Saravanakumar1802 / Youtube-Clone-Frontend

"Experience the next level of video-sharing with our MERN stack ClipCloud App featuring seamless Google authentication. Dive into a user-friendly interface built on MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js and firebase.

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ClipCloud MERN Stack App

Screenshot (319)

  1. Frontend (React.js and CSS):

    • Homepage: Display a list of uploaded videos.
    • Video Player: Create a component to play videos with controls for play, pause, and fullscreen.
    • User Authentication: Implement user authentication using Firebase Authentication to allow users to sign up, log in, and manage their profiles.
    • Upload Form: Develop a form for users to upload videos, including title, description, and thumbnail image.
    • **Redux: A state management library for JavaScript applications. It helps manage the state of your application in a predictable way, which is crucial for large-scale applications
  2. Styling (CSS):

    • Design a responsive and user-friendly interface using CSS to ensure a consistent look and feel across different devices.
    • Create styles for video thumbnails, player controls, and other UI components.
  3. Backend (Node.js and Express.js):

    • API Endpoints: Set up Express.js routes to handle CRUD operations for videos. This includes creating, reading, updating, and deleting videos in the database.
    • MongoDB Integration: Use MongoDB to store video metadata, such as title, description, uploader information, and references to video files and thumbnail images.
  4. Firebase Storage for Videos and Images:

    • Utilize Firebase Storage to store video files and thumbnail images securely. When a user uploads a video, store the video file in Firebase Storage and save the file URL or reference in the MongoDB database.
    • Handle user authentication to control access to upload and delete operations.
  5. Integration:

    • Connect the frontend and backend by making API requests from React components to the Express.js server.
    • Implement logic to fetch and display video data dynamically on the front-end.
  6. Additional Features:

    • Comments and Likes: Allow users to leave comments on videos and like or dislike them.
    • Subscription System: Implement a subscription system to enable users to follow channels and receive updates on new uploads.
    • Search Functionality: Develop a search feature to help users find specific videos based on keywords.
  7. Security and Permissions:

    • Implement security measures to ensure that only authenticated users can upload videos.


"Experience the next level of video-sharing with our MERN stack ClipCloud App featuring seamless Google authentication. Dive into a user-friendly interface built on MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js and firebase.


Language:JavaScript 98.4%Language:HTML 1.0%Language:CSS 0.6%