Saptaktdk / Kubernetes-Components

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Kubernetes Components:

1.Node and Pods

  • Nodes contain the necessary services to run Pods.

  • Pod is the smallest unit of Kubernetes.

  • It is an abstraction over a container.

  • Generally , one application is assigned to each pod.

  • Kubernetes offers virtual network , i.e each pod is given an IP address.This way the Pods can communicate with each other.

  • If a pod gets destroyed, then it gets a new IP address on recreation.

2.Service and Ingress

  • A service is a static/permanent IP address with a DNS name that can be assigned to each pods.

  • Say, I have 2 pods in a working node, application and database pod.So, there services will be different from each other.

  • If a pod dies, the service of the pod will still remain same.

  • There are 2 types of services: External and Internal service.

  • External services are the services that creates a communication with an external source. Say, you want your application to be accesible through a browser, for that you need external services.

  • But you don't want your database to go public.For that you will create an internal service.

  • The urls of external services are not very safe.It looks like this: http://my-app-service-ip:port

  • It should be like

  • For that Ingress is used.

  • Ingress is an API object that provides routing rules to manage external users' access to the services in a Kubernetes cluster, typically via HTTPS/HTTP.

3.ConfigMap and Secret

  • ConfigMap is external configuration of your application.
  • It usually contains configuration data like urls of database.
  • Pods are connected to the ConfigMap so that it gets the data.
  • Username and passwords can also be added to ConfigMap, but it will be insecure .
  • So, for that we use Secret component.
  • Secret is used to store secret data.It stores data in base64 encoded format.
  • They are connected to pods simiar to ConfigMap, so that pods get the data.


  • If a pod restarts or stops, the data inside it will be gone foreveer.For that volumes are used.
  • They are used for data persistence.
  • It basically attaches a physical storage on a hard drive to your pod.
  • This storage can either be on the same server node or on a remote storage i.e outside of the k8s cluster.

5.Deployment and StatefulSet

  • Let's say you have a working node that contains 2 pods, application and database pods.
  • Suppose the application pod dies or crushes or you have to restart the pod.
  • In that case , a user would not be able to reach the application, which is bad in production.
  • We can avert this crisis by replicating all the informations to another or multiple servers.
  • So, we will have another node where the clone of our application will run.
  • The clone will also be connected to the same service.
  • To create the clone we don't need to create or build new pod,instead we can define a blueprint of the application pod.
  • That blueprint is known as Deployment.
  • So everytime a pod dies, we use deployments to clone the pod.
  • However database cannot be replicated via deployment.
  • The replicating mechanism is offered by the component StatefulSet.
  • It's meant specifically for applications like databases.


License:MIT License