Sardingfish / GNSS_Signals

Navigation and Communication -Signals

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GNSS Signals:signal_strength:


1 CAcode.m Generate different PRN's C/A code and calculate the correlation function between two C/A codes.
2 AllanVariance.m Calculate the Alan variance and Modified Alan variance of the clock difference(phase) sequence or frequency sequence.

Several commonly used variances[1].

type symbol description
Standard Variance Calculated based on the relative frequency deviation relative to the square of its mean.
Allan Variance Calculated based on the relative frequency deviation relative to the square of its mean.
Overlapping Allan Variance Calculating the Allan variance based on full overlap sampling.
Total Variance Calculate the Allan variance using the extended data.
Modified Allan Variance Calculating the Allan variance based on the relative frequency deviation or the mean of the time difference data.
Modified Total Variance Calculate "Modified the Allen Variance" with the extended data.
Time Variance
Time Total Variance
Hadamard Variance Calculation based on the second difference of the relative frequency deviation or the cubic difference of the time difference data.
Overlapping Hadamard Variance The Hadamard variance is calculated based on full overlap sampling.
Hadamard Total Variance Calculate the Hadamard variance using the extended data.

  • CAcode.m

The purpose of the function is to generate a C/A code and calculate the correlation function between C/A codes.

function C_A = generateC_A(PRN,CodeLength,Delay)
% Generate C/A code
% Given:
%     PRN             i      PRN number
%     CodeLength      i      C/A code length
%     Delay           i      C/A code delay
% Returned:
%     C_A             d      C/A code
function Rkl = Relafunc(Rk,Rl,CodeLength,NUM)
% Generate two C/A code correlation functions
% Given:
%       Rk , Rl       i      First C/A code and Second C/A code
%       CodeLength    i      C/A code length
%       NUM           i      Number of chips  
% Returned:
%       Rkl           d      Correlation functions

  • AllanVariance.m

    The purpose of the function is to calculate the Alan variance and Modified Alan variance of the phase or frequency sequence.

function AllanVariance = AVAR_Phase(PhaseSequence,tau)
% Calculate the Alan variance of the clock difference (phase) sequence.
% Given:
%       PhaseSequence        Phase sequence  
%       tau                  Sampling interval              
% Returned:
%       AllanVariance        Allan variance
function AllanVariance = AVAR_Freq(FrequencySequence)
% Calculate the Alan variance of the frequency sequence.
% Given:
%       FrequencySequence    Frequency sequence                 
% Returned:
%       AllanVariance        Allan variance
function Mod_AllanVariance = MAVAR_Phase(PhaseSequence,tau,m)
% Calculate the Modified Allan variance of the time difference (phase) sequence.
% Given:
%       PhaseSequence        Phase sequence  
%       tau                  Sampling interval  
%       m                    Smoothing factor       
% Returned:
%       Mod_AllanVariance    Modified Allan variance
function Mod_AllanVariance = MAVAR_Freq(FrequencySequence,m)
% Calculate the Modified Allan variance of the frequency sequence.
% Given:
%       FrequencySequence    Frequency sequence         
%       m                    Smoothing factor
% Returned:
%       Mod_AllanVariance    Modified Allan variance

[1]Guo,H.R. . Study on the Analysis Theories and Algorithms of the Time and Frequency Characterization for Atomic Clocks of Navigation Satellites[D].Information Engineering University,2006.


Navigation and Communication -Signals

License:MIT License


Language:MATLAB 100.0%