Scott8586 / unbound-pihole-docker

A combination of Unbound and Pi-hole in a docker container for the raspberry pi

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Unbound and pi-hole in a docker-compose enviroment.

A combination of Unbound and Pi-hole in a pair of docker containers communicating over a private network - for the Raspberry Pi. I run this on raspi 3B and 3B+ devices, though I imagine that it would work on a 4B as well.

Basically, I've followed the steps from Pi-hole Unbound Docker Setup on a Raspberry Pi


  1. Install docker and docker-compose - this is not necessarily as easy as it seems.
  2. Clone this repository.
  3. Create the sub-directories pihole, dnsmasq.d, and unbound if it doesn't already exist.
  4. Adjust docker-compose.yml, and edit .env to suit your enviroment.
  5. You can then stepwise start-up unbound and test it, then pihole and test it as in the url above - I often do docker-compose up without putting it into daemon mode so I can see the initial log output.

If you have not added yourself to the docker group with sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}, you may need to add sudo to the docker command below.

Testing Unbound

  1. docker-compose up -d unbound
  2. dig @ -p 5053
  3. dig @ -p 5053

Testing pihole

  1. docker-compose up -d pihole
  2. dig @ -p 53
  3. dig @ -p 53
  4. Also access http://<raspi_ipaddr>/admin/index.php to configure pihole blocklist, etc.

Alpine 3.13, Raspberry Pi 3/4, and libseccomp2

If you run into the following error:

pihole     | s6-svscan: warning: unable to iopause: Operation not permitted
pihole     | s6-svscan: warning: executing into .s6-svscan/crash
pihole     | s6-svscan crashed. Killing everything and exiting.
pihole     | s6-supervise s6-linux-init-shutdownd: fatal: unable to iopause: Operation not permitted
pihole     | s6-linux-init-hpr: fatal: unable to reboot(): Operation not permitted

You need to add the backported version of libseccomp2 in order for docker to start the pihole container, see Fix/Workaround - libseccomp2 and Alpine 3.13 - Installing Raspbian Docker 19.04+ on Raspberry Pi 4 Buster

In short the commands are:

# Get signing keys to verify the new packages, otherwise they will not install
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 04EE7237B7D453EC 648ACFD622F3D138

# Add the Buster backport repository to apt sources.list
echo 'deb buster-backports main contrib non-free' | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian-backports.list

sudo apt update
sudo apt install libseccomp2 -t buster-backports


docker ps

docker inspect <container name, such as pihole or unbound>

docker logs pihole

Maintenance and Update

docker pull pihole/pihole:latest

docker pull mvance/unbound-rpi:latest

docker stop pihole

docker stop unbound

docker rm pihole

docker rm unbound

docker-compose up -d unbound

docker-compose up -d pihole

Adding to telegraf

You can still pull stats data into telegraf using the inputs.exec tool. THe format looks like this:

  commands = ["/bin/sh -c \"docker exec unbound /opt/unbound/sbin/unbound-control stats | grep -v thread0 | sed 's/total\\.//'\""]
  name_override = "unbound"
  data_format = "logfmt"
  data_type = "float"
  interval = "10m"

You must also add telegraf to the docker group, like so sudo usermod -aG docker telegraf


A combination of Unbound and Pi-hole in a docker container for the raspberry pi

License:Apache License 2.0