
trans {% trans %}
blocktrans {% blocktrans with as %} {% endblocktrans %}

...and some non-official stuff:

Abbreviation Tag
super {{ block.super }}
extrahead {% block extrahead %} {% endblock extrahead %}
extrastyle {% block extrastyle %} {% endblock extrastyle %}
var {{ }}
tag {% %}
staticu {{ STATIC_URL }}
media {{ MEDIA_URL }}

Snippets for Django model fields

Abbreviation Tag
mauto models.AutoField()
mbigint models.BigIntegerField()
mbool models.BooleanField()
mchar models.CharField()
mcoseint models.CommaSeparatedIntegerField()
mdate models.DateField()
mdatetime models.DateTimeField()
mdecimal models.DecimalField()
memail models.EmailField()
mfile models.FileField()
mfilepath models.FilePathField()
mfloat models.FloatField()
mimg models.ImageField()
mint models.IntegerField()
mip models.IPAddressField()
mnullbool models.NullBooleanField()
mphone models.PhoneNumberField()
mposint models.PositiveIntegerField()
mpossmallint models.PositiveSmallIntegerField()
mslug models.SlugField()
msmallint models.SmallIntegerFiled()
mtext models.TextField()
mtime models.TimeField()
murl models.URLField()
musstate models.USStateField()
mxml models.XMLField()
fk models.ForeignKey()
m2m models.ManyToManyField()
o2o models.OneToOneField()

Snippets for Django form fields

Abbreviation Tag
fchar forms.CharField()
fchoice forms.ChoiceField()
fcombo forms.ComboField()
fdate forms.DateField()
fdatetime forms.DateTime()
fdecimal forms.DecimalField()
femail forms.EmailField()
ffile forms.FileField()
ffilepath forms.FilePathField()
ffloat forms.FloatField()
fimg forms.ImageField()
fint forms.IntegerField()
fip forms.IPAddressField()
fmochoice forms.ModelChoiceField()
fmomuchoice forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField()
fmuchoice forms.MultipleChoiceField()
fmuval forms.MultipleValueField()
fnullbool forms.NullBooleanField()
fregex forms.RegexField()
fslug forms.SlugField()
fsdatetime forms.SplitDateTime()
ftime forms.TimeField()
ftchoice forms.TypedChoiceField()
ftmuchoice forms.TypedMultipleChoiceField()
furl forms.URLField()

Snippets for Django Views

Abbreviation Tag
view Function Based View
createview Generic Create View
deleteview Generic Delete View
detailview Generic Detail View
listview Generic List View
templateview Generic Template View
adminview Generic Admin View
tabularinline Tabular Inline View
stackedinline Stacked Inline View
dispatch dispatch method for CBVs
get_context_data get_context_data method for CBVs

Snippets for Django Models

Abbreviation Tag
Model Simple Model Class
Model_full Full Model Class(with TODOs)

Snippets for Python

Abbreviation Tag
pdb import pdb ; pdb.set_trace()
ipdb import ipdb ; ipdb.set_trace()
npdb from import set_trace; set_trace()
traceback import traceback; traceback.print_exc();
utfc ``coding: utf-8 ``


Full list of all available settings
  • null
  • blank
  • choices
  • db_column
  • db_index
  • db_tablespace
  • default
  • related_name
  • editable
  • error_message
  • help_message
  • primary_key
  • unique
  • unique_together
  • unique_for_date
  • unique_for_month
  • unique_for_year
  • verbose_name
  • verbose_name_plural
  • validators
  • auto_now_add
  • auto_now
  • required
  • label
  • initial
  • widget
  • localized
  • return
  • RequestContext
  • context_instance
  • render_to_response
  • render
  • redirect
  • get_object_or_404
  • get_list_or_404


Django support for Sublime Text 2/3