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Code Testing Learning Map





  • What is Code Testing?
    • Ensuring software quality
    • Identifying defects
    • Validating functionality
  • Importance of Code Testing
    • Reliability
    • Maintainability
    • Performance

Types of Testing

  • Manual Testing
    • Exploratory Testing
    • Ad-hoc Testing
    • Usability Testing
  • Automated Testing
    • Unit Testing
    • Integration Testing
    • Functional Testing
    • End-to-End Testing
    • Regression Testing
    • Performance Testing
    • Security Testing

Testing Frameworks and Tools

  • Unit Testing
    • JUnit (Java)
    • NUnit (C#)
    • pytest (Python)
    • Mocha (JavaScript)
  • Integration Testing
    • TestNG (Java)
    • pyTest (Python)
  • Functional Testing
    • Selenium
    • Cypress
    • TestCafe
  • End-to-End Testing
    • Protractor
    • Nightwatch.js
  • Regression Testing
    • Retest
    • Regression Tracker
  • Performance Testing
    • JMeter
    • Gatling
    • Locust
  • Security Testing
    • Burp Suite
  • Mocking and Stubbing
    • Mockito (Java)
    • unittest.mock (Python)
    • Sinon.js (JavaScript)
  • Code Coverage
    • Istanbul (JavaScript)
    • JaCoCo (Java)
    • (Python)

Testing Strategies

  • Test-Driven Development (TDD)
    • Red-Green-Refactor cycle
  • Behavior-Driven Development (BDD)
    • Cucumber
    • SpecFlow
  • Acceptance Test-Driven Development (ATDD)
    • FitNesse
  • Continuous Testing
    • CI/CD Integration
    • Jenkins
    • Travis CI
    • GitHub Actions

Writing Effective Tests

  • Test Case Design
    • Clear and concise
    • Independent
    • Repeatable
  • Testing Pyramid
    • Unit Tests
    • Service Tests
    • UI Tests
  • Assertion Strategies
    • Basic assertions
    • Fluent assertions
  • Test Data Management
    • Test doubles (mocks, stubs, fakes)
    • Fixture management

Best Practices

  • Keeping Tests Maintainable
    • DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself)
    • Descriptive naming
    • Refactoring tests
  • Managing Test Environments
    • Isolated environments
    • Consistent state
  • Parallel Testing
    • Benefits
    • Challenges
    • Tools and techniques
  • Test Reporting and Analytics
    • Generating test reports
    • Analyzing test results
    • Tracking test metrics

Common Testing Challenges

  • Flaky Tests
    • Identifying flaky tests
    • Reducing flakiness
  • Test Debt
    • Accumulating test debt
    • Managing and reducing test debt
  • Legacy Code
    • Testing legacy systems
    • Refactoring for testability

Tools for Specific Programming Languages

  • Java
    • JUnit
    • TestNG
    • Mockito
    • JaCoCo
  • Python
    • pytest
    • unittest
    • Behave (BDD)
  • JavaScript
    • Jest
    • Mocha
    • Chai
    • Cypress
  • C#
    • NUnit
    • xUnit
    • MSTest
    • SpecFlow (BDD)


  • Official Documentation
  • Tutorials and Courses
    • Coursera
    • Udemy
    • Pluralsight
    • Codecademy
  • Books
    • "Test Driven Development: By Example" by Kent Beck
    • "Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship" by Robert C. Martin
    • "The Art of Unit Testing" by Roy Osherove
  • Online Communities
    • Stack Overflow
    • Reddit (r/testing)
    • Testing community forums
  • Practice Projects
    • Creating unit tests for a small application
    • Setting up a CI/CD pipeline with automated tests
    • Writing integration tests for a web service


  • Keeping up-to-date
    • Testing blogs and articles
    • Testing conferences and webinars
    • Community events