Sasuke214 / My-JS-Learning-Curve

I put every points that i encounter while learning js, its kinda like notes i generally make while learning new stuffs

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I put every points that i encounter while learning js, its kinda like notes i generally make while learning new stuffs




let var_name;
let var_name1,...,var_namen;
let var_name = value1;

1. It's Scope is only within the block where it is defined or declared;

2. Will leads to reference error until it is initialized; ( Will be in temporal dead zone)

3. Hoisting will not work

4. Cannot be declared more than once within the same block, for eg: switch;

5. Can be used as a private variable for a block, which can only be assessed with functions or var iables within that block.

6. If let is used to declare variable anywhere in the program, it will be in TDZ until it is initialized

Arrow Function

Eg 1.

var d = (a) => a+1;
var e = x => x+1;
var f = () => { return; }
Eg 2.
var g = () => ({})
  • Used to eradicate function keyword

  • In one line function, no need to return

  • If multiple lines are there, then has to be kept in braces

  • If there was single parameter, then no need to put in brace.

  • There is no arguments, this and super keyword within arrow function.

  • this keyword will always refer to global window inside arrow function.

  • While creating empty object if u write a program then always wrap in (). see eg2


I put every points that i encounter while learning js, its kinda like notes i generally make while learning new stuffs