Sanne / ArquillianDemo

JBug Newcastle: simpled demo of Arquillian

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Arquillian demo

as presented at JBug Newcastle the 13th December 2011


Get the sources:

  1. git clone git://
  2. cd ArquillianDemo
  3. mvn dependency:go-offline (optional, but let's start downloading dependencies already)

Open the project

Using Eclipse, it's recommended to use the plugin m2e to import the Maven project to have it setup all dependencies. All mayor other IDEs have Maven integrations, or you can use the command line instead. The git master branch you checked out has some implementations of EJBs, but tests are missing.

Creating some tests

The project is already setup to use Arquillian and ShrinkWrap in the Maven pom.xml, but the test implementations are missing.

The Hello World EJB test

  1. Locate and open com.acme.ejb.GreeterTestCase

  2. Add @RunWith(Arquillian.class) on the top level type to flag it as an Arquillian test (org.junit.runner.RunWith and org.jboss.arquillian.junit.Arquillian)

  3. Add a deployment descriptor:

    public static JavaArchive createDeployment() {
    	return ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class, "test.jar").addClasses(Greeter.class, GreeterBean.class);
  4. Have the EJB injected in the test:

    Greeter greeter;
  5. Now verify that injection will work, and that the bean behaves as expected:

    public void shouldBeAbleToInjectEJBAndInvoke() throws Exception {
    	String userName = "Earthlings";
    	Assert.assertEquals("Hello, " + userName, greeter.greet(userName));
  6. Run the test. As any usual JUnit test!


  1. Locate and open com.acme.ejb.TemperatureConverterTestCase

  2. Add @RunWith(Arquillian.class) on the top level type to flag it as an Arquillian test (org.junit.runner.RunWith and org.jboss.arquillian.junit.Arquillian)

  3. Add a deployment descriptor:

    public static JavaArchive createDeployment() {
    	return ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class, "test.jar").addClasses(TemperatureConverter.class, TemperatureConverterBean.class);
  4. Have the EJB injected in the test:

    TemperatureConverter converter;
  5. Add some tests:

    public void testConvertToCelsius() {
    	assertEquals(converter.convertToCelsius(32d), 0d, 0d);
    	assertEquals(converter.convertToCelsius(212d), 100d, 0d);
    public void testConvertToFarenheit() {
    	assertEquals(converter.convertToFarenheit(0d), 32d, 0d);
    	assertEquals(converter.convertToFarenheit(100d), 212d, 0d);
    public void testTransactionActive() {
  6. Run it, again as usual.


  1. Locate and open com.acme.ejb.calc.MortgageCalculatorEnvEntryTestCase

  2. Add @RunWith(Arquillian.class) again

  3. Add a deployment descriptor, this the we make a WAR archive:

    public static Archive<?> createDeployment() {
    	// we have to create a war because ejb-jar.xml must be put in WEB-INF
    	return ShrinkWrap.create(WebArchive.class, "test.war")
    			.addClasses(MortgageCalculator.class, MortgageCalculatorBean.class)
    			.addAsWebInfResource("interest-rate-ejb-jar.xml", "ejb-jar.xml");
  4. Inject the calculator bean:

    MortgageCalculator calculator;
  5. Test that the calculator was configured by our xml configuration file:

    public void shouldCalculateMonthlyPaymentAccuratelyWithBuiltInRate() {
    	Assert.assertEquals("Interest rate should be set by ejb-jar.xml", 5.5, calculator.getCurrentInterestRate());
    	double principal = 750000;
    	int term = 30;
    	BigDecimal expected = new BigDecimal(Double.toString(4258.42));
    	BigDecimal actual = calculator.calculateMonthlyPayment(principal, term);
    	Assert.assertEquals("A banking error has been detected!", expected, actual);
  6. Run the tests

Getting some help

  • You could have a look into com.acme.ejb.nointerface.NoInterfaceEJBTestCase
  • git checkout solution


JBug Newcastle: simpled demo of Arquillian


Language:Java 100.0%