Sayton7 / StorefrontBackend

The Second in Udacity's Advanced Full-Stack Web Development Nanodegree Program.

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Build A Storefron Backend Project

  • A project to architect a database, its tables and columns to fulfill the data requirements and craft a RESTful API that exposes that information to the frontend developer.
  • The server was build using express and nodejs.

General Information

  • This is the Second in Udacity's Advanced Full-Stack Web Development Nanodegree Program.
  • This project is built from scratch following the file of the project.
  • This project is written in typescript.
  • This project uses jasmine to test the models and endpoints.
  • This project uses prettier configured with Eslint to format the code.
  • This project uses tsc-watch to restart the server when changes are made.


To ready your environment follow these steps:

  • install postgresql on your machine link

  • In one terminal tab, create and run the database:

    • Start psql : psql -U postgres -h localhost
    • CREATE USER store_keeper WITH PASSWORD 'test_123';
    • CREATE DATABASE store_front;
    • \c store_front
    • GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE store_front TO store_keeper;
    • To test that it is working run \dt and it should output No relations found.
    • \q to exit psql
  • Repeat the above steps but for the testing database:

    • Start psql : psql -U postgres -h localhost
    • CREATE DATABASE store_front_test;
    • \c store_front
    • GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE store_front TO store_keeper;
    • To test that it is working run \dt and it should output No relations found.
    • \q to exit psql
  • install all project dependencies with npm install

  • create a file called .env in the root directory of the project and add the following lines:

    • POSTGRES_DB=store_front
    • POSTGRES_DB_TEST=store_front_test
    • POSTGRES_USER=store_keeper
    • POSTGRES_PASSWORD=test_123
    • POSTGRES_PORT=5432
    • ENV=dev
    • BCRYPT_PASSWORD=pepper_test_123
    • SALT_ROUNDS=10
    • TOKEN_SECRET=token_test_123
  • run npx db-migrate up to create the tables and columns in the database

  • start the development server with npm run tsc-watch

Backend Server / RESTful API

  • The API is built using express and nodejs at localhost:3000 having the following endpoints:
    • Orders:

      • /orders - GET - returns a list of all orders
      • /orders/:id - GET - returns a specified order
      • /orders - POST - creates a new order
      • /orders - DELETE - deletes an order
      • /orders/:id/:products - POST - adds products to an order
      • /orders/:id/:products - DELETE - removes products from an order
    • Products:

      • /products - GET - returns a list of all products
      • /products/:id - GET - returns a specified product
      • /products - POST - creates a new product
      • /products - DELETE - deletes a product
    • Users:

      • /users - GET - returns a list of all users
      • /users/:id - GET - returns a specified user
      • /users/:id/orders - GET - returns a list of all orders for a user
      • /users - POST - creates a new user
      • /users - DELETE - deletes a user
      • /users/authenticate - POST - authenticates a user

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm run lint

This will run esLint to check the code for errors.

npm run prettier

This will run prettier to format the code.

npm run check

This will run prettier first then esLint to check the code for errors in one script.

npm run build

This will compile the code into javascript in the build folder.

npm run test

This will build the compiled code, perform the database migrations on the testing database, run jasmine tests and finally resetting the testing database.

npm run watch

This will start the server using tsc-watch.


The Second in Udacity's Advanced Full-Stack Web Development Nanodegree Program.


Language:TypeScript 83.4%Language:JavaScript 16.6%