SciViews / svPkgdown

A pkgdown template for the SciViews site

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'pkgdown' Template for SciViews Packages

R-CMD-check CRAN status r-universe status License: MIT Lifecycle: stable

The {svPkgdown} package provides a custom style for SciViews R package sites generated automatically with {pkgdown}. Please don't use it unmodified for your own purpose outside of the web site (but you can reuse it as a starting point from your own template if you wish)!

Inspired by tidytemplate, lockedatapkg and rotemplate.


Being specific to SciViews packages, {svPkgdown} will never be available from CRAN. You can install it from the SciViews R-Universe this way:

install.packages(c('svPkgdown', 'pkgdown'),
  repos = c('', ''))

You can install the latest version of {svPkgdown} from GitHub. Make sure you have the {devtools} R package installed:


Use install_github() to install {svPkgdown} from GitHub (source from main branch will be recompiled on your machine):


R should install all required dependencies automatically, and then it should compile and install {svPkgdown}.

How to use {svPkgdown}

Starting from a GitHub repository for an R package with no {pkgdown} site yet,

  • upgrade {usethis} to the latest development version using remotes::install_github("r-lib/usethis") if needed.
  • In you GitHub repo do usethis::use_pkgdown() then, pkgdown::build_site() to view how it renders with all defaults.
  • Add docs and docs/ in .gitignore to avoid pushing your local version of the site to GitHub.
  • Edit _pkgdown.yml. For SciViews, a custom template is used by means of this {svPkgdown} package, based on the bootstrap spacelab template. You may also place additional information for the authors, for instance:

destination: docs

  mode: auto

  package: svPkgdown
  bootstrap: 3
  bootswatch: spacelab
    mathjax: true
    pkgdown-nav-height: 80px
    code_font: {google: "JetBrains Mono"}

  depth: 3

    left:  [intro, reference, articles, tutorials, news]
    right: [search, github]

  strip_header: true

  Philippe Grosjean:
  • Regenerate your site with pkgdown::build_site(), or from RStudio, from the corresponding addin. Check its appearance.
  • Create a GitHub action to automatically regenerate the site on GitHub on every push with usethis::use_github_action("pkgdown").
  • Commit and push, then check if the action is run (click on the little icon on the left of "Latest commit ..." on the main page of the repository).
  • In the repo settings, activate or reactivate Pages -> source -> "gh-pages branch" -> /root. You may also check "Enforce HTTPS". Navigate to your site (the URL is provided directly in the settings page). If it does not work, try another push to refresh the site.
  • Once your site is operational, refer to it in the main page of your repo (edit the description at the top, and may be also place a link to it in the file).

Further explanations on how to customize the {pkgdown} site here.

Example sites

Further explore {svPkgdown}

You can get further help about this package this way:

library(help = "svPkgdown")
vignette("svPkgdown") # None is installed with install_github()

For further instructions, please, refer to the related web site at

Code of Conduct

Please note that the {inferit} package is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.


A pkgdown template for the SciViews site



Language:CSS 75.9%Language:HTML 16.7%Language:TeX 6.0%Language:R 0.7%Language:JavaScript 0.6%