Sandip Suryawanshi's repositories
A leader in luxury beauty and skincare, our purpose at Sephora online India is to create an inviting online beauty shopping experience and inspire fearlessness.
New Delhi Television Ltd is an Indian news media company focusing on broadcast and digital news publication. The company is considered to be a legacy brand that pioneered independent news broadcasting in India, and is credited for launching the first 24x7 news channel and the first lifestyle channel in the country.
Portfolio Website build using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
TimeCamp was founded in 2008 and evolved from our CEO’s class assignment, the note-taking app. Now days it's main working area is manage time and give efffective output of task, so it is mainly designed to track your time
This project is all about building a modern GitHub readme profile which will display all your projects, tech stacks, contact details, git stats etc
My personal portfolio website