Sasuke214 / My-React-Learning-Curve

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Some Random Pointers

  • we need to keep id as root of element where we wanna embed our react components in main html
  • ReactDOM has a function called render which main task is to render our main component in our html.
  • ReactDOM.render will only take single component and target
  • Use of JSX allows us to close the tag like this: if it doesn't have body like image tag.
  • Creating Elements can be done using jsx as well:
  const element = {
    type: 'h1',
    props: {
      className: 'greeting',
      children: 'Hello, world!'
  • React Only renders the changes rather then reloading the entire page, React will compare the changes and updates only those
  • React Component Should always be started with uppercase letter.
  • Props should never be changed within the function hence making function pure. It won't show error though.
  • Components when created with class should extends from React.Component class. For Eg: *
    class Class_Name extends React.Component
  • constructor should always call super() before initializing any states
  • All the states has to be defined in constructor()
  • props will be preceded by this. when using class as component
  • State inside constructor is a state *
  • Class constructor should always call super() by passing props as arguments in it
  • Rendering when component is created is known as 'mounting' and destroying the component is known as 'unmounting'
  • There are two methods which are known as 'lifecycle hooks' which are componentDidMount() and componentWillUnmount() which are called on creation and destruction respectively.
  • this.setState() will take an object as argument and used to change the state of data so it will re-render the component when some data is changed.For Eg:
  function user(username)
    //This changes the old username with new one hence updating the component
  • Updating State directly will no re-render the component hence setstate has to be used
  • state of a component is local to it hence cannot be accessible outside that component
  • state of a component is passed as props to its children.
  • We use function for stateless component and class for stateful component
  • Components data flow in unidirectional manner in top-down approach.

If you imagine a component tree as a waterfall of props, each component’s state is like an additional water source that joins it at an arbitrary point but also flows down.

  • To Use Function in class it should always be binded with constructor if you want that function to access state, or mainly to use anything related with this keyword
  • To Use Comment inside return statement you have to wrap it in braces as follow:
          your stuffs
