Sanix-Darker / terraform_learn

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Terraform Learning Map





  • What is Terraform?
    • Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
    • Declarative language
  • History of Terraform
  • Installation
    • Using package manager (brew, apt, yum)
    • Downloading from HashiCorp

Basic Concepts

  • Infrastructure as Code
  • Declarative Configuration
  • Providers
  • Resources
  • State Management
    • State files
    • Remote state

Configuration Language

  • HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language)
    • Syntax
    • Variables
      • Input variables
      • Output variables
    • Data types
  • Terraform Blocks
    • Providers
    • Resources
    • Data sources
    • Outputs
  • Terraform Commands
    • init
    • plan
    • apply
    • destroy


  • What are providers?
  • Popular Providers
    • AWS
    • Azure
    • Google Cloud
    • Kubernetes
    • Docker
  • Configuring Providers
    • Provider block
    • Authentication

Resources and Data Sources

  • Defining Resources
  • Resource Attributes
  • Meta-Arguments
    • depends_on
    • count
    • for_each
  • Data Sources
    • Using data sources
    • Data source attributes

Variables and Outputs

  • Input Variables
    • Defining variables
    • Variable types
    • Default values
    • Variable files
  • Output Variables
    • Defining outputs
    • Output values

State Management

  • Purpose of State
  • State Files
  • Remote State
    • Backends
      • Local
      • S3
      • Azure Storage
      • Google Cloud Storage
    • State locking
    • State versioning
  • Managing State
    • terraform state commands
    • Importing existing resources


  • What are Modules?
  • Creating Modules
  • Using Modules
    • Module sources
    • Passing inputs to modules
    • Module outputs
  • Public Module Registry
    • Terraform Registry


  • Introduction to Workspaces
  • Using Workspaces
    • Creating workspaces
    • Switching workspaces


  • When to use Provisioners
  • Common Provisioners
    • local-exec
    • remote-exec

Advanced Concepts

  • Templating with Terraform
    • Using the templatefile function
  • Dynamic Blocks
  • Terraform Functions
    • Built-in functions
    • Writing custom functions
  • Managing Dependencies
    • Implicit and explicit dependencies
  • Handling Secrets
    • Environment variables
    • Vault integration

Best Practices

  • Code Organization
  • Version Control
  • DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle
  • Module Reusability
  • Security considerations
    • Storing secrets
    • IAM roles and permissions
  • Testing
    • Using terraform validate
    • Integration testing with Terratest


  • CI/CD with Terraform
    • GitHub Actions
    • GitLab CI
    • Jenkins
  • Configuration Management
    • Ansible
    • Chef
    • Puppet


  • Official Documentation
  • Tutorials and Courses
    • HashiCorp Learn
    • Udemy
    • Coursera
    • A Cloud Guru
  • Books
    • "Terraform: Up & Running" by Yevgeniy Brikman
    • "Infrastructure as Code" by Kief Morris
  • Online Communities
    • Terraform Discuss
    • Stack Overflow
    • Reddit (r/Terraform)
  • Practice Projects
    • Deploying a web application
    • Setting up a VPC
    • Automating infrastructure provisioning


  • Keeping up-to-date
    • HashiCorp Blog
    • Release notes
    • Community events